Chapter 1: The Road to Hope


Feb 7, 2021 1:43 am
The party is on the last leg of a multiple-week journey to the town of Hope to answer their call of aid. You travel by foot along an old Arkasian stone causeway wide enough for 4 wagons to ride along side-by-side. It marches steadily north through an old-growth boreal forest known as the Howling Wood towards your destination.

You've heard much of the plight of Hope from various conversations as you've headed north. It once stood as a proud bastion of the Arkasian empire, safeguarding the northern towns. Before the Dwarves of the north retreated to their arctic strongholds, Hope served as an important stop along the supply roads to the mines. Without the mines, traffic has dwindled, and the town has fallen on hard times.

In the last few years, new life has breathed into Hope and the surrounding area. Prospectors rediscovered an old Voidwater well near the town, which is a source of a rare alchemical substance coveted by Arkasian alchemists. Money from the south began pouring into the region to reestablish the trade route.

However, the future of Hope now balances on a knife's edge. Ralavaz the Night Blade, a notorious bandit chieftain, has been released from prison. Rumours mark him as having returned to the hideout from which he and his band once operated, and now preys upon the folk of Hope and the surrounding vale. In addition, tales abound of the growing threat of the Shanka - bestial and wild humanoids created by the Magi to serve as shock troops in forgotten Arkasian conquests. It is said the Shanka outlived their masters and are now multiplying in the dark corners of the circle of the world.

The party makes good time along the road through the Howling Wood, your steps perhaps hastened by the titular sounds that occasionally emanate from the forest around you. As the forest grows particularly dense, the branches begin to blot out the sun, shrouding the road in gloom even though it is midday.

The road makes a turn to circumvent a particularly foul-smelling bog. When the road comes about, you see that 30 feet down the road has been blocked by a massive, felled tree. All around you are dense, shadowy woods.


Feb 13, 2021 10:46 pm
Now I turn the story over to you, brave adventurers. What do you do?
Feb 14, 2021 4:40 am
I have no desire to walk straight into an ambush. I say we approach through the wood and maybe even try to go around the roadblock. Not through the bog, of course, but on the other side. I'd be glad to get off this road where we are so easily seen and walk among the woodland creatures.
Feb 14, 2021 6:19 am
I would like to assess the fallen tree more carefully if it's possible from this distance and under the low light. Does it look like a dead tree that's been there for some time or a healthy tree that something may have knocked down?


Feb 14, 2021 6:50 am
Staying at the edge road's bend to shield himself behind the thick roadside bushes, Alfrey makes note that the tree looks healthy, other than the the fact that it is horizontal. Ever sign points to it being felled by an axe (or several axes, given the size of the tree).
Feb 14, 2021 7:10 am
"This looks like a good place for an ambush and I suspect that tree didn't fall over on its own. I agree with you Naeris, about approaching through the wood and see if we can get round the road block," says Hilmar in a low voice, reaching for his sling, while moving off to crouch behind bushes just off the road to stay out of sight from the road block.
Last edited Feb 14, 2021 7:12 am
Feb 14, 2021 7:27 am
Kaa is a tall and furry figure, wearing scant leather clothing just barely appropriate for the weather. At first he tilted his head at the tree but then nods approvingly at the other travelers.
"I can scout ahead, see if i can surprise the welcome party" he says quietly with rumbling voice, and his expression turns to a sly grin. Then he moves into the forest, takes his greataxe in hand, and sneaks somewhat ahead of the others. He positions a bit to the side so they are not all in the same line of sight.


Sneak roll, if it's needed. - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Feb 14, 2021 10:34 am
(To Alfrey and Hilmar, with a little shrug of the shoulders) "Shall we follow him?"

(She readies her bow.)
Last edited Feb 14, 2021 10:43 am


Feb 14, 2021 4:37 pm
Kaa slides into the underbrush with surprising silence for a being as big as he is. He follows a game trail until he comes around on the east side of the tree. He confirms the group's suspicions - he can see the trunk has been split by axe and wedge. On the opposite side of the log (which you were unable to see from the road) are four figures dressed in black. They appear to have made something of a camp on the other side with ladders leading to the top of the log. Their focus right now appears to be trained north, toward Hope, which is straight and clear for half a kilometer.

As you take this information in, you can't help but feel the sensation of being watched while in the woods.
Anyone who wishes to join Law can do so, but you will have to make a Stealth roll (1d20 + your stealth skill). It's dim light in the woods, so you will succeed on a 7+. Failure will alert the black-garbed tree cutters.

