Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower
A male voice addresses Hilmar: "Brother, how fares your watch today?"
It stares at Hilmar, waiting for a response.

The party enters with Hilmar leading the "prisoners." Here, some of the splendor of builders of this tower has survived. Two hulking statues of faceless armored knights kneel in the corners of the room, facing the center of the chamber and a well there that leads down into the shadowy depths. A stone throne sits upon a raised dais opposite the door.
Five men in Night Blade cloaks are arrayed around the well, one of whom wears a gold mask. On his shoulder sits a hideous winged creature, which looks like a cross between a large bat and an oversized mosquito. You notice the Night Blades have their hands on their weapons. The man in the golden mask beckons you inside and speaks with a rasp.
"Intruders? In my home? How disrespectful. Kick them into the well."
You can feel his eyes scanning over you through his mask. Ralavaz hides behind the prisoners, his hood up and head down.

Firebolt cantrip - (1d20+5)
(17) + 5 = 22
Damage if the cantrip strikes - (1d10)
(10) = 10
Initiative - (1d20+5)
(17) + 5 = 22
Longbow attack - (1d20+5)
(16) + 5 = 21
Damage on a hit - (1d8)
(5) = 5
Initaitve - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Initiative - (1d20+2)
(8) + 2 = 10

A) Naeris
B) NB1 - AC: 12
B) NB2 - AC: 12
B) NB3 - AC: 12
B) NB4 - AC: 12
B) Heartseeker - AC: 14
B) Gardren - AC: 15
C) Hilmar
C) Alfrey
C) Kaa
C) Euphoria
C) Ralavaz
Alfrey Initiative - (1d20)
(8) = 8
Euphoria Initiative - (1d20+2)
(1) + 2 = 3
Ralavaz Initiative - (1d20+3)
(6) + 3 = 9
"You should have chosen your words more carefully at the door! Looks like you'll all drink" Gardren taunts as his Night Blades fly into action.
The ever swift Naeris manages to loose her arrow before they arrive, but it isn't a fatal blow. He keeps coming.
Sacred Flame damage (if applicable) - (1d8)
(6) = 6
The second Night Blade also comes for cleric of Bahamut. He runs at him with his sword in a blur of spinning motion and lands a strike on Alfrey, his scimitar finding a gap in his armor! (5 damage)
The third Night Blade comes for Euphoria, looking to take her head off with a vicious roundhouse kick! But Euphoria easily dodges her spurred heel.
The fourth Night Blade flanks Hilmar and slashes at his throat, his eyes flashing with murder. The attack bounces harmlessly off of Hilmar's invisible magic armor with a loud "chink", denting the Night Blades' blade.
"Heartseeker! Drink!" Gardren commands and his pet flying creature takes flight. It comes down on Naeris, its barbed proboscis seeking her blood! Naeris is good and ready for it, and evades the creature's attack.
Gardren himself rushes into the fray, coming straight for the biggest of the party - Kaa. Gardren moves with the speed and strength of demon! He flashes a scimitar in one hand and a dagger in another. "Or maybe I should burn you alive like they did to me!" His blades find their mark twice (16 damage).

NB1 attack on Alfrey - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)
1d20+3 : (1) + 3 = 4
1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3
NB2 attack on Alfrey - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)
1d20+3 : (18) + 3 = 21
1d6+1 : (4) + 1 = 5
NB3 attack on Euphoria - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)
1d20+3 : (3) + 3 = 6
1d6+1 : (4) + 1 = 5
NB4 attack on Hilmar - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)
1d20+3 : (4) + 3 = 7
1d6+1 : (5) + 1 = 6
Heartseeker attack on Naeris - (1d20+5, 1d4+3)
1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8
1d4+3 : (2) + 3 = 5
Gardren's 3 attacks on Kaa - (1d20+5, 1d20+5, 1d20+5, 1d6+3, 1d4+3, 1d4+3)
1d20+5 : (18) + 5 = 23
1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20
1d20+5 : (6) + 5 = 11
1d6+3 : (6) + 3 = 9
1d4+3 : (4) + 3 = 7
1d4+3 : (2) + 3 = 5
He attempts to grab onto Gardren, carry him over the well, and drop him into it.
Athletics for grapple - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)
1d20+5 : (16) + 5 = 21
1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16
Gardren strives to resist Kaa's great strength! But Kaa is too powerful. He lifts him off his feet and walks forward. Gardren's pet snipes at his heels as he moves but fails to sink its teeth in! Kaa drops Gardren into the well, and he falls into the blackness with a sickening crunch at the unseen bottom.
Saving throw vs. Sacred Flame - (1d20+5)
(18) + 5 = 23
athletics - (1d20+6)
(7) + 6 = 13
Heartseeker opportunity attack - (1d20+5, 1d4+3)
1d20+5 : (6) + 5 = 11
1d4+3 : (1) + 3 = 4