Well, I'm pretty sure that was the case back in D&D 3.X, but I haven't found any confirmation for PF. But it would make sense if it stayed the same. Maybe they just omitted stating it in the PF rulebook... for 8 years... XD
Anyways. A little bit more sanity check. Back when I ran Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, I noticed that some important NPCs were badly made and thus would not survive the encounter in which the PCs met them, so I changed their feats a bit to give them much-needed feats to increase their survivability. Well, I haven't yet manage to find anything remotely similiar in PF yet, so I've decided to go ahead and convert those feats to PF.
Now, those feats where mostly made with paladins in mind, who had a sub-par turn undead (which is still sort of the case in PF), so they would give paladins options to use their turning attempts and not be useless doing so, hence the weird thing I did in the conversion. Anyways, tell me what you think...
Divine Vigor
You can channel energy to increase your speed and durability.
Prerequisite: Channel energy or lay on hands ability
Benefit As a standard action, spend one of your channel energy attempts (if you are a cleric) or your lay on hands attempt (if you are a paladin) to increase your base speed by 10 feet and gain +2 temporary hit points per character level. These effects las a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier.
Sacred Vitality
You can channel positive energy to gain protection from damage to your abilities or your life force.
Prerequisite: Channel positive energy or lay on hands ability.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can spend on of your channel positive energy (if a good cleric) or lay on hands (if a paladin) attempts to gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain for 1 minute.