Chapter 6 Pre -amble for new characters

Dec 6, 2020 1:09 pm
The company records for FOC: Federated Oil and Chemical are a huge international company formed in 1908. They are involved in the exploitation of mineral resources including oil, coal, natural gas and others. They also manufacture raw chemicals for industrial use. FOC has major facilities in Canada, Great Britain, Italy and three in the United States as well as smaller operations worldwide.
Michael Abelard is the founder and current president of the board. He is Incredibly wealthy in post crash America

Some years ago, he and his son, Michael Junior were mountaineering in the Pyrenees. There was an accident there, it took the boys life and cost Abelard his legs. It was widely reported in the news, but what wasn't public was who, or what was behind the accident."

Abelard has always believed that Aliens, called the Mi-Go, were behind this tragedy and it has been his mission, to hunt them down and make them pay.

In the last year of years the focus of his attention has been on the town of Cobb’s Corners, Vermont. It is the location of a place called Broken Hill that seemed to be a hive of activity for the Mi-Go. It later became known that the hill was a source of a previously unknown element named Pasquallium, an ore of unknown origin. The Mi’Go were actively searching for deposits of this ore and in fact had a secret underground base in the hill.

In 1928, FOC funded Miskatonic U. to send a group of students performing archaeological research there. It ended in tragedy, with one student dying and another going missing.

The following year, 1929 a second group including Robert Blaine, the leader of the original expedition, returned to Cobb’s corners, interviewing locals on folklore while others continued the archaeological research. During that they uncovered a piece of Pasquallium (this was later recovered by the Mi-Go in an attack on the University.

Disaster struck again, the team were openly attacked by the Mi-go, revealing themselves for the first time. Many of the group were killed or carried away, a few escaped, including survivalist and engineering student Mathis Steele.

Note Mathis’ journal of events from this expedition has been recovered and can be read on request by anyone involved with this story. Because of the nature of this tale, it is not for the faint of heart. (anyone can read it here: Reading it will gain you +1 Mythos and -1d3 sanity)

November 1930, another expedition to Cobb’s Corners went ahead, with a number of FOC experts both in the field of psychology and the Mi-Go. Mathis Steele, at that point the only student still alive and sane to have seen the Mi-Go was also part of that group. In addition, FOC sent a large contingent of mercenary soldiers, armed to the teeth. It seems the intent of this was to draw out the Mi-Go (though this wasn’t explicitly stated)

Again, this ended in disaster. The troops, camped in the nearby woods were ambushed by not only Mi-Go but by an unknown entity , huge walking trees. Research on these has identified them as creatures known as Dark Young. They were wiped out almost completely with a few escaping to join Mathis’ team.

The house where the research team were staying was also devastated causing all to flee. It is not clear what happened but it was at this point the underground base at Broken Hill was discovered. A couple of FOC employees, Prof. David Drake and Dr Sarah Matherson, escaped at that point and managed to return to civilization, the rest including Mathis disappeared and were not heard from again.
Dec 6, 2020 1:25 pm
Following that it is unclear what happened, but Cobb's Corners was very nearly wiped from the map. Few bodies were found, What
few people managed to survive that hellish night have either been driven insane or refuse to talk about what happened. None of the FOC employees or independent civilians sent by FOC were found.

By the time state and government officials and support arrived, almost everything in Cobb’s Corners had been destroyed. Over 90% of the buildings were burnt to the ground by some kind of inferno that swept through the town.

The farms outside the town suffered a similar fate; only the rain stopped a major forest fire from starting. Even the once rich soil has been reduced to a chalk-like consistency. Rumour around FOC suggests some huge entity destroyed the town.

News reports over the next week report two conflicting stories. The more mundane report that a large fire swept through town killing many residents in their sleep, but the source of the fire is never stated or clarified. The second story suggests a meteor struck Cobb’s Corners, destroying the whole area. The reason behind this explanation is not given, but the reporter states he received his information from scientific sources working for the government.

