Under New Ownership

Jan 4, 2021 4:07 pm
Sabadell Financial Center - Brickell Ave. Miami, FL

As was typical late in the afternoons on all but the busiest of work days Cho came to Valentino’s office for a bit of respite from the monotony of work and to share a few minutes of playful flirting and office gossip. Staring out the window, whatever comment that may have been on the diminutive Japanese woman’s pouty lips was interrupted by the sudden opening of the office door, admitting Valentino’s brother and Fabio – an associate sometimes found in the company of the pair of brothers – and a clearly perturbed secretary profusely apologizing for the interruption. The look she cast towards Ernesto was one of disappointment – having chastised him before for barging into the office unannounced – before turning to one of unbridled disgust as it shifted towards Fabio, rolling her eyes at the wink the man offered in response. With a shy "I’ll talk to you later" for Valentino and a polite welcome to Ernesto followed by an uncomfortable and forced smile towards Fabio, Cho quickly exited the expansive office.

"Whoa," Fabio exclaimed as he shifted his hips and made a show of adjusting the front of his pants, "Please tell me you’ve hit that already --- got an ass like a …" Before the second generation Italian fence could elaborate, the taller and considerably more muscular of the pair interrupted with a pointed glare and turned towards his more smartly and elegantly dressed brother.

"We have a job," he stated simply before his mouth began to widen in a slight smirk, "That is if you can find the time away from your cushy ivory tower to mingle with us peasants."

And WELCOME to your first proper Spycraft 2.0 mission!!

I don't want to overwhelm you with rules, rolls, etc.. so wanted to pause here to give you a chance to elaborate on (if you desire) anything Valentino and Cho may have been speaking on, flirting, etc. AND also give you a chance to reply to Ernesto and Fabio's arrival.

Keep in mind that typically you don't have much interaction with your Contacts but ... that being said they are real characters and seemed like the kind of person your Freelance network (La Famiglia in this case) would send as part of any crew they put together given how they don't have a strong presence in Miami yet. Not to get your hopes up too much ... it will require a roll still if you want to make use of his ability he provides you as remember Contacts are more like 'people who know people' so success/failure would mean Fabio could/could not get a hold of his person.

This is a Caliber II mission

Questions? Feel free to ask HERE or on Discord.

We'll let you ease into things ... so reply as you see fit to Ernesto and Fabio's entrance, I'll then have them explain the 'job' and we'll move on from there with gear selection, etc. :-)

Jan 4, 2021 5:00 pm
"Thank you, Keira. It is quite alright."

Valentino comments to his secretary, with a encouraging smile. She was quite new, and Ernesto was an infrequent visitor...and bringing Fabio indicated a serious matter. Maybe an excuse for barging in, or so his brother might think.

"One doesn't choose one's family, eh!"

He nods at Cho as she leaves, maybe a little out of sorts from his most recent rejection, and moves over to his desk, and the comfortable leather swivel chair behind it. He motions to Ernesto and Fabio to help themselves to a drink and take a seat.

His office had a small bar with a selection of mid-range (for his tastes) beverages. White and red wines, small bottles of champagne, french brandy, scottish whisky and a vintage port. Not to mention various soft drinks, nibbles, and all the necessary glassware. He also had a humidor with a range of cigars, but the building being non-smoking he didn't usually offer them around.

His eyebrows raised at Fabio's comment but, as the man was a valued colleague, he judged his brother's glare as sufficient, and held himself back. At least the man had waited for the girl to leave.

He also didn't rise to the bait at his brother's comment on his cushy number, but let them wait for a moment as he poured himself a glass of mineral water. This was, after all, his home turf.

"A job?"

He asks, not bothering to hide his curiosity.

"Tell me about it!"
Last edited January 4, 2021 5:04 pm
Jan 5, 2021 2:45 am
Smirking, at his brother's ignoring of his comment regarding his seemingly elevated position in the financial world, he took the offered seat - declining the offer of a drink with a small wave of his calloused hands - his slightly dirty, worn jeans and work boots a stark contrast to the office's posh interior. Fabio however, happily accepted the drink offer, sauntering over to Valentino's modest bar to pour a generous glass of Scotch from where he had closed the office door. Leaning back against the wall, his stylish leather jacket and slacks with a button down more in place with the decor than the building contractor Ernesto.

