runekyndig says:
I'm in a Cyper game (The Strange) but our GM does not have as much time as he wish he had.
I would love to crack open my Dresden FATE accelerated book, as I think Fate would lend itself well to pbp, but I don't feel FATE-skilled enough to run a game.
Love FATE. I've run quite a few games on another platform. Works well whether you're into heavy role-play, heavy-action, or something in between. The thing about FATE is you can set the dials where you want them and get the results you want. Admittedly it takes a little experience like any game, but it works for all things.
Where I see problems is when a GM doesn't have enough experience with the system and it starts to break down where the expectations were either high, but needed additional planning, or different than what they had in mind when they started.
Dresden Fate is a wonderful experience when done right. Again, I would mention the amount of work a GM has to put into it is not so simple a thing - at least that's my experience; however, I am not, by any means, an authority on the game.