Looking for a beginner friendly game

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Jan 25, 2021 9:22 pm
Greetings, total strangers!

I'm new both to PbP and tabletop RPG genre. I've never played it, but I've been watching a ton of DnD related stories on YouTube.
I'm interested in joining a game of DnD or some other similar game as long as it shares the same setting of the medieval period, has classes and stuff, magic, etc.
Since it'd be my first ever game, I'm looking for something that starts from level 1 with new characters so I could learn in the process.

So basically I'm looking for someone patient enough! Ha-ha!

I haven't yet created a character, so I can create something that'd fit your game. Might need a little help too.

That's pretty much it, I guess. Roll for Initiative?
Jan 25, 2021 9:40 pm
I'm not running any games exactly like what you're looking for. I do have an ongoing fantasy game that I could fit you in but it's not D&D, it doesn't use classes (though I can build whatever character [classwise, basically] you want for you in there) and it has a slightly different core concept than the standard D&D game.
I'll put a link to the game page and the forum so you can have a look if you want. But I get that it's not precisely what you were looking for and I'm sure you'll find something closer to what you're searching. Just thought I'd throw out the offer anyway.
Jan 25, 2021 9:46 pm
Jusika my games are are all beginner and player friendly which is to say I try to help a player play what they are wanting to play versus restricting them to play what only the guidelines will allow them to play. My current games are DnD5e and are semi-sandbox with missions the players can take. Its a dynamic world where things take place and do not simply wait on the players to encounter them but it is also player driven if you are waiting for the world to reach out and grab that will not happen. If that sounds like it would interest you and you can be fairly active (about 4 or so posts per week) then let me know what you think you might like to play and I will see if I can work you into one of the current groups or if I can drum up at least 1 other player (3 more would be optimal) then I can start a new version of the game I am currently running 3 of.
Last edited Jan 25, 2021 9:49 pm


Jan 30, 2021 6:14 am
Hello Jusika, I am planning to start a beginner's D&D game in the next week or so. As a high school teacher with an RPG club I've taught a fair number of people how to play and DM. If you are interested in joining, or if you have questions related to RPGs or Gamers Plane in general, let me know!
Jan 30, 2021 10:35 am
Welcome Jusika, you will find an open group with many varying levels of experience and many willing to help you along.

Be aware that it may take a couple of games to find the right group, so don’t be disappointed if the first attempts don’t work out.

Once again welcome to GP.

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