He turned from the fence with an amused snort, his gaze taking in the impressive view before finally meeting the curious eyes of his brother. "It seems some Russian mob boss has fallen out of favor with his superiors ... needless to say his business has suffered. Much of it has been scooped up in house --- but a few are up for grabs."

His brow quirked in question, meeting the younger Licario's steady gaze, "An opportunity to get a foothold, no? However small?"
Jan 5, 2021 11:05 pm
"I suppose the more lucrative, and illegal, have already been grabbed?"

Valentino comments. His brother was familiar with his attitude to business of that type. That didn't mean that he wouldn't ask for help, or that he wouldn't receive it, but he might consider the asking a bit longer.

"I am all for making the most of opportunities! What time scale are we talking about, and how can I be of help?"
Last edited January 5, 2021 11:05 pm
Jan 6, 2021 2:43 am
Ernesto shrugged his broad shoulders in response to his brother's comments, "I don't know if it was a question of being lucrative or not --- more they might not be worth the headache. At least in the Russians minds." His eyes drifted towards Fabio as if seeking some sort of confirmation. If the fence had an opinion or anything to offer, he responded only with a knowing smile while knocking back what remained of the Scotch and rose to help his self to another.

"No time table necessarily ... though the more they remain independent the more difficult it will most certainly be to bring them around," he offered, turning is attention once again on his smartly dressed sibling, "You're looking at a massage parlor -- one that specializes in 'happy endings' -- a chop shop, forger, and backroom casino.

"The intel we have is decent ... and we of course will be provided with whatever we need."

I couldn't find a great way to present this information in the narrative so going to provide the basics here. Feel free to ask questions IC or respond with Valentino's reactions as you see fit and post the questions below in OOC.

Massage Parlor - Run by a husband and wife who besides providing legitimate spa services also run and escort service and prostitutes.
It is believed the do not have much in the way of protection ... perhaps a small caliber pistol or such to deter thieves.

Chop Shop - Was originally covertly run as a chop shop by one of the mechanics until the owner found out and attempted to shut the operation down. The Russians 'persuaded' the owner that it was in his best interest to continue the side business. With the mob boss out of favor and his contact in the shop having fled the owner has since been turning car thieves away. The owner has (3) mechanics and (2) junkyard/guard dogs in his employ.

Forger - A print shop whose owner, a former member of the OSS in WWII, had a knack for mastering fake IDs. Rumored he enjoyed the challenge of his work and provided the Russians with quality forgeries.

Backroom Casino - An exclusive, high roller casino offering numerous card tables and roulette wheels that has become popular with Miami's elite. The operator has struck out on his own after the crime boss's fall from grace. Knowing his power play would not go unnoticed the operator has hired a team of bodyguards. The clientele is also what makes the project so lucrative so storming the casino would hurt the profitability.

Roll - If you desire, Valentino can make a Profession/Accomplishment check against DC 21 to 'negotiate his mission contract' to increase his Net Worth award at the end of the mission by $50,000 (of course a Threat or Critical Success on the roll means a greater reward). See page 60 of the Spycraft 2.0 rule book for a brief description of Net Worth - but represents Valentino's standing with his network of supporters and can be spent to gain gear and other benefits without a Request Check.

Exposure Penalties - Avoid Incidents, Avoid Noise, and Maintain Anonymity (see Table 7.7 for brief descriptions)

Questions? Just ask :-)
Jan 6, 2021 11:48 pm
Valentino listens as they outline the situation at the four businesses in question, and then he runs the information through his head for about five minutes, before coming up with a preliminary plan.

"I believe we could offer the massage parlour a standard level of protection in return for a percentage of takings. I can sweeten the offer by suggesting that at least a part of their payment would be covered by the extra business we might put their way. We could even legitimize it by making one of ours a partner in the business, and let him deal with the security personally."

"The casino would require a discreet visit, personally of course. Once I have met the proprietor, I can better guage his needs and disposition towards cooperation."

"I have a friend who could sound out the chop shop for me, at least to begin with. Considering the owner's preference for staying legitimate, do we have a need for a chop shop, or would another relationship be in order?"

"As far as the forger is concerned, if he enjoys his work then we can encourage him to carry it on. Presuming we wish an exclusive deal, what can we offer him beyond protection? Again, I would have to visit him to see if he is the sort to go to the highest bidder. Still, as he is from the OSS, I might be able to appeal to his moral code."

