Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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Mar 28, 2021 5:34 am
Euphoria spends about 20 minutes with her disguise kit getting Alfrey and Hilmar to match the two brigands they already captured.

Ralavaz, who has spent some time listening to the Night Blades while in their custody, informs you of their names: "The one with the pipe is named Klive Yellowriver. They call the one with the rats Pelpe."

By the end, Euphoria has produced pretty decent disguises for both of them!
Next step?
Mar 28, 2021 6:52 am
There! Now you look like you're ready to rob some travelers! The tiefling smiles, proud of her work. Also, try speaking less classy, I guess? You're criminals now, remember? Especially Hilmar, speak like you barely know how to read, otherwise, your intelligence might be showing through too much! Her grin becomes wider as she speaks. And you, Alfrey, don't mention any dragon gods, will you? Remember, stay in character, you're supposed to be simple-minded bandits. She turns around to the disarmed Night Blades. No offense, pals.

Alright, now to us, prisoners? I have these manacles,- Euphoria spins them around playfully,- I could probably put them on without locking them. Also, you may take my whip as well, if you're into that. She's now barely able to hold back her laughter, chuckling softly.

She then turns her jolly visage to the bugbear. Sorry, Kaa, I have only one set of manacles. You may have to use the rope. Or, maybe, you wanna share these with someone pink and charming, one manacle for you, one for me?
And you, Naeris, you could probably get away with covering your face using the mask and staying a bit behind us all? And make sure you cover your adorable pointy ears with a hood! At this point the infernal became more serious, trying to keep a clear judgment before the encounter. Now, any objections?
I actually wanted to make a post of me making those disguises, but I'm glad you did it for me, Len. God, I'm so tired these weekends, I barely get enough sleep because I had to shift my schedule around. But I'm in a very good mood!! :>
Last edited March 28, 2021 7:08 am
Mar 28, 2021 9:50 am
We can tell!
Naeris grins in spite of herself because Euphoria's mood is infectious. She says 'Yes, I'll stay at the back and keep hidden at first.'
Mar 28, 2021 11:17 am
"If you don't mind being close to the fire when the spark goes off... Sharing is caring ehh?" Kaa chuckles too, enjoying to good mood. "Someone take my weapons and throw me the axe as soon as the teeth need to start flying." He is pressuring Alfrey with his glances to take that responsibility.

He lets himself be put in position into their stage performance and excitedly looks around to see if everyone is ready and that the captives are bound and gagged properly. He would hate if they spoil their surprise. He is obviously excited and has to keep himself from being fidgety and from smiling. He tries to remind himself to look beaten so wipes some mud onto his face too.

"Ready? Let's go!"
Last edited March 28, 2021 11:17 am
Mar 28, 2021 11:43 pm
Himar nods to Euphoria's instructions about mode of speech.
"Nice work," says Hilmar admiring Euphoria's make-up work in his steel mirror. "Can I suggest Kaa that you act like you're wounded? Perhaps a limp when we encounter Night Blades. Might make it more plausible that we're able to restrain a 7ft bugbear!"
Ralavaz said one is called Clive Yellowriver and the other is Pelpe (who had the rats). Please let us know which ones Alfrey and Hilmar are playing.


Mar 28, 2021 11:45 pm
Feel free to pick one! If you don't care either way, roll a d2 to decide ;)
Mar 29, 2021 12:35 am
Alfrey nods along as the group discusses the disguise plan. "Alright, this may work." he offers, cautiously. "I’m not much of an actor, but I’ll try my best."

He sits patiently as Euphoria applies his new face. He twitches only slightly at the unfamiliar sensation. When she finishes, he touches his face gingerly so as not to damage the tiefling’s work. "My, this is fine stuff. I didn’t know you had such skills. Oh, and if you need another pair of manacles, don’t forget the one that ones that used to be on Ralavaz."

Alfrey then picks up on Kaa’s not so-subtle hint regarding the bugbear’s weapons. "I can help with that." he offers, taking the axe that the bugbear hands him. He hefts it for a moment, impressed with its weight — easily double that of his own weapon. "I’ll try to stick close by you. I wouldn’t want to throw this further than necessary."
Mar 29, 2021 12:54 am
As for which of us is playing which bandit — were we ever able to get a sense of which of the two is the more senior member? I'm thinking that we might plan on having Hilmar do most of the talking, with him being the higher charisma character between the two of us, in which case he'd want to portray whichever one is more likely to be in charge — unless Mike objects of course.
Mar 29, 2021 6:07 am
Naeris also puts on a cloak and mask hoping that, after the others have made an entrance, one more "night blade" won't be noticed.
Mar 29, 2021 11:22 pm
I'll be Pelpe - the one who had the rat bag.
I don't mind doing the talking initially.
Mar 29, 2021 11:25 pm
Hilmar picks up the now empty burlap sack as part of his disguise, giving it a good shake to make sure no rats are still inside.
"I remember you said he threatened to dunk your head in this bag. Have you any idea why this man was carrying a sack full of rats in the first place?" he asks Ralavaz.
Last edited March 29, 2021 11:29 pm


