Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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Mar 22, 2021 4:10 am
"I appreciate the vote of confidence," Ralavaz says to the party as they pull him down from the manacles.
Mike says:
"What would you have us do - apart from releasing your manacles?" he asks Ralavaz.
He rubs his sore wrists and replies "I ask that you don't kill my brother. Look, if any of us die, even the other bandits, well, we might have some repenting to do but we'll get to the Elysium eventually. My brother however, he's made a deal with the Betrayer Gods. If he dies now, his soul will burn in the Hells for all time. Maybe I can get him to an archpriest in the east or a witch in the south who can undo this mess. I owe him to at least try."


Mar 22, 2021 4:14 am
Regarding scouting out the next level in disguises, this is a good plan. Just to give you an idea of the level of danger, even in a disguise a conversation with one of the Night Blades is going to require some deception rolls and/or good roleplaying :)
Mar 22, 2021 7:04 am
On hearing of the tiefling's plan, Naeris is quick to respond, first moving away from the tunnel so that her voice doesn't carry up it.

'Let's hear what Ralavaz has to say first. He can tell us much of what we're to expect and then, maybe, we can try this plan with the rest of us waiting to provide back up. Don't forget that we're all covered in mud, so the ruse might be a bit obvious.'
Mar 22, 2021 7:09 am
After checking the tunnel again, she asks Ralavaz 'We hear that your brother is quite dangerous - that he can charm people. Is this true? Do you have any ideas for how we could capture him alive and not be charmed?'

She returns to watching the tunnel.
Last edited March 22, 2021 7:10 am
Mar 22, 2021 3:18 pm
"Aaa, that is a funny idea" Kaa says at the idea of disguised scouting "But I might stand out a bit too much."

"As for the new drama bandit leader, I understand brotherly love but usually my own hide will take priority over such, no promises."
If disguised scouting is succesful, later we could pretend to be prisoners with easily removable ropes and snipe the leader by presenting us to him as prisoners. I am assuming we want least casualities, but there are other interesting options too: smoking them out, aggroing the shambling mound onto them, poisoning their water or food with something (preferably to make everyone sleep)...
Mar 23, 2021 1:47 am
Hilmar nods in agreement at hearing his companions say Ralavaz should be released. "I agree." Then looking towards Ralavaz as he unlocks the manacles with the brass key, he says, "Perhaps we can help eachother."
[ +- ] Naeris says
"Me too, I think he can help us - and we can help him. My Night Blade Cloak is a bit muddy now but there are two more there. Also unless they have a bugbear and a tiefling in their ranks the uniforms for Euphoria and Kaa might not be appropriate.
I think I am right in saying that Hilmar is the only one in the party at the moment wearing a uniform - unless I missed this.
[ +- ] Naeris says
"Can you tell us how many there are? And also can you tell us what that golden mask does?"
Last edited March 23, 2021 1:48 am


Mar 23, 2021 5:42 am
"Yes, the rumours are true that Gardren has some kind of mind control powers. He never once used it on me, so it's hard to say how he does it. But I've seen the way he talks to these bandits. They treat him more like a messiah than a crime boss."

"I think there are about 20 Night Blades altogether. Most of them are lackluster fighters like these two, but 20 of anything can be a problem if you're not ready for it. Mind you there are two you need to watch out for: two dwarf sisters, fight with great, cruel maces and carry heavy crossbows on their backs. They look mean and fast."

"Gardren himself is tougher than I've ever known him to be. Unnaturally strong."
Mar 23, 2021 7:44 am
"Well under the circumstances you might want to put on some of the leather armour and take some weapons."
Hilmar shows Ralavaz the map he has of the complex and asks where he believes Gardren is and the other Night Blades.
"In addition, do you know why he might want mining equipment?"


Mar 25, 2021 7:31 am
Ralavaz concurs about the weapons and armor. He's clearly not in great health (5/20 hp) but that doesn't seem to deter him.

"Mining equipment? No, I'm not too sure about that. I did overhear one of the Night Blades talking about a mining company called Deepwater. He told a new recruit to 'thank Deepwater' for their shiny new weapons."