He pauses, and then continues...

"...but considering he worked for the Russians before, he might well not have a moral code."
I'd like to roll for my net worth. I'll check that out tomorrow!
Jan 7, 2021 4:29 pm
Ernesto and Fabio shared a knowing glance as Valentino digested the information, the logistics and calculations going through the financier's head the reason they always came to him for his insight - and if they could convince him, to join them outright on their jobs.

After several minutes Valentino relayed his thoughts, eliciting enthusiastic nods from his accomplices. "I'm sure we can come to an agreement with the shop owner that would be less illegal," his brother intoned, "So ... what are you thinking we should hit first?"
Still plenty of time for planning ... you can bounce ideas/questions off of Ernesto IC or post them direct to me OOC.

But I do want you to start thinking about your mission gear. As a Fixer you get 2(R)esources and 1(T)radecraft. Valentino's Charisma modifier of +2 also provides him with (2) picks that can be chosen from any mixture of the following: (E)lectronics, (S)ecurity, (V)ehicles, and (W)eapons.

Keep in mind you can also keep picks in reserve (Common picks as well).
Jan 8, 2021 6:46 pm
"I think that we could 'hit' them all more or less at the same time."

Valentino replies.

"It wastes the least time, and if we want to haul in all four fish, I don't know how much time we have."

"I think that today I would like to indulge in a massage and a jacuzzi after work, and then maybe play a little roulette."

"I would require enough of a stake to not appear inconsequential. I can provide that myself, or take it from you, as you wish. Whoever invests gets the risk and the winnings. I might as well take a companion with me, and as the massage parlour provides escorts, that fits the bill perfectly, should they be suitable. If not, maybe I will ask Cho."

"I will also require a vehicle. Preferably an oldtimer needing more than an oil change. Maybe even a project car or barn find. Unless, of course, the chop shop has something suitable for sale. If my friend has time, I can let her deal with all that. I know nothing about cars, so I need a decent reconnaisance before we start making any offers."

"While I am enjoying my massage, it would be good if someone could find out some information about the bodyguards at the casino. Can you arrange that? Are they freelance or employed by an agency, or even employed by the casino full time? Are they any good? Do they have any links to people who might cause trouble?"

"That leaves the forger. What do you think, Fabio? That's more your speciality?"

With that man's libido, he might be more interested in visiting the massage parlour, but as useful as he might be, Valentino did not enjoy his company. So, he kept it as a business relationship and didn't spend any more time with him than necessary – which had the added advantage of making their link less obvious....when the man didn't visit him in his office.

Valentino, personally, did not see the point in paying for sex. Although, from a financial point of view taking a girlfriend out was probably more expensive, especially the sort of girls he graduated to, and where he took them!
Last edited January 8, 2021 9:15 pm
Jan 8, 2021 11:48 pm
Net worth roll.


NW - (1d20+12)

(7) + 12 = 19

Jan 9, 2021 6:24 pm
Sabadell Financial Center - Brickell Ave. Miami, FL

As Valentino deftly laid out his plan, he could help but notice the slight uneasy glances exchanged between his brother and his more unrefined associate. His older brother let him finish, a final glance to Fabio, "Are you sure that's wise brother? Splitting up? The Russian's haven't managed to wrangle these businesses back in line so there must be a reason --- Fabio and I were sort of thinking we'd be the muscle."

Nodding his head slowly in agreement over the lip of his whiskey glass, "So as not to spook anybody, nobody got too close --- any additional information you want we'll have to acquire it ourselves," Fabio added.

"Though your idea to visit the massage parlor and then the casino is a good one," Ernesto stated over his associate, "though from what we're told the owners may need a healthy dose of 'convincing' ". Placing emphasis on convince with air quotes, the elder Licario clearly thought just talking to the couple wasn't going to cut it.
Okay ... back at home with some time to look over some things. Good news! I just noticed that Valentino's Fixer ability 'Self Promoter' already provides an extra bonus to Net Worth at the end of the mission so the roll would have just padded Valentino's stats anyway.