Kaa can move back and inform the group and return to the woods (if he wishes) using the same stealth roll.

You estimate you are probably an hour from Hope at this point.

Of course you welcome to try something else entirely!
Feb 14, 2021 9:14 pm
(In reply to Naeris’ question) "I would prefer to hold off for now. If anyone is there, chances are they would hear me moving about in my armor. We will formulate a plan when Kaa returns. That said, if I hear any trouble start, I will be running after him!"
Feb 14, 2021 9:50 pm
Naeris is restless for a little while, then says "I just want to have a look around in the forest while we're waiting. I'll stay within sight of the road."
To clarify, this is to see what's going in in the forest itself and learn more about it. if this should be a nature roll, +2, if it's investigation, +0
Last edited Feb 14, 2021 9:53 pm


Perception - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Feb 14, 2021 10:22 pm
Ohh I wish I could post something but I can't figure out how to post as my character. You should move on and let's say my character is just silently observing or lagging behind for now.


Feb 15, 2021 1:59 am
Naeris steps into the wood and breathes in the smell of cedars and hawthorn berries and moss. Taking stock of the woods, you notice it is quiet here, and you spot very few animals. This might be because of the noise of that huge cedar falling not far away, but you get the feeling that this forest is on edge over more than just four humans.
Feb 15, 2021 4:40 am
Hilmar, not having had much (any in fact) experience of creeping up on enemies in the undergrowth decides to stay with Alfrey.
"Alfrey's got a point about his chainmail. I'll stay here with him and until you both get back. When we know what's there we can come up with a plan. If there's any trouble I'll come running," he whispers.
Feb 15, 2021 8:00 am
Kaa rubs his chin a bit while pondering at the camping group, inspects the rest of his surroundings for anything else, then he decides to return to the others. He stalks along the trail with his catish steps and appears close to them.

"Four black robed figures camping behind it, with a ladder to the trunk too." He whispers and shows the number with fingers too.

"I can hide somewhere ahead." He is pointing forward. "When you noisier ones approach and they are acting like shitpiles, i can chop them up from the back. Good no? Elfy could come hide too, you seem careful.

While he was rather chill and laid back on the road so far, now he is excited for sneaking and getting the better of some opposition.
Feb 15, 2021 8:15 am
Jessica - right under "Quick Reply" it says "Post As" and then "Player" with an arrow. Click on the word Player and change it to your character's name. if that's not an option, then some other step is required by yourself or Len.
Jusika says:
Ohh I wish I could post something but I can't figure out how to post as my character. You should move on and let's say my character is just silently observing or lagging behind for now.
Last edited Feb 15, 2021 8:15 am
Feb 15, 2021 9:11 am
Alfrey winces at the mention of "chopping up" other people and begins to consider alternatives to the bugbear’s proposal.

"Did you notice if they were armed? We do outnumber them, and we have competent fighters among us. They may simply let us pass if we put on a show of force." He allows the idea to sink in for a moment before carrying on.

"Or we could turn back before they notice us and go around the bog on the other side — avoid them entirely. We would have to go off the road a bit, but it’s still probably safer than the alternative, wouldn't you say?"
Feb 15, 2021 9:18 am
I’m going with you too, bugbear. It was a really boring walk, I could use some action, - a hooded figure spoke for the first time in a while. Removing her hood, she revealed a pair of curvy horns and golden eyes, reflecting what little sunlight there was.
Two bows are always better than one, - she said with a charming smile of sharp canine teeth, readying her weapon.
I’m ready. You should lead since you already know the way, Kaa
Finally! I can post! So excited!
I probably should add a sneak roll but I don't know my modifier, I still need to figure out my stats. I'm checking in quite often so I'll update when I figure that out. Or I could roll with no modifier for now.
Oops! Unless my stealth modifier turns out to be 5+ I screwed up xD
Yup it's +2. Oh well, it's gonna be fun for sure!
Last edited Feb 15, 2021 10:22 am


Stealth (no modifier) - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Feb 15, 2021 9:28 am
I say it's better to talk to them when you have certain leverage. Them, being surrounded by us, is definitely one.
You could approach them and talk, see if you can convince them to let us pass, but if it won't work,- the tiefling took an arrow from her quiver,- that's a shame.
Feb 15, 2021 9:55 am
It might be dangerous even if they let us pass. What if they're bandits? We've heard there are bandits in the area. If we just leave them be, they could come on our party later ... and other travellers could walk into their trap.

It might be better to try to capture them. But they would be a threat even as prisoners.
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