FOC have managed to control media coverage and a lack of evidence of either Mi-Go or other entities ensures nothing enters the official record.
Dec 6, 2020 1:40 pm
Note that all of you have *some* experience with the Mi-Go. This might be in the form of practical dealings - witnessing the Mi-Go first hand, seeing the Dark Young, or the unknown creatures that escaped confinement and rampaged through Detroit office last year. It might also come in the form of theoretical knowledge, reading of special tomes and general research.

Everyone starts with 5 Mythos points (with the exception of existing characters who have their own knowledge) and I am allowing for up to two characters to be somewhat "experts" - for this I will allow and additional 10 Mythos points (to come from your character skill pool) at a cost of 10 sanity points or one random mania/phobia.
Dec 8, 2020 10:38 pm
What you know about the Mi-Go

• The mi-go are aliens and not native to the Earth
• They possibly come from somewhere referred to as
"Yuggoth "
• Physically, they appear to be a strange fusion of flesh
and fungus, able to change their skin color at will
• Some have wings and are able to fly
• They communicate by producing a buzzing, insect-like
• The aliens are looking for something on Earth,
perhaps minerals or metals, as they are most glimpsed
in remote mountainous areas
• They are also interested in human brains, as corpses
have been found with their brains completely and
surgically removed Some form of brain transplantation
technology appears to be in evidence
• They have some form of mind control and can recruit
humans to do their bidding
• The aliens utilize tools and strange, deadly weapons
Dec 23, 2020 6:16 pm
Knifesedgegames says:
Note that all of you have *some* experience with the Mi-Go. This might be in the form of practical dealings - witnessing the Mi-Go first hand, seeing the Dark Young, or the unknown creatures that escaped confinement and rampaged through Detroit office last year. It might also come in the form of theoretical knowledge, reading of special tomes and general research.

Everyone starts with 5 Mythos points (with the exception of existing characters who have their own knowledge) and I am allowing for up to two characters to be somewhat "experts" - for this I will allow and additional 10 Mythos points (to come from your character skill pool) at a cost of 10 sanity points or one random mania/phobia.

Amendment - using experienced investigator rules
Dec 29, 2020 1:25 pm
Can everyone introduce your character, how long you've been with FOC and what you are known for.
Dec 29, 2020 3:34 pm
Charles Wilson has been a long time employee of FOC, helping develop and refine chemical processes, explore new mining and surveying technologies and filling various other technical roles. He has a reputation for helping solve the most challenging technical issues the company has faced. He recently developed a friendship with Mathis, conferring with the man about the different Mi-Go technologies and the strange element found at Cobb's corner. Mathis' disappearance has shaken Charles, and he has signed on to this mission in the hopes of finding answers about his new friend. He also expresses a fascination for the element Mathis described wondering aloud What technical boundaries might be broken with such an element...
Last edited December 29, 2020 3:35 pm
Dec 29, 2020 6:24 pm
Doctor Rupert Mallard is in his late 30s and has not been with the company over long. His medical and military background have made him useful however, and he is on call to examine any bodies (human or otherwise) that might need it. Je has a doctors satchel at all times and is frequently found writing in a notebook when ever possible. If anyone shares a war story it goes in the notebook. anything exciting really.
But beyond that he is a good physician (even though he disagrees). I would. like to personally examine one of the creatures
Dec 31, 2020 6:34 pm
Larry is the guy you need to know when you need something. His Italian background helps a lot and he can acquire things no questions asked and rarely fails. Larry has decided with all of his "connections" he could do well for himself as a P.I. and he really wants to learn more about that crazy stuff that went down on several jobs. He will take any jobs, but prefers ones doing with the occult. He got rid of his nice home and traded it for an office with an apartment above it. If money gets tight, he figures he can rent the apartment and live in his office. He has contacted his "friend" the book dealer and tries to read as much as he can on the strange and unusually. Sometimes he seems to slip into his alter conscience, Stephen, but he never knows it and it hasn't caused any issues before.

He has on occasion done some hush work and investigations for FOC, on and off for several years. He was suppose to go on an earlier expedition, but got attacked in the basement of a house and lay nearly dead as the plane took off. The horrible experience might have saved his life, but he knows he can hopefully redeem himself in the eyes of the FOC as they paid him well and sent odd artifacts his way from time to time.

