Mar 11, 2021 5:52 pm
Valentino laughs as Elaheh takes the lead. He wasn't really a betting man, so he was very glad of her assistance on this job. He preferred to put his money somewhere where risk could be minimalized by research, knowledge and experience, rather than blind luck.
Getting out his wallet again, he pulls out four hundred dollar bills from within, and hands them to her.
"Perhaps you could get us some chips, while I arrange for a drink? What would you like?"
He, personally, started off with a Ramazotti with a twist of fresh lemon juice, if they had it. It was always to be relied on to freshen his temperament. He also took the opportunity of ordering an espresso, the quality of coffee being one of the bases of his judgement of a new establishment.
As usual, he treated the serving girls as if they were wearing a beautiful summer dress rather than their elegant appeal to men's baser instincts...
Getting out his wallet again, he pulls out four hundred dollar bills from within, and hands them to her.
"Perhaps you could get us some chips, while I arrange for a drink? What would you like?"
He, personally, started off with a Ramazotti with a twist of fresh lemon juice, if they had it. It was always to be relied on to freshen his temperament. He also took the opportunity of ordering an espresso, the quality of coffee being one of the bases of his judgement of a new establishment.
As usual, he treated the serving girls as if they were wearing a beautiful summer dress rather than their elegant appeal to men's baser instincts...
Last edited March 11, 2021 5:52 pm