Would you define
problem posters for me?
Or do you want to copy/paste my social contract into your game header?
If you play in my game we agree to the social contract that:
- We will be active and do our best to keep the post frequency. If you can not, let your GM know. Examens, holidays, divorce, sickness, there can be a thousand valid reasons for not having the spare time to play. But have you agreed to play, then there are no valid reasons not to spend 1 minute to tell your GM that you can't make it for a while.
- Match the format of the GM and the other players. When GM and other players make a big effort into their post, formatting spoken words in bold, writing in the third person, you will do the same. Anything less just shows that you don't care about the game, the GM, and the other players. If you don't know how, like giving your character an avatar, then ask and you will get help.
when I read your title I immediately thought of my problems with
random forest, but I don't think it is relevant :D