Looking for rules light games

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Mar 1, 2021 11:18 pm

I'm new to GP and am interested in playing some rules light systems in either a fantasy, post-apoc, or space setting. I can GM, but would rather be a player to learn some new systems. Also, being a player on GP before GM would be a good way to learn it before just jumping in. :)

Systems I've read and would like to play include:
* Tunnel Goons
* Lasers & Feelings (and any of the many hacks)
* World of Dungeons
* Maze Rats

I'm open to any rules light system, honestly.

Shorter one-shots would probably be best for these systems.

Anybody else interested?
Last edited Mar 1, 2021 11:31 pm
Mar 2, 2021 1:17 am
Hello squid and welcome to Gamersplane!

I really like simple, rules-light games for quick one-shots. I'm sort of at capacity for games right now, so unfortunately I can't volunteer to lead or join your game, but hopefully you'll find a few others who are interested and available now.

There are tons of helpful members on the site, so if you have any questions about how to do anything (particularly if you need to GM right off the bat) then just post in an appropriate forum. General questions are usually asked in these ones:
General - General Chat
General - Site Discussion
Guides - General

It's also a good idea to introduce yourself with a little description of your gaming background and interests in the Introduction forum (HERE). Gives everyone a chance to welcome new members and the post might catch the eye of someone who is not actively checking the Games Tavern, but knows of a game that matches your tastes and is looking for players.
Mar 2, 2021 2:47 am
Hello and welcome. While I did not offer any of the systems you listed above, I did made a thread proposing several systems here, many of them rules-lite/rules-lite-ish. I've already started my FTD game, but am still waiting for a 2nd place winner among the systems I proposed... Feel free to cast your votes there if you want to.
Mar 2, 2021 3:06 am
Chalrytharendir says:
Hello squid and welcome to Gamersplane!

I really like simple, rules-light games for quick one-shots. I'm sort of at capacity for games right now, so unfortunately I can't volunteer to lead or join your game, but hopefully you'll find a few others who are interested and available now.

There are tons of helpful members on the site, so if you have any questions about how to do anything (particularly if you need to GM right off the bat) then just post in an appropriate forum. General questions are usually asked in these ones:
General - General Chat
General - Site Discussion
Guides - General

It's also a good idea to introduce yourself with a little description of your gaming background and interests in the Introduction forum (HERE). Gives everyone a chance to welcome new members and the post might catch the eye of someone who is not actively checking the Games Tavern, but knows of a game that matches your tastes and is looking for players.
Thanks! I posted an introduction.
Mar 2, 2021 3:07 am
kalajel says:
Hello and welcome. While I did not offer any of the systems you listed above, I did made a thread proposing several systems here, many of them rules-lite/rules-lite-ish. I've already started my FTD game, but am still waiting for a 2nd place winner among the systems I proposed... Feel free to cast your votes there if you want to.
Thanks! I'll take a look.
Mar 2, 2021 4:10 am
Welcome, squid! I too love rules-light games, and have plans to run several in the coming months. Tiny Dungeon, For the Dungeon, World of Dungeons Turbo: Breakers, various non-retroclone OSR games... glad to see a kindred gaming spirit.
Mar 2, 2021 7:47 am
Hey squid. we're recruiting for this one. It is light but it is a homebrew test run
Last edited Mar 2, 2021 9:37 am
Mar 2, 2021 9:18 am
I had a blast playing Lasers and Feelings PbP here, the rules light really meant everyone was able to give their all into the RP aspect without too many rules getting in the way. Hope Moonbeam (who was the GM) comes across this thread and chimes in!
Mar 3, 2021 12:58 am
You're welcome to join my Warrior Rogue and Mage game Prophecy of Pendor currently in progress. Send me a PM here or on the site Discord.
Mar 3, 2021 2:26 am
BedzoneII says:
I had a blast playing Lasers and Feelings PbP here, the rules light really meant everyone was able to give their all into the RP aspect without too many rules getting in the way. Hope Moonbeam (who was the GM) comes across this thread and chimes in!
Yeah, when I joined that game back in March, I didn't expect that we'd still be playing the same characters and story a year later. It helps that we landed on a set of characters that we really connected with and which transcended the premise we started with. About eight months in we started to chafe a bit at the limited nature of the rules for when we felt like we needed dice to help resolve things and we started transitioning to a PbtA framework, so I'd agree with the others saying that the sort of extremely rules light one pager RPGs probably work better as one shots or "miniseries" type games. There's something fun about moving from one system to another as the game evolves, though.

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