Jan 4, 2021 4:07 pm
Sabadell Financial Center - Brickell Ave. Miami, FL
As was typical late in the afternoons on all but the busiest of work days Cho came to Valentino’s office for a bit of respite from the monotony of work and to share a few minutes of playful flirting and office gossip. Staring out the window, whatever comment that may have been on the diminutive Japanese woman’s pouty lips was interrupted by the sudden opening of the office door, admitting Valentino’s brother and Fabio – an associate sometimes found in the company of the pair of brothers – and a clearly perturbed secretary profusely apologizing for the interruption. The look she cast towards Ernesto was one of disappointment – having chastised him before for barging into the office unannounced – before turning to one of unbridled disgust as it shifted towards Fabio, rolling her eyes at the wink the man offered in response. With a shy "I’ll talk to you later" for Valentino and a polite welcome to Ernesto followed by an uncomfortable and forced smile towards Fabio, Cho quickly exited the expansive office.
"Whoa," Fabio exclaimed as he shifted his hips and made a show of adjusting the front of his pants, "Please tell me you’ve hit that already --- got an ass like a …" Before the second generation Italian fence could elaborate, the taller and considerably more muscular of the pair interrupted with a pointed glare and turned towards his more smartly and elegantly dressed brother.
"We have a job," he stated simply before his mouth began to widen in a slight smirk, "That is if you can find the time away from your cushy ivory tower to mingle with us peasants."
I don't want to overwhelm you with rules, rolls, etc.. so wanted to pause here to give you a chance to elaborate on (if you desire) anything Valentino and Cho may have been speaking on, flirting, etc. AND also give you a chance to reply to Ernesto and Fabio's arrival.
Keep in mind that typically you don't have much interaction with your Contacts but ... that being said they are real characters and seemed like the kind of person your Freelance network (La Famiglia in this case) would send as part of any crew they put together given how they don't have a strong presence in Miami yet. Not to get your hopes up too much ... it will require a roll still if you want to make use of his ability he provides you as remember Contacts are more like 'people who know people' so success/failure would mean Fabio could/could not get a hold of his person.
This is a Caliber II mission
Questions? Feel free to ask HERE or on Discord.
We'll let you ease into things ... so reply as you see fit to Ernesto and Fabio's entrance, I'll then have them explain the 'job' and we'll move on from there with gear selection, etc. :-)
As was typical late in the afternoons on all but the busiest of work days Cho came to Valentino’s office for a bit of respite from the monotony of work and to share a few minutes of playful flirting and office gossip. Staring out the window, whatever comment that may have been on the diminutive Japanese woman’s pouty lips was interrupted by the sudden opening of the office door, admitting Valentino’s brother and Fabio – an associate sometimes found in the company of the pair of brothers – and a clearly perturbed secretary profusely apologizing for the interruption. The look she cast towards Ernesto was one of disappointment – having chastised him before for barging into the office unannounced – before turning to one of unbridled disgust as it shifted towards Fabio, rolling her eyes at the wink the man offered in response. With a shy "I’ll talk to you later" for Valentino and a polite welcome to Ernesto followed by an uncomfortable and forced smile towards Fabio, Cho quickly exited the expansive office.
"Whoa," Fabio exclaimed as he shifted his hips and made a show of adjusting the front of his pants, "Please tell me you’ve hit that already --- got an ass like a …" Before the second generation Italian fence could elaborate, the taller and considerably more muscular of the pair interrupted with a pointed glare and turned towards his more smartly and elegantly dressed brother.
"We have a job," he stated simply before his mouth began to widen in a slight smirk, "That is if you can find the time away from your cushy ivory tower to mingle with us peasants."
And WELCOME to your first proper Spycraft 2.0 mission!!I don't want to overwhelm you with rules, rolls, etc.. so wanted to pause here to give you a chance to elaborate on (if you desire) anything Valentino and Cho may have been speaking on, flirting, etc. AND also give you a chance to reply to Ernesto and Fabio's arrival.
Keep in mind that typically you don't have much interaction with your Contacts but ... that being said they are real characters and seemed like the kind of person your Freelance network (La Famiglia in this case) would send as part of any crew they put together given how they don't have a strong presence in Miami yet. Not to get your hopes up too much ... it will require a roll still if you want to make use of his ability he provides you as remember Contacts are more like 'people who know people' so success/failure would mean Fabio could/could not get a hold of his person.
This is a Caliber II mission
Questions? Feel free to ask HERE or on Discord.
We'll let you ease into things ... so reply as you see fit to Ernesto and Fabio's entrance, I'll then have them explain the 'job' and we'll move on from there with gear selection, etc. :-)