Don't forget to include mention of his negotiations in one of your posts once we get through this planning bit ... if you look at the most recent thread (Internal Affairs) from Bill for Stephan he pretty much summarized the roll in one sentence, stating how Stephen was able to negotiate better terms for his contract or something of that nature. In this case (and this is for your information and general helpfulness in learning the system not railroading your character) with Valentino's 'Self Promoter' ability you could say something like he wasn't able to secure any additional compensation or incentives on top of his usual bonuses, or similar.

Splitting up is a good idea ... however as you are the only true PC at the moment I hesitate to have an NPC (particularly a Contact) do the work of one of the scenes. You can certainly solicit your Contact for assistance but Valentino will have to do the work.

Also by your wording I couldn't tell if you wanted to use one of your Charisma bonus Gear Picks to get the Vehicle you asked about or if you were attempting to utilize Fabio's Acquaintance 'Priority Request' to get the Vehicle?

Please use the following format/template (taken from RusVal for their mission - so yours will look different) when you decide on your gear:

Mission Picks
Steyr AUG Para 9mm P (32M14 Non-Lethal rounds, 1.5x telescopic sight, vertical foregrip)
Interceptor Armor (Vest Only)
Feat Training - Concealed Carry

Beretta 92 [M9] (15M4 FMJ, Holster [concealed])
Goggles [Night Vision]
Cal I Headset [Tactical]

Common Items
Challenge Coin
PDA/Cell Phone
Gaming Apps for PDA/Cell Phone
Zip Ties (100)
Grapple Hook (In Vehicle Pick)
Mechanics Kit III (II In Vehicle pick, rest in truck)
FBI ID (At home)
Geiger Counter
(Extra 4)
Trendy Clothes
Jan 11, 2021 10:24 pm
"I wasn't aware that the Russians were short on muscle."

Valentino replies.

"So, either they applied it and it didn't work, or they didn't bother to apply it."

He shrugs.

"From what you tell me the massage couldn't resist against muscle, the forger probably couldn't either, and neither could the chop shop."

"Whatever, I am not interested in getting involved in a punch-up or a shoot-out. I would, on the other hand, be very grateful to be rescued should things go wrong."

"Still, I am planning to present myself as a customer, and act as a customer. I shall then make contact with the owner as a customer."
Last edited January 11, 2021 10:24 pm
Jan 12, 2021 2:44 am
The elder Licario shrugged at the younger's reply, "Rumor is they did lose a lot of guys on that incident with the train a few weeks back that was all over the news."

The statement elicited an amused snort from Fabio, "Yeah ... I remember that. Pazzo agents jumped onto a moving train." The fence placed his empty glass on Valentino's desk, right beside the handcrafted wood coasters, oblivious to the water mark the glass was undoubtedly going to leave. "So --- we wait in the car while you get the magic touch?" he chuckled, a slight disappointment to his tone, clearly indicating his preference to playing the 'customer'.

The pair looked towards each other and then at Valentino, shrugging to indicate they had exhausted their knowledge the potential targets, placing the lead on the financier's shoulders.
Okay ... so post any response that you may have and post your gear/equipment.

Then on to the massage parlor?
Jan 12, 2021 1:59 pm
I also meant to mention ... you don't have to go into too much detail but describe how you get your gear from your network.
If you read the first few posts of the Internal Affairs thread Bill offers a great example of this where he mentions Stephan getting his gear from his network (which is similar to Anonymous). He also offers a good example of my next point as well ...

In this case you won't have any secondary objectives from your Allegiance (The Bloodvine Syndicate) as in this case your Freelance network's (La Famiglia) objectives are in line with theirs ... which is getting a foothold in Miami. You can write up how you make contact with them. For example in the Internal Affairs thread you will see that RusVal has a very well developed Handler with a dedicated cell phone which he has interaction with and actually makes great use of miliatary jargon ... Bill with Stephan is more cloak and dagger and he uses a combination of bulletin board posts and emails to communicate with his handlers. Both are excellent examples ... Bill in a couple of sentences, Rusval in a pretty lengthy dialogue.
Jan 20, 2021 4:49 pm
Valentino raises his hands in feigned submission, and then winks at Fabio as he surreptitiously moves the whisky glass onto the coaster where it belongs.

"Va bene, va bene, there is no need for you both to spend the whole night in the car. If you want a trip to the casino, why not. Just pretend you don't know me, and no fighting unless they start it! Capisce?"

"While I'm having my massage, try to delve up what you can on those bodyguards, and the forger. Maybe you can get me one of those pager things to press if things get dicey?""

