Apr 23, 2021 11:57 am
Kaa is also baffled that the demon is still flying, and not in the ways he would prefer.
"Piece of ifrit shit!" he curses at it while continuing his barrage on it.
Also, doesn't your archery fighting style give +2 to attack rolls? So you would have +7 to it, not like it matters since the reroll is high, just an off comment.
Edit 2: wow a critcal hit! How do we do that? Roll again for damage dice, double the one rolled, or max out the dice? I will roll a d12 for it, at worst it won't be needed.
"Piece of ifrit shit!" he curses at it while continuing his barrage on it.
I think we are Supposed to say if we want to use inspiration before we see any rolls? Since it works the same way as advantage. 😅 Edit: I messed up with it when I used it as well.Also, doesn't your archery fighting style give +2 to attack rolls? So you would have +7 to it, not like it matters since the reroll is high, just an off comment.
Edit 2: wow a critcal hit! How do we do that? Roll again for damage dice, double the one rolled, or max out the dice? I will roll a d12 for it, at worst it won't be needed.
Last edited Apr 23, 2021 12:03 pm
Axing - (1d20+5, 1d12+5)
1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25
1d12+5 : (5) + 5 = 10
Critical hit! - (1d12)
(3) = 3