Under New Ownership

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Mar 11, 2021 5:52 pm
Valentino laughs as Elaheh takes the lead. He wasn't really a betting man, so he was very glad of her assistance on this job. He preferred to put his money somewhere where risk could be minimalized by research, knowledge and experience, rather than blind luck.

Getting out his wallet again, he pulls out four hundred dollar bills from within, and hands them to her.

"Perhaps you could get us some chips, while I arrange for a drink? What would you like?"

He, personally, started off with a Ramazotti with a twist of fresh lemon juice, if they had it. It was always to be relied on to freshen his temperament. He also took the opportunity of ordering an espresso, the quality of coffee being one of the bases of his judgement of a new establishment.

As usual, he treated the serving girls as if they were wearing a beautiful summer dress rather than their elegant appeal to men's baser instincts...
Last edited March 11, 2021 5:52 pm
Mar 15, 2021 6:43 pm
Miami Tower - Miami, FL

Smiling playfully the young Persian woman snatched the bills from Valentino's outstretched hand, a small delighted laugh as she mad her way to the Cashier. Perhaps with tastes not quite as refined as the well dressed businessman, Elaheh asked for a Mojito - widely recognized as Miami's signature drink.

Valentino's respectful manner towards the servers earned him their attentiveness just as would flashing a lot of cash around and the charismatic financier soon found his drinks at his side in short order. The coffee basic but of good quality, the liquor top shelf. His date returned soon thereafter, eyes bright with excitement, "What shall we play?"
Mar 16, 2021 8:26 pm
Valentino grinned, drawn out by her exuberance.

"Whatever you wish, milady! Tonight is your night!"

Secretly, he smiled at her choice. He had a few cocktails in his repertoire, but Mojito was his best. Just a touch of Lemon Balm to add a citrus note to the peppermint. And, maybe, he thought for a moment, perhaps some grated chocolate. Mint and chocolate were a combination, so why not in a cocktail.... He'd have to try it.
Mar 18, 2021 6:25 pm
Miami Tower - Miami, FL

She smiled coyly, making a show of pouting her lips alluring as she sipped the mojito through the small delicate straw, her dark eyes meeting his before taking in the expansive suite and settling on the craps table set against the rooms expansive floor to ceiling windows offering an impressive view of the brightly colored Miami skyline, that was reflecting off the Bay beyond.

With a small gleefully laugh she snatched a stack of sticks and began to move in the dice game's direction, extending her hand towards Valentino inviting him to follow.
I'll describe the scene but this is more or less Valentino's show at the moment so be clear in what you are wanting him to do/accomplish :-)
Mar 22, 2021 7:26 pm
Valentino was very happy to follow Elaheh's lead. He might not give a strong first impression by following his 'girlfriend' around, but neither would he by showing everyone he didn't have a clue about gambling. So, he tagged along, with half his attention on his companion, and the other half on the general goings on. He keeps his eye open for his backup, but otherwise is looking for familiar faces, especially the owner of the establishment. In addition, of course, he keeps his eye out for the security personell. Considering he had just walked in with a sword stick, either they had no scanning equipment in place, or they just knew and watched. If the former, he wondered if anyone else was armed.

Considering that in the future a basic knowledge of such games might be useful, he did make a mental note of the games on offer for later research. Or, he might just ask his brother, he supposed.
Valentino is sort of casing the joint, I suppose, to start with. See how Elaheh's luck is, and waiting for the right moment to pounce. As I personally have no idea what craps is, I feel very at home in Valentino's ignorance! ;)
Mar 22, 2021 8:47 pm
Miami Tower - Miami, FL

Like much of the decor in the crowded suite the craps table was high end, the bystanders making room for the beautiful woman who was clearly eager to participate. Valentino for his part followed, gaze carefully taking in the room. His brother and Fabio - who were making no attempt to hide conceal their presence from the financier - offered him a barely perceptible nod of recognition to let him know they were close. The host also was making no attempt to hide, perusing the floor and making small talk and greetings as appropriate.

The smartly dressed executive remained confident that security undoubtedly was around, but none of the men (or women) stood out. A disappointed groan from his date drew his attention back to the elegant table just in time to see the dealer sweep the chip in front of Elaheh away, her mouth slightly pouty as she turned towards him. Recovering quickly she placed her bet and waited for the dice to fly ...
Mar 23, 2021 10:18 pm
Valentino slipped his arm around Elaheh's waist, smiled at her encouragingly, and murmered in her ear.

"It is not important to win the first battle, but the war!"

He concentrated for the while on the game. There was no rush, and there was merit in showing oneself a good loser....or a good winner, if his luck was in!
Mar 25, 2021 6:51 pm
Miami Tower - Miami, FL

Elaheh let out a disappointed sigh the dice not coming up in her favor. With a small flirty smile towards her benefactor she placed another bet, her breath holding in excitement as once more the dice began their tumble, the older gentlemen wearing a large white cowboy hat and looking a bit out of place in the Miami scene who had made the throw shouting his encouragement.
The betting is only $5 so in theory you can stay at the table all night. I can summarize the winnings or loses if you let me know what you want to accomplish and we can move on to that.

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