"Now, let's get this show on the road!"

Valentino reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out his mobile phone, and calls Sweet Mama.
Last edited January 20, 2021 4:52 pm
Jan 21, 2021 2:48 am
The pair that would be happily playing the part of 'the muscle' shared a knowing glance and smile as the more smartly dressed man in the room took charge, seemingly dismissing the two with marching orders and retrieving his phone from the breast pocket of his expensive designer coat.

With a nod of understanding Ernesto and Fabio stood and head for the door, the elder Lacario mimicking a phone with his hands and mouthed 'call me with anything you think you might need' before departing. Whatever inappropriate things Fabio saying to Keira muffled by the heavy wood door.

His cleaning lady, or more like close associate and friend, picked up on the first ring, her Caribbean English accent thick, "Wha canna do fo you Mista Licario?"
Jan 21, 2021 10:45 am
"Hello, Sweet Mama! How are you doing today?"

Valentino responds, a grin forming automatically on his face.

"I need a bit of help with a car related issue. Not driving this time. More like your expertise! Can you spare a few hours this evening and tomorrow? It'll be double rate and expenses."

Valentino usually paid 20 dollars an hour, and was generous with bonuses. Not to mention birthday presents and such like. He favoured the personal touch, and knew that if you wanted to have the best people, you had to look after them.
Last edited January 21, 2021 10:49 am
Jan 21, 2021 8:56 pm
"Good day, Mista Licario, I'm doin jus fine," came the Caribbean woman's bubbly response, "Oh, Ima sho I canna fine some time, anyt'ign fo you --- and you are jus to generous Mista Licario. What do you have in mind?"

Ever reliable, Valentino knew that if she couldn't make it herself she would send one of her many friends or family members as the pair had come to an understanding long ago regarding his sometimes extracurricular activities. The young(ish), dark skinned woman always willing to help out when and where she could with a willingness and exuberance that couldn't help but bring a smile to the well groomed financier's face.
Jan 22, 2021 5:55 pm
"Well, there is the M&R Auto Repair workshop down in Kendell. I'd like to know if they know their business."

He pauses.

"I mean, REALLY know their business. So I was wondering if you could find some sort of half-derelict sports car, take it down there and see if their faces light up at the idea of working on it, or whether they look at you like you are crazy."

"And, you might consider picking one you like driving, as I might be inclined to keep it!"
Jan 22, 2021 8:04 pm
"Doh hot yuh head {Don't worry about it} Mista Licario," Sweet Mamma exclaimed, "I know jus who to ax."

There was a slight pause, leaving Valentino the impression she was committing the specifics to memory, "Free up {Relax}, Das meh real horse {That's my good friend} --- a street racer --- he ill know eff dey know deh stuff."
You can copy and post the below in your next post but so we can begin to assemble Valentino's gear I am starting the list below:

Mission Picks
(R)esource: Reconnaissance, broad (Sweet Mamma - H&R Auto Repair)
Open (E,S,V, or W): (V)ehicle - Car, classic (1950 Chevrolet Fleetline) - (Sweet Mamma)
Open (E,S,V, or W):

Berretta 93R
Sword Cane
Cal 1 Computer, laptop

Common Items
Cell Phone (VIP)
Cell Phone
Attache Case (with interchangeable liners)
Quality Cigars in leather case

A lot of gear to select and I don't want to overwhelm you so for this introductory mission I'm not going to be a stickler on the rules but typically you would be expected to select all your gear and with a Wisdom modifier of +1 you can hold one pick in Reserve.
The Common Items marked /Open are Common Items that you get each mission, the ones before are items that you probably always have on you and rarely get changed.

Questions? Just ask ... and like I said we can organically fill in the list as we progress through the mission via roleplaying and OOC discussion (as I believe you said you were thinking about a Dossier on the Forger?) and should set you up to really only having to decide on your mission gear and extra Common items each adventure moving forward as you most likely won't be changing out your Possessions and Common Items often as it more or less becomes your 'every day carry' items.
Jan 22, 2021 8:41 pm
"I knew you were the right one to ask!"

Valentino replies.

"I'll be out tonight, but if anything comes up just call me. Oh, and ask your friend to check out the owner of the place. I've heard good things about him, and am considering an investment."
load next

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