You did way better on stealth than I did - hopefully I haven't raised the alarm!
Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower
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Mar 13, 2021 9:29 pm
Jusika says:
I will also include another perception roll because Naeris did 2 I don't know if it is needed but just to be sureOOC:
Naeris did two because we have advantage on these particular perception rolls - so we can add a second perception roll and take the better one.You did way better on stealth than I did - hopefully I haven't raised the alarm!
Last edited Mar 13, 2021 9:40 pm
Mar 13, 2021 9:45 pm
Naeris and Euphoria make their way from boulder to boulder, trying to stay quiet. At one point, the Shambling Mound rises and looks down in your direction but then settles back down as you freeze in place.
The drainage pipe is well hidden at the base of the hill by overhanging vegetation, but erosion has revealed some of the metal, which glints in the light at the right angle. It is definitely large enough for full-sized people to squeeze through single file. Even Kaa will fit. However, it is blocked off with a rusted metal grate. If you test it with a bit of force, you can see that the bars have some give but are still pretty solid (DC 15 Str check to break open)
[ +- ] Shambling Mound

Mar 14, 2021 1:34 am
She decides that she needs Kaa's help or maybe Hilmar's. She signals Euphoria over and shows her the grate. But now she wonders 'This is too rusted on for my strength but what if we pull together?'
Is there a mechanism for pulling together in D&D?Mar 14, 2021 2:05 am
Astroloma says:
Is there a mechanism for pulling together in D&D?OOC:
Yes, two can fit into the space to pull on it. If you want to work together with someone, the stronger of the two characters would roll with advantage.I'm open to outside-the-box ideas too. Some kind of spell, item, or clever plan might do the trick or at least lower the number you need to roll over.
Mar 14, 2021 6:03 am
This is Euphoria and Naeris pulling together. It seems a bit cheesy getting a second attempt at a strength check so, if I should just be adding one die to my previous roll to roll with advantage, the first die is the one that counts.Rolls
Strength with advantage - (1d20+2)
(5) + 2 = 7
Strength with advantage (die 2) - (1d20+2)
(5) + 2 = 7
Mar 14, 2021 6:11 am
Naeris looks up anxiously to see if they were heard. She whispers ‘This is stuck fast. We’d best get back to the others.’
Stealth if needed - (1d20+5)
(17) + 5 = 22
Mar 14, 2021 10:38 am
Yes, we should. But let's split again. See you there! The tiefling sneaked away.
stealth check if neededRolls
Stealth (Expertise +6) - (1d20+6)
(14) + 6 = 20
Mar 15, 2021 1:02 am
You reunite with the others without rousing any suspicion.
Kaa has the best chance of pulling off that grate with his bare hands, unless you can come up with an alternative plan! The Guidance spell could be useful here as well - Bahamut is known for strength of all kinds. There is always the main entrance through the strangleroot if don't mind using the yellow bottle. The Shambling Mound is around, of course, but so far has not been hostile and appears pretty lazy.Mar 15, 2021 1:23 am
We found it! The infernal looks at Naeris, expecting her to tell the party more.
Mar 15, 2021 3:17 am
'Yes, we found the drain and it looks like a good way to get in because the bandits don't use it. There's a rusty, metal covering over the opening and we couldn't get that off but I'm sure it could come off with enough strength. Or maybe there's some other way of doing it? Naeris pauses, considering what to say next, but someone else is quicker...
Mar 15, 2021 3:52 am
"Well done! It certainly sounds worth a try." Hilmar looks towards Kaa, thinking the muscular bugbear is the strongest in the party.
Mar 15, 2021 7:02 am
With Naeris and Euphoria having already scouted out a route, it is much easier for Hilmar, Kaa, and even Alfrey to make their way to the concealed drainpipe. Kaa gives the grate a good yank, assisted by Alfrey and the guidance of Bahamut. The bars refuse to budge, but through Bahamut's guidance, Alfrey sees a weakness in the rusted metal which gives Kaa the angle he needs to pull off the bars.
Naeris and Euphoria did such a good job stealthing i'm going to waive the stealth rolls for the rest of the party.OOC:
Phew, just barely! I hope nobody minds me moving things forward but it sounds like this was the plan and I figured we can jump ahead a bit :)Rolls
Athletics (adv), guidance - (1d20+5, 1d20+5, 1d4)
1d20+5 : (6) + 5 = 11
1d20+5 : (4) + 5 = 9
1d4 : (4) = 4
Mar 15, 2021 7:42 am
With the grate free, you are able to move freely up the tunnel. It is slippery and smells of fetid water, but it isn't a hard a climb. Those who choose to go eventually reach a dugout cave brightly lit with torches. Water drips down from roof and seeps from the walls. The drainpipe is just at the lip of a wide, deep mud pit.
Just ahead, a knotted rope hangs from an iron hook hammered into the natural stone wall. Dangling from the rope is a middle-aged male prisoner (P), who has a good view of the drainpipe and sees you coming up it. He makes no sudden movements to give you away, but he subtly gestures to two Night Blade guards (NB1 and NB2) in black uniforms that stand at the edge of the solid ground, crossbows slung over their shoulders. One smokes a pipe while the other is carving his initials into the soft mud walls with a short sword.
Just ahead, a knotted rope hangs from an iron hook hammered into the natural stone wall. Dangling from the rope is a middle-aged male prisoner (P), who has a good view of the drainpipe and sees you coming up it. He makes no sudden movements to give you away, but he subtly gestures to two Night Blade guards (NB1 and NB2) in black uniforms that stand at the edge of the solid ground, crossbows slung over their shoulders. One smokes a pipe while the other is carving his initials into the soft mud walls with a short sword.

