Jan 5, 2021 8:13 pm
I came looking for a pbp game, no surprise there probably :p
I would be looking for somekind of fantasy, not really strict on the system or the setting (if i know the system all the better, and I shy away for really simulating ones and too byzantine rules), and right now also quite flexible of what character should I play.
I am not sure I can post daily, as life can be hectic, but a few to several times a week should be fine.
I came looking for a pbp game, no surprise there probably :p
I would be looking for somekind of fantasy, not really strict on the system or the setting (if i know the system all the better, and I shy away for really simulating ones and too byzantine rules), and right now also quite flexible of what character should I play.
I am not sure I can post daily, as life can be hectic, but a few to several times a week should be fine.