He holds up one of the Night Blades' fine steel scimitars. "These are awfully good steel for backwater bandit gang."
Mar 27, 2021 1:19 am
"It might be an idea if we scout ahead in the tunnel first to see if there are any more guards at the top of the tunnel," Hilmar says, thinking aloud.
Is it the case that the cloaks have hoods?
"Some of us could wear the cloaks and masks and pretend to have Kaa and Euphoria as 'prisoners'. If there are about 20 of them in total, even with the masks they would be likely to know eachother, so our disguises won't stand up to close inspection. But in the dimly lit corridors and with surprise, it might be enough to get past some guards and get to Gardren. Also I wonder if all of the Night Blades are here at the moment."
Hilmar shows Ralavaz the map he has of the complex and asks where he believes Gardren is and the other Night Blades.
"Do you think this could work Ralavaz? Also - are you fit enough after being suspended from that rope? Alternatively we could retreat back down the drainage tunnel, taking these prisoners with us back to Hope. Of course if we do that we'll have completely lost the element of surprise and won't be able to use this route again when we come back." He looks to the others to see what ideas they might have.
Last edited March 27, 2021 10:58 pm
Mar 27, 2021 1:54 am
I would prefer to stay on course. It might be our best bet - to strike while they aren't prepared. The infernal plays with a dagger in her hand, spinning it around. If things go sideways, I'm sure we can fight our way to their masked chief. She notices the look Alfrey gives her. Trying to be gentle with them, of course. Euphoria grins.
Also, I might try and make some disguises for you people. Maybe I could manage to make two of you look more similar to those guys. She points at the bandits.
Mar 27, 2021 8:46 pm
Kaa is nodding along. "Indeed, let's strike now, whatever way we do it. The fake captives sounds good too haha! I want to see the surprise on their faces."

He is still not too trusting of Ralavaz, and eyes his conversation with Hilmar.
Mar 27, 2021 8:58 pm
"Indeed, we’d have a better chance of catching them unaware now than if we waited for them to discover these two missing." He gestures to the bound Night Blades. "On the other hand, taking these ones back to town now may also be wise. If we find ourselves having to make a quick escape, we may not be able to take them in later, and we would miss this opportunity to chip away at their numbers." Alfrey tilts his head in a thoughtful expression. "I suppose we could split up — have one or two of us escort the prisoners and the others infiltrate the hideout. Though it could be dangerous to go in without our group’s full strength. I’m unsure what to do, honestly."
Mar 27, 2021 11:11 pm
While waiting for Ralavaz's response he listens to the comments made by Euphoria, Kaa and Pitrio. He looks at Naeris, interested to learn what her views are as to their next course of action.
Mar 28, 2021 12:30 am
Naeris has heard enough and now has a clear opinion.

We mustn't split up - our numbers are so few already. Our options are to go for the surprise attack now or to return to town intending to bring the militia. I don't like the militia plan so much anymore. We still don't have a way to get such a large group past the plant monster and we've already worsened the plan by entering here and raising the alarm.

Let's try the fake captives idea. Even if it only buys us a little time, it's better than nothing.
Last edited March 28, 2021 12:30 am


Mar 28, 2021 12:42 am
Ralavaz throws his two cents in while loading a crossbow.

"Well, since you're asking me, I believe that now is the time to strike. I don't think we're getting a better shot than this."

"The fake prisoner idea is solid. Even if it fails, it'll buy us a few seconds to get into position."

"And I understand if we can't save my brother. First priority is to end the threat to Hope, and going all out on the bandits is the best way to make that happen. But if the chance comes, please ... show him mercy."


Mar 28, 2021 12:44 am
Ralavaz doesn't look like he's in great combat condition, but it also looks like he isn't going to let that stop him. If anyone comments on that, he'll wave away any concern and assure them that he'll be fine.


Mar 28, 2021 12:46 am
Making a disguise is a d20 roll. Euphoria can add INT modifier plus proficiency bonus for a total of +2. The roll will determine the effectiveness of the disguise. I think you're making 2 disguises? So that's two rolls.
Mar 28, 2021 12:56 am
So the rolls should be 1d20+2, a roll + int modifier as proficiency, or 1d20+2+2, a roll + int mod + prof?
The idea is to disguise 2 of us as 2 of those bandits, making their faces look similar. Would that work? Also, who should get them? Hilmar and Alfrey are both humans, right? So I'm assuming they get better chances to have convincing looks of human bandits?
Last edited March 28, 2021 12:58 am


Disguise 1 - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Disguise 2 - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21


Mar 28, 2021 1:07 am
Looks good! You rolled correctly. To answer your question, disguising non-humans would be at disadvantage.
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