Dec 6, 2020 1:38 pm
You don't always get what you like, but if you don't ask then you will certainly not get it.
I would like to play a D&D 5e game.
I would like to play at least lev 5 and above. I intent to play a Bladesinger
I would like to play in a small group (GM + up to 4 players), leaving room for character interaction and development.
I would like to play in the Planescape setting or Spelljammer setting. Or Eberron. Or something similiar
Now the question is, would you like to be my GM?
I would like to play a D&D 5e game.
I would like to play at least lev 5 and above. I intent to play a Bladesinger
I would like to play in a small group (GM + up to 4 players), leaving room for character interaction and development.
I would like to play in the Planescape setting or Spelljammer setting. Or Eberron. Or something similiar
Now the question is, would you like to be my GM?
Last edited Dec 6, 2020 10:08 pm