Character Design

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Dec 11, 2020 1:12 am
Sorry, I've been having some health issues. I found out today that I might have a torn labrum in my left groin which has seriously restricted my mobility. That's on top of everything else. I don't have that many questions about the character. I just need to find the time and the energy to get it all written down and understand as a whole.
Dec 11, 2020 1:26 am
Ugh. I'm sorry to hear this. Hang in there and take your time.
Dec 11, 2020 1:43 am
Woah, hope you feel better Aldrusian. He's to a smooth recovery.
Dec 11, 2020 6:21 pm
Okay, Gene, mutated dragonfly it is. Your free broad skills change to Acrobatics, Unarmed Attack, Stamina, Knowledge, Awareness, and Interaction. You are still sized Small (about 1 meter) and you move at 1/2 speed on the ground and swimming (though you can buy the ground movement to normal just as you did with the hummingbird). Your ability minimums and maximums change to STR 6-15, DEX 6-15, CON 6-15, INT 4-11, WIL 4-12, PER 4-11.

You still have the wings mutation (though the form changes), but lose your Hyper Reflexes. You keep all of your drawbacks (but see below). You also gain the following two mutations:

Natural Armor: You have a chitinous armored body, granting you 1d4+1 against low impact, 1d4 against high impact, and 1d4-1 against energy attacks.

Natural Attack: You can attack with your mandibles, inflicting 1d6+2s/1d4w/1d4+2w (all low impact) damage in unarmed melee combat.

But you have a choice to make. You only get one mutation point. You can use it to buy an Ordinary mutation (using your previous roll, this would be Improved Physical Ability--Constitution, which increases your CON score by 1 point), or you can buy off your decreased ground speed and move at normal pace.

In either case, your Reduced Ability Score drawback no longer applies and you will have to roll d12 for a new drawback.
Dec 11, 2020 7:34 pm
Aldrusian, hope you heal quickly.

Whtknt: Please look over my character. Submitted today.
Dec 11, 2020 10:45 pm
umbraldragon says:
Whtknt: Please look over my character. Submitted today.
Character looks good and has been approved.
Dec 11, 2020 11:02 pm
I know it's a little confusing, but his name is Kitoshi. His surname is Hiroaki. His nickname is Oki no, Toko-Noko. Oki for short. It means "Big Boy."
Dec 12, 2020 12:25 am
Drawback rolling. Might want to look over my mutations and drawbacks to see if the balance is right.

Drawback - (1d12)

( 8 ) = 8
Last edited December 12, 2020 12:38 am


Drawback - (1d12)

(8) = 8

Dec 12, 2020 2:05 am
umbraldragon says:
I know it's a little confusing, but his name is Kitoshi. His surname is Hiroaki. His nickname is Oki no, Toko-Noko. Oki for short. It means "Big Boy."
*Blink* *Blink*

"Too many names for one person, even a person as big as you. I'll call you Oki"

Awesome, welcome aboard!
Dec 12, 2020 2:37 am
I've submitted what I have so far. I know it's not much. I thought I had a pdf of the rules but I haven't been able to find it.
Dec 12, 2020 4:42 am
I second that notion Aldrusian. I got the core version but not the original 1e version.
Dec 12, 2020 7:50 pm
I do have the Alternity Gamma World Campaign Setting.pdf (TSR 11620) Which is an aid.
It doesn't seem to cover the same mutations that I have. Are you using a different source for Mutations and such?

Skill Section seems to be different as well.

Pirate bay and the word Alternity bring up Complete Alternity. Just a thought.
Edit: I have changed my avatar. I like this one better. It kinda has a face to it.
Edit II: I could use the adjustments to making a Dragonfly too. I removed all adjustments for the Hummingbird.
Edit III: Are there any other advantages to being a free agent other than the bonus on some skills (-1 go get).
Last edited December 12, 2020 11:34 pm
Dec 13, 2020 3:12 am
For the mutant animals, I am using the Dragon magazine article "Gamma Squirrel & Mutant Moose" (Dragon #272), along with a document of my own creation that was featured in Action Check fanzine called "Mutant Animals of the Vast Swamp". I cannot offer a copy of Dragon #272 (as I do not advocate piracy), but I am free to distribute the article I wrote and another by Niel Spicer called "Mutated Plant Heroes" (also from Action Check). Those wanting the original 'zines can find them free of charge at I think that the relevant issues are August 2000 for "Mutated Plant Heroes" and July 2000 for "Mutant Animals of the Vast Swamp". That issue also contains another article I wrote entitled "It's Not Easy Being Green" for playing Gren heroes. I also note that they have a transcript of "Gamma Squirrel and Mutant Moose" available here.
Dec 13, 2020 3:29 am
The other benefits of being a Free Agent are:
* Action Check Score Increases: A Free Agent's action check score is increased by 2 points.
* Resistance Bonus: Choose on ability and improve the resistance modifier by 1 step. For example, if you choose Will for your hero who has a Will score of 11, that Ability's resistance modifier from +1 step to +2 steps.
* Last Resort Bonus: Free Agent heroes start play with a number of last resort points based on their Personality scores, but their maximum is increased by 1. Therefore, a Free Agent with a PER score of 12 has a maximum of 3 last resort points instead of 2. Also, a Free Agent can spend 2 last resort points to alter an action instead of the usual 1 point.

The adjustments for the dragonfly were given above. Your new drawback is another reroll (to save time, I have rolled it below). Your mutations look good except that you lose the Enhanced Reflexes completely. As a mutant animal, you get fewer mutation points because you start with some bonus mutations. As a dragonfly, you get only 1 mutation point to spend, and you spent it on enhanced ground movement.

The 9 results in a duplicate drawback, trying again.

Your new drawback is:
Diminshed Senses: You are less perceptive than normal. This results in a +1 step penalty to Awareness-perception and Investigate-search or track checks, as well as to any other skill checks that rely on sensory input. You also have a +1 step penalty to attack at long range.


Drawback - (1d12)

(9) = 9

Drawback retry - (1d12)

(2) = 2

Dec 13, 2020 5:06 am
Thanx. Located the Dragon Magazine #272.
Question: Aren't Natural Attack and Natural Armor traits and not mutations. So the don't count against my 4 mutations?

I currently used Normal Movement and Wings for mutations. If true then I need two 1 point mutations.
Dec 13, 2020 7:35 am
Nope. They are considered mutations.
Dec 14, 2020 10:09 pm
Hi all, apologies for dragging my heels so far - works been bonkers the last couple of weeks. I'm going to read through everything and work on my character over the next couple of days.
Dec 15, 2020 5:57 am
Being mostly done except for gear which is next to nothing for a small Dragonfly probably.

Free agent feat Last Resort Bonus: I have 0 last resort. Does this let me now have 1 Last resort point?

What is an Action Check score that I have a +2 on it?
Last edited December 15, 2020 6:00 am
Dec 15, 2020 1:09 pm
Thanks for the add to the game. I work in healthcare so I'm kinda in crazy world right now, but should have some time to read through everything and work on my character tonight and tomorrow.
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