Feb 17, 2021 1:14 am
Hey gang, let's use some safety tools to make sure nobody has a bad time. Let's share at the beginning of the game what kind of things we want to exclude from our story - topics that make you uncomfortable or ruin the fun for you. Also, let's talk about how we will deal with unexpected uncomfortable events when they come up in the game.
Here's the definitions of the tools we are using:
Rating: To give everyone a general sense of what's appropriate, if this game was a movie I'd want it to get about PG-13 rating, so like a Marvel movie or Star Wars.
Lines: Lines are hard limits, something we do not want to come up in this game. Lines represent places we don't want to go in roleplaying, setting, background, conversations - not anywhere.
The Lines so far include:
Veils: A veil is a "pan away" or "fade to black" moment. When we veil something, we're making it a part of the story, but keeping it out of the spotlight. Think of it as a way to still deal with certain themes while avoiding having to describe them in graphic detail.
The Veils so far include:
Script Change: Any time the game is going in a direction that makes you uncomforatble, just post "Pause for a second" and explain what is making you uncomfortable. No justification is necessary, just let us know what the problem is. As a group we will talk about how to adjust on the fly. We can retcon or change things to eliminate the thing ruining your fun, and we can all give input about how we "fix the script" so that we are all satisfied with the result.
ACTION REQUIRED: Please list any topics that you want to handle with care, and let me know if it is a Line or a Veil. You can post them as a reply to this post. We will read each others' lists and agree to avoid the Line topics and put the Veil topics outside of the scene background. If you're not sure about something, just ask! I'm a little new to this too, so let's figure it out together.
Thanks everyone!
Here's the definitions of the tools we are using:
Rating: To give everyone a general sense of what's appropriate, if this game was a movie I'd want it to get about PG-13 rating, so like a Marvel movie or Star Wars.
Lines: Lines are hard limits, something we do not want to come up in this game. Lines represent places we don't want to go in roleplaying, setting, background, conversations - not anywhere.
The Lines so far include:
Veils: A veil is a "pan away" or "fade to black" moment. When we veil something, we're making it a part of the story, but keeping it out of the spotlight. Think of it as a way to still deal with certain themes while avoiding having to describe them in graphic detail.
The Veils so far include:
Script Change: Any time the game is going in a direction that makes you uncomforatble, just post "Pause for a second" and explain what is making you uncomfortable. No justification is necessary, just let us know what the problem is. As a group we will talk about how to adjust on the fly. We can retcon or change things to eliminate the thing ruining your fun, and we can all give input about how we "fix the script" so that we are all satisfied with the result.
ACTION REQUIRED: Please list any topics that you want to handle with care, and let me know if it is a Line or a Veil. You can post them as a reply to this post. We will read each others' lists and agree to avoid the Line topics and put the Veil topics outside of the scene background. If you're not sure about something, just ask! I'm a little new to this too, so let's figure it out together.
Thanks everyone!