Chapter 3: The Lonely Tower

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May 9, 2021 1:33 am
'I've recently learned a way to talk to beasts' she tells the others 'so I'd like to try talking to our leafy friend over there.'

She ensures that they can head to the safety of the tower if it attacks, then casts 'Speak with Animals', forming the sounds and gestures that she's learnt.

She tries to get its attention: 'Hi there! Can you hear me?'


May 9, 2021 3:07 am
To an outside observer, Naeris's attempts at communication sound like rustling leaves and creaking wood. The hulking creature responds:

"Hmm? What's this? A little one that knows the old language of wind and leaf? I thought your kind was gone forever."

The creature lumbers toward Naeris, the ground shaking as it walks.
May 9, 2021 4:24 am
Naeris is exhilarated to be understood by the creature but not afraid of it.
‘I confess I don’t know this language except by magical means. I’m just a humble wood elf. I wanted to check that the folks living in this tower didn’t trouble or confine you when they were here.
Last edited May 9, 2021 4:25 am


May 9, 2021 5:12 am
"The tower had folks in it, yes. They were not the best neighbors, truth be told..."

Now that you are closer, you see some scorch marks where the shambling mound was hit by flaming arrows.

"But you needn't worry about old Strangleberries. We came to an arrangement..."

Some vines reach out from the mass of vegetation and show where large chunks of the stone tower had been torn down.

"In my younger days I handled much bigger thorns than those little pricks! But I have lost the taste for flesh in my advanced age. Now I wish only to tend my garden."

"By the way, If you ever wish to learn it I would be interested in teaching you the language of wind and leaf."
May 9, 2021 7:13 am
’You have a thriving garden here, though I think few other people would see it that way. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well. I would love to learn the language of wind and leaf. I’ll come and visit you whenever I can.’
May 9, 2021 9:47 pm
Naeris remembers to be inclusive...
'As you probably saw, I'm not here alone. My companions should know that they needn't be afraid of you, though I don't know if they'll be coming this way again.'
I'm referring to Strangleberries as 'they' here since flowering plants are often both genders.
She calls the others over in Common: 'Come and meet Strangleberries. They are friendly and mean you all no harm. You can talk to them if you like and I'll translate - they're quite intelligent - but no need to say anything if you don't want to.'

To Strangleberries she says 'We're quite a diverse bunch. I'm Naeris, an elf, and we are also three humans, a bugbear and a tiefling.' and she introduces them.
Last edited May 9, 2021 9:55 pm
May 10, 2021 3:22 am
Hilmar looks up at the great shambling mound, relieved that - thanks to Naeris - it isn't hostile. He smiles towards the shambling mound and waves a hand in greeting. "Greetings Strangleberries. Hopefully, those 'neighbours' won't trouble you again," he says, given that Naeris has offered to translate, while her spell lasts.
Last edited May 10, 2021 11:23 pm
May 10, 2021 1:00 pm
Euphoria observes the magic dialogue attempt, intrigued but clearly a bit nervous, ready for a fight-or-flight response. She quietly sighs in relief when it becomes obvious Naeris succeeded.

Strangleberries?,- the infernal casually shows her teeth in a broad smile,- What a lovely name! Yes, tell them that, a lovely name! Euphoria waits for Naeris to communicate the message, all the while she smiles and nods, very glad they won't have to go through another fight today.
I love they/them pronouns and use those on any occasion I can myself, especially in such situations or when telling a story where gender is irrelevant. :}
To clarify - they/them aren't my pronouns, I just enjoy using these. x)
Last edited May 10, 2021 1:01 pm
May 11, 2021 9:52 am
When introduced to the creature (or is it a plant, he wonders), Alfrey bows awkwardly, unsure of what etiquette is expected of him.
May 11, 2021 8:52 pm
Kaa is happy at getting introduced. "Well you are ever bigger than I am!" he pats it on the shoulder, or somewhere appropriate where he can reach.

"You would get along well with my mother, she likes gardens too! Not working it tho, always made us kids to it ... " he won't mind a little chit chat with an interesting fellow like that, since it is interesting, almost more interesting than a crazy masked man. But all in all, he won't keep up the group and will be happy to enjoy his well earned rest and leisure back in town.
May 11, 2021 8:53 pm
Hilmar looks for any kind of trail through the strangleweed, or at least where he can put his feet so as as to avoid treading on Strangleberries' 'garden' plants. He will try to walk between plants, where possible as opposed to treading on them. He pours some liquid on his footwear from the Yamamoto farm bottle and help the rest of the party with it on their footwear.

He turns towards Strangleberries, smiles and waves farewell. He then faces in the direction of Hope and begins to walk carefully trying not to tread on their 'garden' plants.
May 12, 2021 3:56 am
callan says:

As the party makes their final preparations to leave the tower, it occurs to Alfrey to make another inquiry of Ralavaz. "Are you coming back into town with us? I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but the sheriff is looking for you. She seems to believe that you’ve gone back to your old ways. We will vouch for you, of course, but I can’t say for sure that there won’t be any trouble for you back there."
This conversation is either before or after talking with Strangleberries.
Perhaps Ralavaz could wait just out of town while we talk to the sheriff about what's happened. Then she'd be less inclined to arrest him and we'll know if it's safe for him to make himself known.
Last edited May 12, 2021 3:57 am


May 12, 2021 4:40 am
Strangleberries seems pleased to have made more friendly acquaintances than before. He tries to understand the difference between bugbears, humans, and tieflings, especially since the words for them are clumsy in their language. "I'm sure they are all very nice." they say. "Ooh, this one is a big little one!" he says about Kaa.

"Til we meet again, my new friends. I will guard this old tower so those meanies can't return."
Ralavaz is fine with waiting outside the edge of town.

"I've paid my dues for what I did for the town in the past, but I wouldn't blame them if they want nothing to do with me. Appreciate you putting in a good word, of course."

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