OoC Chat

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May 22, 2021 4:47 am
Hi folks, I think I'll be wrapping things up for this game. I know it was a short one, but hopefully I delivered a good starter experience for those of you who are new to the site and/or new to the hobby or RPGs. If there are plot hooks hanging or things left unexplored about your characters, hopefully that translates into eagerness to join the next game.

I have been struggling to keep up with the game as of late. I was expecting this quarter to be much less busy but a bunch of unexpected changes in the way we're delivering education during covid have been sucking up all my time. I hope I am being clear that my slowing down has nothing to do with you or our game. I have greatly enjoyed playing with you all - this group is terrific! I hope to play again with you all someday.

For wrapping up the game, I'd like to finish with the feast and the awarding of magic items to the party. I'd like to let everyone finish with an epilogue where each player makes a post describing what you're doing 6 months after the adventure. Some possible things to think about for this epilogue:

- Are you still in Hope, or have you moved on?
- What have you been up to?
- How has Hope changed and how have you changed?
- What new dangers face Hope?

In addition, please think of some kind of legacy that you'd like to leave on the world that I'll include in the future when I run an adventure in this setting again. Is a drink named after you in the bar? Are you now a permanent character in the village running a shop or service? Are you the setting's new big bad taking over the night blades?
May 22, 2021 10:11 pm
Hey Len, I think most of us has experienced a slow down these days and weeks, at least that is the feeling I got and my personal experience also.

I really enjoyed the care and attention you have put into this introductory game for us ... so thank you for it! :)
Same to all the other players, it would be nice to play together again, it was a joy.

I will think of Kaa's epilogue and my little mark in the world you are growing.
May 22, 2021 10:54 pm
Me too, I have had real life making demands recently.

I have really enjoyed this introductory campaign. I would like to thank you for all the creative energy you devoted to it and for 'tutoring' us relative newbies to PbP and AD & D 5e. I've learned a lot.

I was impressed by the quality of the posts from all of the other players. It would be good to play together again. As Pitrio says it was a joy. I have told other people how good the campaign was.

I'll give some thought to the epilogue.
Last edited May 22, 2021 10:54 pm
May 23, 2021 2:28 am
Thanks Len and to all of you. This has given me a very positive experience of the game and of PbP. The characters and NPCs have given me some great examples of roleplaying to learn from and confirmed that D&D can have a strong roleplay focus. Thanks Len also for helping us with the basics and for all the work you've put into building the campaign. Thanks for allowing us all to feel that our contribution was valuable and our characters relevant.
May 23, 2021 2:48 am
I was wondering whether we might be wrapping up soon. Although it was short by D&D campaign standards, we have been at it for three months on a daily-ish basis, and I feel like we've reached a satisfying place to end.

Overall, I'm really pleased with the play-by-post experience. I appreciate the effort that Len and everyone have put into making the game enjoyable. And, to echo what others have said, if there's ever another opportunity for this group to play together, I'd be totally up for that.
May 23, 2021 7:56 am
Hi guys. I'm getting a bit lazy with my posts but I'm gonna make some tomorrow.

As to the game, it was supposed to be a one-shot from the very beginning and it turned out to be a good one! Len did an awesome job, truly incredible, I'm so happy with this game and really looking forward to writing the epilogue!
And it was a pleasure to play with you all guys, really, I love the players and characters! ^v^

Would be up to playing another game with any of you!
May 26, 2021 12:53 pm
Pitrio says:
his hand is reaching for a chair with a way too wide grin on his face.
Is technically possible and according to this website it would be a 1d8 damage dice :D

May 28, 2021 11:49 am
I've been out all day so I'm too tired to post now. It might be 16 hours or so before I get to it.
May 28, 2021 2:06 pm
Ooo that chair throw could be included in the festivity as well then! :D

My attention is also rather spent elsewhere, so I make no promises about posting quickly.


May 28, 2021 2:14 pm
Copying and pasting the rules for improvised weapons here for interest's sake:

Improvised Weapons

Sometimes characters don’t have their Weapons and have to Attack with whatever is at hand. An Improvised Weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two hands, such as broken glass, a table leg, a frying pan, a wagon wheel, or a dead Goblin.

Often, an Improvised Weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For example, a table leg is akin to a club. At the GM’s option, a character proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that weapon and use his or her Proficiency Bonus.

An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage (the GM assigns a damage type appropriate to the object). If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee Attack, or throws a melee weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also deals 1d4 damage. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
May 29, 2021 8:09 pm
I did a lot of guessing. Unsure what the shanka are like exactly or how difficult they are to fight. I don't know if they're what gives the howling wood its name or if there was meant to be some other danger there. I don't know what shambling mounds do during the winter either.


May 29, 2021 10:06 pm
Haha, now they hibernate! Makes sense. Truth be told, I don't know what a Shanka looks like either, although I suspect they are some nasty, violent, and brutish kind of subhuman. They were bred for war. The howling wood probably has an older origin for the name, but the Shanka definitely live there now. A growing problem to contend with for all isolated communities for sure.

Sounds like an awesome adventure to go shake down the Shanka in the Howling Wood! Great post, Astroloma!
May 30, 2021 1:42 am
They (i.e. monsters called 'shanka') turn up in the Abercrombie books. In one book I read they were humanoid creatures with flat heads. The species had origninally been bred for war. Interestingly in 'Red Country' by the same author there is a town called Hope, but I haven't read enoughto see if the town is described and if it anything similar to the one in the adventure :)
Last edited May 30, 2021 1:46 am


May 30, 2021 2:09 am
I won't lie, I stole the term shanka from Abercrombie ;) Forgot there was a town named Hope though, I stole that from Keith Baker.
May 30, 2021 5:53 am
I read the ‘The Blade Itself’ series. It was good but had a lot of ugly content.
May 30, 2021 10:24 pm
Great epilogue, Alfrey! I love the passage with Rose and especially the ending that hints of adventure to come.
May 31, 2021 5:02 am
Thank you, Astroloma! I enjoyed reading what Naeris was up to as well. I'm glad Strangleberries still has a friend to keep them company and that the threat of the shanka will be faced.
May 31, 2021 5:11 am
Naeris's epilogue is exactly what I expected it to be, almost like the character couldn't do anything but what you described, great work, Astroloma!
Alfrey's epilogue is amazing as well! Very touching, enjoyed it a lot!!

Right now I'm finally writing my part c: Instead of working :D But that's what I get for procrastinating from writing ha-ha

Looking forward to see Kaa's and Hilmar's epilogues as well!
Last edited May 31, 2021 5:11 am
Jun 2, 2021 9:36 pm
Phew, that took a while to write, but there it is! He remains more adventurous, yet not a complete murderhobo.

Haha so the similarity with the shanka wasn't just my imagination. Well our story is indeed much cheerier than those of Abercrombie, although to me the ending of Red Country was surprisingly positive compared to the rest.

Anyway, I loved the previous two as well, it fits the characters perfectly.
Aaaand I am also most curious what the other two are going to be like! :)
Last edited June 2, 2021 9:40 pm
Jun 2, 2021 10:14 pm
I'm glad someone's character left Hope. It bothers me with these adventures that all the characters always stick together and have the same priorities. Necessary for the game but not, perhaps, realistic. I also enjoyed Kaa adopting his family's shaman heritage.

I love the new player-image by the way!
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