Mar 29, 2021 11:43 pm
Alfrey and Hilmar (in Night Blade disguises) lead Euphoria and Kaa up the path as their faux prisoners while Naeris and Ralavaz hang back just out of sight in the tunnel.

Cracked wooden support beams hold up the crumbling stone ceiling of this new chamber, whose walls are lined with hammocks and bedrolls. Several beams have collapsed and are rotting in the floor.

Four Night Blades are stationed here and immediately stir as you come into view. "What the fuck is this?" calls out one of the Night Blades in front of heavy stone doors to the east as he gestures with a scimitar to the prisoners.

Two armored dwarves rise from their bunks in the north to see what the fuss is about.
Mar 30, 2021 12:09 am
"Caught these two sneaking around below," replies Hilmar in a low voice jerking his head towards Kaa and Euphoria. "Got to take them to the Boss quick."
Mar 30, 2021 7:09 am
Kaa is pulling his left foot a bit, hunches his posture and pulls his shoulders together to seem less threatening, and glares at Hilmar and at people with the gaze of a wounded dog. He mumbles some cursing in goblin, involving their mothers and a pack or rats.


Captive performance - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Mar 30, 2021 9:44 am
Yes, you better take me to the one in charge and quick! I represent Ori the Alchemist. You see... The tiefling paused for a moment, trying to sound a bit dramatic. He sent me to deliver the package to some guy named Gardren. Ten small stoppered bottles with the essence of fire. This stuff is precious and really, really fragile! Ori's Flame they call it. So anyway, my bodyguard and I,- she makes a gesture with her head toward the bugbear, we've been trying to find a way in, but my god your main entrance is in bad shape! So we found this weird pipe and figured it would lead us inside. And then these two,- Euphoria grimaced, pointing at disguised Alfrey and Hilmar,- they didn't even listen, they've beat this guy up, Kaa is his name. Poor fella's a pacifist, wouldn't hurt a fly, he's here just for the looks, and they've hurt him for no reason! That's just unacceptable! I'm telling you that's your last day on duty! ,- she almost screamed, scolding the "captors". Now, will someone free me and let me deliver my package?! I imagine your boss would be furious if he found out how you treat us, just imagine if we'd drop one of the bottles, that flame would be burning for decades, impossible to put out!
Tell me if that's too much, haha! Don't want to ruin anyone's immersion with my stupid jokes!
I'm alright with changing stuff or deleting the post entirely if you guys don't feel it fits the narrative!
Also, should I make any rolls?
Figured I'd need a deception check, here's my roll
I'm also up to using the inspiration on this, maybe for critical effect or something xD
Assuming everyone's OK with me fooling around, feel free to make that reroll for me if it'd improve the situation or something.
Last edited March 30, 2021 4:46 pm


Deception (+5) - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15


Mar 30, 2021 5:21 pm
Nice acting by Kaa and Euphoria! You've really sold your prisoner status, which grants Hilmar and Alfrey advantage on their required deception rolls.
Mar 31, 2021 2:01 am
"Yadda, yadda, yadda - save it for the boss," rumbles Hilmar into his chest.


Deception roll - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Deception roll (advantage) - (1d20)

(6) = 6


Mar 31, 2021 4:21 am
Oof, a bit of a low roll ... I guess Hilmar's just too honest for his own good! We'll wait and see how Alfrey's deception roll (with advantage) turns out.
Mar 31, 2021 5:15 am
Hearing a hint of uncertainty in Hilmar's voice, Alfrey attempts to distract by addressing the assembled Night Blades directly. "My, this little girl's got a big mouth on her, doesn't she?" He grins, feigning amusement. "We'll see in a minute if the boss knows anything about this 'Ori the Alchemist' character."


Deception - (1d20-1)

(13) - 1 = 12

Deception (advantage) - (1d20-1)

(18) - 1 = 17


Mar 31, 2021 4:31 pm
The Night Blades consider the situation.


Night Blades consider the story - (1d20+0, 1d20+0)

1d20+0 : (8) = 8

1d20+0 : (12) = 12

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