He has been formally introduced to a few of the problem insects and has survived, and is pretty sure his knife is the perfect weapon against them.
Last edited December 31, 2020 6:41 pm
Dec 31, 2020 7:12 pm
What ever you need... Larry GETS. Great characters so far guys!
Jan 4, 2021 3:00 pm
Robert Steele-Muldoon is the grandson of Scotch-Irish immigrants that settled in the North Carolina backcountry. His parents struck out west, and he was born in Boulder, CO the year before its city government was formally incorporated. He grew up a child of the frontier, hunting large game for sport and sustenance, before he started getting twitchy for bigger adventures. He signed up for the American Scouts when he was 19 and set sail for South Africa to fight alongside the Boers. When his service concluded, he returned to the States, and earned a living as a hunter and wilderness guide for hapless fortune-seekers heading west.

During this time, he struck up a correspondence with his nephew, Mathis. Finding the youth to be of a similar spirit, he appointed himself as a sort of mentor, and he followed with great interest as Mathis wrote him letters describing some of the strange and wonderous beasts he'd encountered in his recent adventures. When Mathis' letters dried up, he wrote to the boy's most recent employer, a strange organization called "FOC". When they wrote back expressing they might be interested in employing a man with Bobby's skillset, he didn't wait to hop on the first train to Detroit.

A new adventure lay in front of him, and his prize would be the rarest piece of taxidermy that man had ever seen.
Jan 6, 2021 9:45 pm
Wilhelm was born in 1885 in Konigsberg, East Prussia, to a pair of academics. The eldest of 3 boys, he avoided being drafted in the Great War due to a childhood injury stemming from a fall on the schoolyard playground, though his younger brothers weren't afforded the same fate. While Helmut, the middle child, survived with only mild injuries, the youngest - Fritz - never returned home from his post on the Western front, a fact which still haunts Wilhelm to this day. It was in grappling with this loss that Wilhelm first came to "know" the Mythos, his mental and emotional state making him more receptive to the dark and terrifying realities of the cosmos. The feverish nightmares in which he communes with these cosmic terrors have come and gone over the years but increasingly have bled into his waking reality, the voices of the Old Ones still echoing in his head long after he's arisen from bed.

Wilhelm is of medium build - 5'10" and 185 lbs, with receding, short gray hair, mustache, and piercing blue eyes magnified by thick, round glasses. He requires the use of a walking cane to make his way around, and while this impedes his mobility, the silver eagle's head at its handle is heavy and makes for a wonderful cudgel.

He hold a professorship back home but is currently visiting the local university. His experiences with and knowledge of the occult, while not widely broadcast, can certainly be uncovered if one knows where to look and whom to ask. And Abelard did know, which is how he'd come under the employ of FOC over the past year.
Last edited January 6, 2021 9:54 pm
Feb 27, 2021 7:36 pm
Ernest Brown is a simple man. He's white, a bit above medium height, has a full beard and square glasses. Ernest has a major in archaeology but doesn't work inside the Academia. Instead, he works with Rescue Archaeology. That's how he got hired by FOC in the first place, rescuing the archaeological remains from the places that they will explore before the exploration behind.

Besides archaeology, he has two more major interests: hunting and the occult. The latter one, though, he tries to forget about sometimes. Knowing what he knows, even though it's just a small part of the occult secrets of the world, has troubled his mind in some ways that he doesn't know if will ever be fixed. His first and only practical experience with the occult was the witnessing of the terrible creatures known as Mi-Go during a rescue job in the Chihuahuan desert.

Ernest didn't pay much attention to it at the moment. He just ran towards the car and drove away as fast as he could. His biggest struggle began afterwards. If he denied what he had seen, he would be admitting that he was losing it, seeing things, allucinating. If he admitted what he had seen, he would be admitting the existance of unknown alien-like creatures. After weeks of consideration, he decided for the second option. It was best to admit that the humankind still didn't know everything. And he couldn't admit that he was losing his mind, even though knowing the existance of this creatures made him feel a bit... defective.

But now, when a friend from the FOC called asking him to do a special job, he couldn't say no. It's time to drop the trowel, load the hunting rifle and see what this new adventure is holding up for him.
Last edited February 27, 2021 9:33 pm

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