The mud pit will be difficult terrain (costs double movement) and you can only go up the drainpipe in single file. The guards sounding the alarm may be a concern.Mar 15, 2021 9:49 am
Kaa blinks a few at Hilmar's look, but then grins and nods.
He is suspiciously eyeing the shambling mound as they all move to the grate, but glad that the two girls got them a good path.
I do not mind the jump ahead, I just assumed it would be more difficult.After clearing the way he goes first into the pipe. At the sight of the prisoner and his gestures, he crouches and peeks a bit out to take a look at the guards. This way if someone else leans on his shoulders can peek too. He whispers to the others:
"There are two guards there, not very alert. Do you want to cast your lullaby on them?" he asks Hilmar. "Or do the three of us try to sneak there and hope to knock them out before they start shouting?" he looks at the other two sneakers. He is glancing at his pike, thinking that he only needs to take a few steps to reach them with it, but he is not confident in taking both out just by himself quickly enough.
"Or I sneak up to the piper, and you two shoot the other from the entrance when I strike?" he shrugs, eager to go, since one way or another they have to go forward.
He is suspiciously eyeing the shambling mound as they all move to the grate, but glad that the two girls got them a good path.
"Naeris and Euphoria did such a good job stealthing i'm going to waive the stealth rolls for the rest of the party." - Lenient Pelletier 😋I do not mind the jump ahead, I just assumed it would be more difficult.
"There are two guards there, not very alert. Do you want to cast your lullaby on them?" he asks Hilmar. "Or do the three of us try to sneak there and hope to knock them out before they start shouting?" he looks at the other two sneakers. He is glancing at his pike, thinking that he only needs to take a few steps to reach them with it, but he is not confident in taking both out just by himself quickly enough.
"Or I sneak up to the piper, and you two shoot the other from the entrance when I strike?" he shrugs, eager to go, since one way or another they have to go forward.
Last edited Mar 15, 2021 9:51 am
Mar 16, 2021 1:25 am
As Kaa yanks open the grate assisted by Alfrey with the guidance of Bahamut, Hilmar rolls up his green cloak, puts it in his pack and puts on his Night Blade 'uniform' - black cloak and black mask.Hilmar creeps up as quietly as he can and peers out of the entrance. Once he has seen the prisoner and the two Night Blades, he withdraws from the entrance. He indicates to the others that he will cast a sleep spell on the two Night Blades. He cuts two lengths of rope for tying them up and hands one to Kaa. He creeps back to the mouth of the pipe and draws his wand. He casts the sleep spell.
[ +- ] Pitrio says
After clearing the way he goes first into the pipe. At the sight of the prisoner and his gestures, he crouches and peeks a bit out to take a look at the guards. This way if someone else leans on his shoulders can peek too. He whispers to the others:
"There are two guards there, not very alert. Do you want to cast your lullaby on them?" he asks Hilmar. "Or do the three of us try to sneak there and hope to knock them out before they start shouting?" he looks at the other two sneakers. He is glancing at his pike, thinking that he only needs to take a few steps to reach them with it, but he is not confident in taking both out just by himself quickly enough.
"Or I sneak up to the piper, and you two shoot the other from the entrance when I strike?" he shrugs, eager to go, since one way or another they have to go forward.
"There are two guards there, not very alert. Do you want to cast your lullaby on them?" he asks Hilmar. "Or do the three of us try to sneak there and hope to knock them out before they start shouting?" he looks at the other two sneakers. He is glancing at his pike, thinking that he only needs to take a few steps to reach them with it, but he is not confident in taking both out just by himself quickly enough.
"Or I sneak up to the piper, and you two shoot the other from the entrance when I strike?" he shrugs, eager to go, since one way or another they have to go forward.
Sleep spell - (5d8)
(13446) = 18
Mar 16, 2021 5:29 pm
As Hilmar cast his spell Kaa rushes out (to J9), with a javelin in hand and hurls it at the one still standing.
Edit: not just initative. I also assumed Hilmar made way for them (as Len suggested in ooc he should), but if that is not so, I will edit it again :)
Edit: not just initative. I also assumed Hilmar made way for them (as Len suggested in ooc he should), but if that is not so, I will edit it again :)
Last edited Mar 16, 2021 7:31 pm
Initaitve - (1d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Attack roll, damage roll - (1d20+5, 3d6+3)
1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16
3d6+3 : (444) + 3 = 15
Mar 16, 2021 10:36 pm
One of the guards goes down from Hilmar's sleep spell, while the second goes down to Kaa's javelin. You have obtained a foothold in the underbelly of the Night Blade's lair.
The prisoner watches on, and makes a quiet comment that barely registers over echoes of the loud dripping water: "Not bad. I would be much obliged if you could get me out of these manacles."
Unless you come up with some idea to avoid it, everyone must pass through the mud pit and gets covered up to the waist in slick brown slime.
The prisoner watches on, and makes a quiet comment that barely registers over echoes of the loud dripping water: "Not bad. I would be much obliged if you could get me out of these manacles."
Combat is over. The Night Blade that Kaa nailed with the Javelin will die unless somebody take action such as apply life-saving measures via a medicine check, use a healer's kit to bandage them up, or cast a healing spell. Unless you come up with some idea to avoid it, everyone must pass through the mud pit and gets covered up to the waist in slick brown slime.
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