Looking for More (D&D 5e)

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Mar 1, 2021 11:51 am
Hey ya'll! I've got a game that is in need of some replacement players. 3 at most. As stated above, it's 5e D&D and I'm running it based on the PC game Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. While I'm not requiring daily posts, frequency is a bouns. I have a full life and cannot always post every day, and so I post every 2 or 3 days as should everyone else. If you're just here to post during combat, this isn't the right game for you. Roleplay is needed to keep everyone engaging and interested. We aren't playing in a vaccuum and interacting with each other is vital.
Currently, we have a human fighter (rune knight variant), dwarven cleric of Gond, and human paladin/warlock, and they are level 8. I have a lot of material to use and if you're not familiar with the game, then perhaps it would be best to say that if you'd like to join then let's talk and see what we come up with. Feel free to ask questions.
Mar 1, 2021 12:31 pm
Okay I have a question -- can I join
Mar 1, 2021 1:11 pm
I think that depends on why you want to join the game. Consider this an application.
Mar 1, 2021 2:22 pm
Hey, I'm the human rune knight in this game, and also the person desperate for more characters to interact with. It'd be great to have another player or two who are invested in roleplaying out conversations as well as the exploration aspects of the game.
Mar 1, 2021 4:20 pm
It has been a while since I played BG2 for the 3rd time. I have a ranger/Witcher concept I want to express
Mar 1, 2021 4:41 pm
That sounds interesting. Would you care to expand on that character concept, runekyndig? Since this is an already begun game, I'm curious about party makeup and who the characters are.
Mar 1, 2021 4:42 pm
I'd love to join if there's space. I'm not familiar with the setting but I'm willing to do some background reading if necessary :)
Mar 1, 2021 4:51 pm
Oh yeah. The setting is Forgotten Realms, specifically the year 1369 DR.
Mar 1, 2021 4:51 pm
Because its DnD5e and it appears to be a game with a GM that might last a good long while and considering the nature of PbP games those are, in my book, too good things. Then we toss in the, I want role-players not just roll-players and it just gets even better. Then you toss into the mix, its in the Forgotten Realms and it got even better.

So in response I would say to you - I am a consummate role-player that is it for the long haul.
Last edited Mar 1, 2021 4:55 pm
Mar 1, 2021 5:37 pm
If there is room, I'd love to get in on a game as a player, for a change. I have a ranger/druid combo idea that would fit nicely, I think. I can easily meet the posting requirement and I have 42 years of experience as a GM/DM with every incarnation of D&D and plenty more besides.
Mar 1, 2021 5:54 pm
Hello WhtKnt. I'm always happy to meet people who have more experience than I. Recently, I heard a bit of advice that I would like to actually use but still haven't quite executed is to post something every day. Sometimes this isn't possible, especially if no one else has posted yet. Anyone have thoughts on this?
Mar 1, 2021 6:13 pm
I denote a posting rate of 4 times a week as this seems to be more practical sometimes being able to post every day is not feasible due to RL and other times due to, as you pointed out, in-game issues. But if everyone is posting at least once every other day getting 4 posts in a week is quite feasible but also I use that as a sort of measure in that if I am getting posts by most, if not all, once every other day then the game moves along nicely. Of course, as I have pointed out stating that as a GM I am prepared to post twice as often as I request my players to post -- thus if I request once a day that would mean I as a GM ought to be able to post twice a day minimum thus I am able to keep up much easier by requesting the 4 posts per week.
Last edited Mar 1, 2021 6:15 pm
Mar 1, 2021 6:50 pm
unique_exemplar says:
That sounds interesting. Would you care to expand on that character concept, runekyndig? Since this is an already begun game, I'm curious about party makeup and who the characters are.
Witcher as in sword-swinging, potion drinking, minor magic-using man who hunts monsters. I have a soft spot for the UA Drakewarden, and I am thinking that he has been roped into the imaginations of dragons at some point. So he could have a draconic patron/mistress somewhere.
He is a practical man but is not overly bound to nature. He could easily be a concrete jungle ranger, hunting monsters in back allies and sewers. He hates that, but that is where the money is.

