Interest Check: Conan D20

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Jan 16, 2021 1:29 pm
While sitting one night in the 'Vulgar Unicorn,' tavern within the Maze.

''He who is shrouded in mystic power!'' Hissed Hanse Shadowspawn in a whisper; the Ilbarsi thief who had been born in the Maze paused so his words are heard and comprehended. ''Kemren the Purple Mage is a great and powerful sorcerer. Only a fool would enter this abode and expect to come out alive. Do you think you are the first. How many daring rogues have tried before you. The count is endless, this is why we do not regard it as worth the effort.'' He stops again, hoping his words have done some good, but he sees they have not and continues. ''I will tell what I heard. The Purple Mage first appears ten years ago and built his tower; it was told that it appeared in one night; rising to the sky from the very earth,'' he looks fearful, staring around him expecting the minions of the Purple Mage to appear from the shadows to assail him, his eyes wide as he continues. ''The Tower of the Purple Mage; is the fortress that holds the jewel known as the 'Soul of the Mammoth of the Blue Mountains,' and it is this gem that is the source of his extreme power. Many a sorcerer had stood in awe of his creation; the tower which is twice as great as the magic that could be wielded by any god.''

''Have a care,'' ponders Hanse, ''does the conjurer ever sleep? What unspeakable horror has he summoned to guard his sacred abode. What magick that can imprison the minds of some of the lords of Gazipur and cause the most daring to blanch at its presence. I ask you, what?''

The Tower of the Purple Mage

Enter any who dare into the abode of the Purple Mage. Either seeking riches; as the tales tell of the great wealth to rival the kings of Thuria' which is contained within its walls. Tales that have the Turanian overlords stare at its construction in greed and jealously.

Or those who seek the life of the great mage himself; whether for revenge or a contracted given by another?

This will be an 8th-level adventure.

4-6 Players.

''In a time 200 years before Conan treks the Earth.''

Game Rules and Conversions:

The game will be played by using Mongoose's Conan RPG rules, mostly 2E, but 1E are not extremely different as those who only has 1E books can easily adapt to gameplay. Also 3.0 or 3.5 D&D rules are adaptable.

Important: Still I have done some changes to rules and Classes. These is no Sneak Attack for any Class; as any character can now sneak attack, feint attack, etc.

The focus of game is based around the RPG from 1981 call Thieves World and adapted by me to the Conan RPG rules. So many new cultures are available and can be sent by E-mail when needed before game starts.

Dominion451 has encouraged this game and can help by sending new rules, classes, cultures for allowing a quick comprehension of the changes. It less than 1% of total rules, so easily adaptable.

The Thieves' World city of Sanctuary is now called Gazipur and is on the west coast of the Vilayet Sea and controlled by the Turanian Empire.

Map of Vilayet Sea

Note: Female characters are penalized greatly in my games and suffer reduced strength and can only take female classes for beginning levels (mostly 2 to 4 level) before being allowed a male class (again with sent PDFs this will become obvious on my intent).


The adventure will take place 60 miles to the north on the Island of Shugthre on wind swept island guarded by his dedicated and loyal Raggah (Shemite nomads) and tales of giant crabs that infest the waters.

Plan and seek an easy way into the tower and escape alive with wealth undreamed of.

The game should be regarded as a thief game; evade and plunder and leave undetected, or as an assassin game; who are hired to seek the death of the Purple Mage and last choice depending on the wishes of the players, treated as a dungeon crawl which explore every room within the tower (we can discus this later).

Some Idea of the Destructive GM:

Though new to these forums, I am not new to PbP and have GM games for many a year and have played RPG games for 40+ years. Mostly AD&D, Runequest, D&D 3.5 (Faerun mostly) and of course D20 Conan; which is my favourite game (amongst many other games). My second favourite game is a classic 'Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea;' an OD&D game worth noting.

I also work at my own Conan D20 forum:

Thurian Continent
Last edited Jan 16, 2021 1:32 pm
Jan 16, 2021 8:33 pm
Alright! I'm in.
Jan 17, 2021 9:56 am
Damn I’m tempted to play
Jan 17, 2021 11:50 am
Well feel free Fox, plenty of space... :)
Jan 17, 2021 1:40 pm
I joined :D which rules do I need to get? There are so many
Jan 17, 2021 2:36 pm
Well it Conan D20 (2E would be best), but we sort in game now. :)
Jan 19, 2021 12:48 am
I would be interested in this game as well. I'll apply right now!
Jan 19, 2021 12:19 pm
Okay Dwarf, signing you in...
Jan 19, 2021 8:33 pm
Glad you could join EleventhDwarf!
Jan 27, 2021 5:12 pm
Still looking for one more rogue to explore the Tower of the Purple Mage...
Jan 29, 2021 11:39 am
I'm here for your roguely needs.
Last edited Jan 29, 2021 11:41 am
Jan 29, 2021 3:10 pm
Good stuff Jom, jump onboard...

I sent invite...
Last edited Jan 29, 2021 4:38 pm
Jan 29, 2021 11:36 pm
I didn't get the invite.
Jan 30, 2021 12:12 am
It may appear in your email (but not always) if you have it set that way otherwise the GM has to post the URL to where you can accept the invite or you have to dig through the Join Games and try to find the game run by that GM
Jan 30, 2021 12:47 am
Thanks for the help DeJoker...

The invite is still active Joms...
Jan 30, 2021 2:28 pm
Game full at present...

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