Dec 24, 2020 9:26 pm
Hi all. I've been inspired to start a game again. I want to do Shadowrun 6e, as its new and I want to learn it better. I'll be honest, my experience with Shadowrun is limited, but where there's a will, there's a way. I am aware of the bugs for this version, but I'll just have to adjudicate those as best I can. I'm not looking for experts in 6e, but rather players, who just want to learn Shadowrun(myself included). There is no sheet available here for 6e, so game will use Custom. Also I am not well-versed in lore, and I might make some elements homebrew. Players would need a physical copy of the book, or a PDF. Ideally I want 4-5 players.
Rest assured I will make mistakes, and maybe players too. That is ok, as this is not a high pressure game, where details are gonna kill you. I only ask for patience and a desire to play. Posting will be 3-4 times per week. If I get enough interest, I will make the game ASAP. Comment below if you are interested and I hope we can have some fun. Core Book only will be used.
Rest assured I will make mistakes, and maybe players too. That is ok, as this is not a high pressure game, where details are gonna kill you. I only ask for patience and a desire to play. Posting will be 3-4 times per week. If I get enough interest, I will make the game ASAP. Comment below if you are interested and I hope we can have some fun. Core Book only will be used.

Last edited Dec 24, 2020 9:45 pm