Interest Check/Applications: Descent Into Avernus

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Feb 12, 2021 5:06 pm
Last edited Feb 22, 2021 8:18 pm
Feb 12, 2021 5:23 pm
Definite interest! I'll have a character up this evening!
Feb 12, 2021 5:27 pm
Ugh I've been waiting for someone to start an official module! But I'm afraid I might be a full game capacity right now, don't wanna over-commit :( But good luck to all!
Feb 12, 2021 7:11 pm
I'll jump in, if you'll have me!
Feb 12, 2021 7:13 pm
I'm thinking of a Horizon Walker (ranger) that would fit in very well in this game. I have never played a ranger in 5e, so it ticks that box as well :)
For the rest rase, personality(other than carefree) I have to do some more pondering
Feb 12, 2021 7:45 pm
Good to see you active on here again :) I would love to give it another go. I would love to give my tiefling rogue another spin (obviously at the higher level). Personality wise he would be jovial and sarcastic, masking a deep pain of having been abandoned as a baby and not knowing his parents. He would be eager at going to hell as he would hope to find evidence of his bloodline. I would need to do a little more research in terms of deciding the magic items
Feb 12, 2021 8:04 pm
Like to but I'm cutting back...
Feb 12, 2021 8:14 pm

Name: Shamog Mace'Sh, Hammer of the All-Father Moradin
Race: Orc
Class: Cleric (Forge Domain)
Personality: Peculiar, into his craft more so than his orcish tradition (though traditions bleed into his lifestyle)

Shamog behaved strange according to the orcs, but his skill at the forge set him apart, and he was permitted to remain so long as he created weapons for the tribe. He felt compelled that his gifts were meant for something greater than just the bloodshed of the orcs, and he snuck away to seek his calling. He met some dwarves at some point, and was immediately connected to Moradin, and the rest is history.
What magic items do you choose, and how do they help define your character?
- Infernal Puzzle Box (keep the item(s) safe)
- Feather Token (he fell once and it hurt)
How do you see your character dealing with a mission to Avernus?
Shamog sees it as a mission of his god, Moradin. He feels compelled to go because he has been tasked with finding some armor or weapons of those fiends to determine why they are imbued with the magical properties that they are. The Eye of Vecna or the Hand of Vecna are of particular interest to him, as well.

Quirks: Shamog eats anything organic that he gets his hands on, much like other orca, and sometimes he talks about his mother’s meals and his past experiences as though they are commonplace. He is not fully accustomed to human society, even though his alignment is Neutral Good, he has been known to eat the remains of his enemies and that sort of thing. He is also an orc with dwarvish sensibilities, which can be refreshing to some...and strange to others...
Last edited Feb 13, 2021 12:05 am
Feb 12, 2021 8:49 pm
Application withdrawn.
Have fun all

Nothing personal Mr.Armitage, but a game I have been looking forward to, just came up
Last edited Feb 12, 2021 10:29 pm
Feb 12, 2021 9:16 pm

Name: Amnon
Race: Tiefling
Class: Rogue

Personality: He’s a bit of a wise ass, has a tendency to embellish and lie due to growing up on the streets. He secretly yearns for a parental figure and desperately wants the approval of his friends and peers. He’s not a coward but he fights smart rather than rush into danger.

Magic items:

Stone of Good Luck: A lucky trinket that was left with him as an infant. He believes that it is from his parents.

His opinion of going into Avernus: A part of him isn’t particularly thrilled about the possible danger, but that is overtaken by his curiosity and desire to learn more of his possible heritage.

Quirks: There isn’t a female...anything, that he doesn’t hit on. He tends to catch a little on fire when he gets angry, nothing severe but enough to create a small bit of smoke
Last edited Feb 12, 2021 9:30 pm
Feb 12, 2021 9:18 pm
I added one more thing to the application:

Quirks (something that is uniquely your character's "thing"; something the you and the party can joke about)
Feb 12, 2021 10:03 pm
Name: Omeros
Race/Class: Satyr; Bard (College of Eloquence)

Omeros is charming and welcoming to friend and stranger alike, and will work hard to cheer someone up if they're sullen. Usually chipper and loud, he's obviously experienced some very dark things, and he uses gallows humour especially when nervous.

What magic items do you choose, and how do they help define your character?
>Pipes of Haunting: Definitely not the typical pipes one would expect a Satyr to play, their terrifying notes seem to resonate with the more tragic side of Omeros which he doesn't readily talk about.
>Tankard of Plenty: Like a typical Satyr, he enjoys good drink. Strangely, the only alcohol he drinks is what this tankard produces 3 times a day.

How do you see your character dealing with a mission to Avernus?
Omeros seems strangely calm about finding himself in the first layer of Hell, almost resigned to it. Perhaps Hell is where he always believed he'd end up.

Quirks (something that is uniquely your character's "thing"; something the you and the party can joke about)
He extravagantly narrates everything he (and everyone else) does.
Last edited Feb 13, 2021 5:29 am
Feb 16, 2021 4:43 pm
We've got 3. Could actually be fun to do a smaller group, unless there are more applicants?
Feb 16, 2021 5:03 pm
I am interested!

Name: Arn
Race/Class: Human; Fighter (Champion)
Arn is gruff and taciturn. He is a reluctant hero, one who would probably rather spend his days in a warm climate drinking in the company of beautiful people, but circumstances seem to always call him back "to the life"

What magic items do you choose, and how do they help define your character?
His sword+1 greatsword (sentient if DM allows it - for RP fluff) Arn found the word in an ancient tomb, and he is convinced that the sword and his fate are intertwined.

His prosthetic limb replaces his left arm. He lost his arm to a ravenous beast, but was rewarded by a wizard with this replacement. It is made of a strange dark grey alloy and inscribed with complex eldritch designs.

How do you see your character dealing with a mission to Avernus?
Arn going to hell was something he was always planning on, given the life he's lead. Maybe there's an angle in it to get a free pass out of the 9 hells when he dies?

Quirks (something that is uniquely your character's "thing"; something the you and the party can joke about)
Arn is tough, isn't afraid of getting into scrapes, has killed a lot of people in his past over small things, and in his war days did things nobody would ever be proud of. But deep down inside, Arn knows right from wrong though he pretends otherwise. Sometimes his party members might catch him being 'good.' He sees his conscience as weakness and goes to lengths to justify his 'good' acts to try to paint them as self motivated.
Last edited Feb 16, 2021 6:10 pm
Feb 16, 2021 6:31 pm
I also have another concept that's a little "out there" that I'm really interested in running.

A space ape time traveler. (maybe a reskinned 1/2 orc, or the simian ape home brew race) Would play as a berserker barbarian.

If you are open to the concept, I'll flesh out.
Feb 19, 2021 4:57 pm
Is this moving forward, @Mr.Armitage?
Feb 22, 2021 6:06 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
Is this moving forward, @Mr.Armitage?
Imma say no. or at least a really bad sign. I would love to play in Descent, but not in a campaign that is doomed from the start. I withdraw my application.
Feb 22, 2021 6:08 pm
Is there still space? I'll draft up a concept as soon as I get off work!
Last edited Feb 22, 2021 6:09 pm
Feb 22, 2021 8:19 pm
Sorry, I thought I might have the bandwidth, but I'm afraid I don't. Sorry to get everyone's hopes up.

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