Character Creation

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Mar 9, 2021 5:01 am
Astroloma says:
I notice Callan has a new avatar, which looks cool!
Looking good Callan!
Mar 9, 2021 6:34 am
Pitrio says:
The portrait was already cool too, and I love the full art for Alfrey!
Astroloma says:
I notice Callan has a new avatar, which looks cool!
Thanks guys! I still feel like the player avatar can be improved, but maybe I'm just being a perfectionist — haha
Mar 9, 2021 9:47 am
lenpelletier says:
Just wanted to let you know about a new fighting style you can choose as a Ranger that would give you more spellcasting at the expense of that +2 bonus to archery.
I'll stick with the archery one which I think makes the most sense.

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