Last edited Mar 1, 2021 7:30 pm
Mar 1, 2021 7:01 pm
unique_exemplar says:
Hello WhtKnt. I'm always happy to meet people who have more experience than I. Recently, I heard a bit of advice that I would like to actually use but still haven't quite executed is to post something every day. Sometimes this isn't possible, especially if no one else has posted yet. Anyone have thoughts on this?
I try to check in at least once a day. Sometimes a once a day posting rate is simply impossible, but usually, it doesn't present a real problem to request such, with the understanding that there will be days when it isn't met.
Mar 1, 2021 7:17 pm
Is there still space available?
Mar 1, 2021 7:30 pm
Excellent feedback, ya'll. Yes, W4yw0rd, there is still space for the moment. I think I'm going to give until tomorrow to make the deadline for applicants. I did not expect this many, tbh.
Mar 1, 2021 8:14 pm
Here is a summary of the story so far in our game.

The adventurers wake to find themselves caged in a dungeon. Only two of them know each other. No one knows why they're there. They seem to have been jumped, drugged, or otherwise brought here mysteriously. Freeing themselves, they explore and fight their way through the complex, freeing other prisoners. It's discovered that the mage Irenicus imprisoned these people in his search for Bhaalspawn, children of the dead god of murder, Bhaal. It seems Irenicus is cursed and the divine spark in Bhaalspawn might help him. Thieves and assassins are met infiltrating the complex because of some guild war Irenicus seems to be connected to. Just as the adventurers reach daylight, they find Irenicus slaying rival guild thieves but eventually stopped by a group of wizards that seem to work as magical law enforcement. Irenicus and one of the fellow prisoners is taken by the Cowled Wizards and the party is left seeking answers. After making contact with a local, they learn they are in the city Athkatla where being an arcane spellcaster is looked upon suspiciously - without greasing the right palms of course. In their search for Irenicus, they find themselves outside the city where they help solve a series of mysterious murders and defeat an evil creature of darkness and death, bringing back the light to an old temple that happens to be for the patron of the party's paladin/warlock.
And that is where we're at currently.

For those who are interested in joining our game, please PM me with the following:

1. What kind of game do you want to play? If you're like many of us and are fine with whatever, what sort of mix of combat, roleplay, and exploration do you prefer?
2. Who is your character? Tell me about them so that I can figure out how they might fit into the story. This is really important as the group's mission is the driving force but the character interaction is the juicy part. Roleplay will be expected. Remember, you are heroes and adventurers, not murder hobos.
3. Lines & Veils. Is there anything you don't want in your game or anything you're not comfortable with?

I will then take this information to the group and we will decide who makes the cut.
Mar 1, 2021 11:01 pm
1. What kind of game do you want to play? I like games to have a balanced amount of exposition, wherein posts turn out somewhere between 'book' and 'one-liner,' speckled with a healthy amount of combat. I tend to steer clear from games that have too much intrigue or puzzles, mostly because I don't like how those translate especially from the written word. I especially like games with a unique spin, gimmick, or quirk.

2. Who is your character? Oh, you mean Dekel Oliad? Well.... He's a fey-ri. Kind of. He's a bit stunted, unable to change his form or anything like that. He's spent his adult life in a fighting pit, before he was... Well, he's still fuzzy on that part, before he woke up in his unmentionables in a cage. Though, the part about that that was new was that Dekel had never been outside of Thay before in his life.
In terms of nuts and bolts, there are a few builds I'd be interested in trying out; I've wanted to try out the Mystic since I found out a version of it was released all the way up to level 20, but apparently it's skewed in ways most people won't let in. So, barring that, either one form or another of warlock or sorcerer, or possibly an artificer or wizard. Stat-wise, I like winged tiefling as a skinned fey-ri stat-block.

3. Lines & Veils. Is there anything you don't want in your game or anything you're not comfortable with? Probably nothing that isn't already banned by site restrictions. I don't take personal offence to bad things happening to characters I like, either; that's what gives them depth.
Mar 2, 2021 12:52 pm
https://i.imgur.com/NJdS2Bq.pngContinuing with oddtrails' endorsement idea.

I've DMed runekyndig in three campaigns.

Uncaged: level 1-5
Rime of the Frostmaiden: currently level 5
Forgotten Helms: currently level 7

He's a fantastic player who throws himself into his characters, but he's also good fun in OOC banter.

He has Adam's "not a murderhobo" seal of approval.
Mar 2, 2021 1:02 pm
Ha! Thanks. I don't think I've ever had another GM support a player going to another game. Nice image, too.
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