Chapter 6 - Mission Impossible

Jan 6, 2021 10:21 pm
Thursday 27 November 1930

You have been assigned to a cleanup team of FOC employees working alongside local law enforcement to help locate survivors in Cobbs Corners. The full state of the devastation becomes quickly apparent. The work is tiring, depressing, and not for the feint hearted; however, hours spent digging through the smoldering remains of residential houses pays off when a young couple and their baby are found in an air pocket trapped under the debris of their home.

After a couple of days working together, you form a bond and get to know each other. you are approached by a man you recognise from the Detroit office, Leon Pasqualle accompanied by four suited men.
Jan 6, 2021 10:22 pm
Pasqualle is somewhat taller and thinner than average; he has sandy-blond hair, peppered with gray, brown eyes, and a sharp, angular face. Fond of expensive suits, his gold Swiss watch, and Italian leather shoes. You know him by reputation, he is one of Abelard’s trusted lawyers and troubleshooters.

"Who's in charge of this group?"
Jan 7, 2021 12:27 am
Charles looks up from some sketches he’s been working on organizing searches for survivors. Well, I suppose I am the most senior company man, if that is what you are asking. How can I help you Mr... He leaves the question hanging in the air as he scrutinizes the group through his large glasses.
Jan 7, 2021 1:34 am
Has been examining bodies, a bit detached, he glances up and nods, then resumes looking
Jan 7, 2021 3:41 pm
The man looks at a clipboard, without introducing himself, "Ah yes, Wilson? Mr. Abelard has asked for you to be returned to Detroit. He has something of the highest importance to show you."
Jan 7, 2021 5:27 pm
Understood Charles says while gathering his things before looking at the man Sir, if you find anything of Mr. Mathis in this... mess it is imperative you send word immediately.
Jan 7, 2021 5:29 pm
Larry eyes the man wearily.
Jan 7, 2021 9:06 pm
"Of course, Mr Steele is everyone's number one priority."
Jan 8, 2021 12:22 pm
Bites his lip and shuffles over to join the others. Removes his glasses to clean off the grime Were leaving already?
Jan 8, 2021 3:11 pm
"Motor City you say?" Wilhelm asks in his thick German accent.
Jan 8, 2021 4:09 pm
Yes professor, although the city is burgeoning into a place for many technological advances that I believe could set it up as a hub for much more than the automobile industry. Why the infrastructure alone to support the large scale manufacturing plants is something to admire. Charles turns to Rupert This... he gestures to the site a travesty. And if I know Michael he may have information that will allow us to prevent another catastrophe to another innocent town. Always thinking 10 steps ahead, that man. He continues gathering his tools and papers.
Jan 8, 2021 5:31 pm
"I have a few... connections there. Not a bad place."
Jan 8, 2021 8:57 pm
Not a place I know well. glances back at the devastation. I would like to know more about what happened here, but perhaps we can help, as you said Edmund. Stop another tragedy His brogue slips through his "educated" accent in times of trouble. It seems to happen more often these days
Last edited January 8, 2021 8:57 pm
Jan 9, 2021 3:20 pm
As the other investigators are chatting, there's the sound of branches being crushed underfoot, and the six-and-a-half-foot-tall figure of Steele-Muldoon appears, hacking his way through the treeline with a machete.

"What's that I heard? Back to Detroit already? Damn!" He spits on the ground; pulls out a hide canteen; tips his head back; opens his mouth; and just dumps the contents of the flask out onto his face. He shakes his head, spraying water everywhere. "I was just starting to like it here!"
Jan 9, 2021 11:02 pm
Always one for Dramatics Robert
Jan 10, 2021 8:25 pm
You enjoy the company of the humourless guards to Detroit and on arrival you are surprised to see the increased security around the FOC building since you were last here, now surrounded by wire fences, armed guards with patrol dogs and a fortified gate house where you are searched and asked to relinquish weapons. You are all aware of your employer's paranoia with regards to the Mi-Go, but this is another level. You notice Larry get particularly agitated when he has two large bladed knives taken away from him.

Shortly after, two German Shephard dogs are brought out to sniff each of you.

Pasqualle explains, "We have discovered that canines have a strong aversion to the Enemy. If one of these fellows acted aggressively towards one of you, or even me, we'd be shot on the spot."

His grim expression shows he is not joking.

The heightened state of paranoia is compounded when you are taken through the gate, past more guards and dogs and into the main building , where you are searched one more time before being escorted to Abelard's fifth floor conference room.
Jan 11, 2021 5:06 pm
Scrunching his face in concentration, Charles starts talking to himself. These are good security measures. That is interesting about the canines, I wonder if they detect a slight decay in the host or if some preternatural sense warns them of influences beyond our comprehension. I wonder if rather than shoot the subject, we might keep them, at least one, to further determine how the dogs are able to sense them... Charles notices the man looking at him and snaps his head up Right, a question for Michael. Lead on man, lead on.
Jan 11, 2021 9:17 pm
"As long as they don't sniff out my flask, I'll be fine with it!"
Jan 11, 2021 10:00 pm
Looks nervously at the dogs, a moment of memory flashing through him. Those dogs were bile in the war
Jan 17, 2021 11:37 am
Abelard is seated at the end of the conference table, the ever-protective bodyguard, Mr. Murdoch standing behind him , with his secretary, Selena Preston sat at his right. A large German Shepherd sits in far corner of the room.

Professor David Drake and Doctor Sarah Matherson are also present, two of the employees that survived Cobb's Corners and escaped before the localized apocalypse began.

Leon Pasqualle waves the guards out and sits down to join the meeting. You notice right away that Drake and Matherson appear harried, and there is an atmosphere of gloom in the room.

Once you are seated and offered refreshments, Abelard begins in earnest.

"Welcome everyone. I trust you all know each other?"

All of you know those in attendance, either by repuatation or personally though you have not seen Matherson, the resident Mi-Go expert or Psychologist David Drake, since they travelled to Cobb's Corners some weeks ago.

"We have had a massive breakthrough in our fight against The Enemy. The location known as Broken Hill, just outside Cobb's Corners, discovered by Mathis Steele and his team, turns out to be an underground base. The Enemy managed to destroy it with an earthquake using their technology. We lost 50 men in the process but all the Mi-Go present were destroyed in the process."
Some of you remember reading news reported of an earthquake in the Green Mountains, but hadn't thought it was related to this.
"As you know, the recent events in Cobb's Corners has resulted in the deaths or abduction of our student recruits, including Mathis Steele. The search continues for evidence of what happened to them. Their sacrifice will be avenged but their work in combatting the alien threat has proved invaluable. So, now we come to you. How do you feel about saving the World?"
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