Shadowrun 4e (Mostly) Interest Check

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Mar 5, 2021 6:24 am
Hello, chummers. Gauging interest in some SR 4e adventures. I have a few of the missions books, so it will be a series of episodic one-shots strung together as a loose campaign. This allows the campaign to be pretty free form with the shadowrunners functioning as mercenaries and hired on a per mission basis so it'll be easy to replace people if anyone has to drop out between missions or anything. We will be using mostly the 4e 20th Anniversary rules, but with the improved 6e skill list and knowledge rules. Will be creating characters with a modified karmagen system as well. No experience with SR is necessary, but knowing the setting will definitely help.
Last edited Mar 5, 2021 11:33 pm
Mar 5, 2021 1:29 pm
Sounds interesting. It's been a while since I played any kind of Shadowrun.
Mar 5, 2021 3:55 pm
Hey nezzer,

Love Shadowrun and 4E is my favorite edition of Shadowrun, but I'm curious how you envision it being 4E, if you're using 6E's skill list and rules?

Does that just mean you're setting it in 4E's meta-plot timespan and using 6E's rules, or?
Last edited Mar 5, 2021 3:55 pm
Mar 5, 2021 5:54 pm
I enjoy a good shadowrun and would like to join. I also have a question how do plan to handle the issue of the Matrix and/or Astral Projection versus normal world stuff as that always seems to be an issue with this game.
Mar 5, 2021 6:06 pm
That's an interesting thought. Maybe the parallel strands run better in pbp than in person. But I haven't played enough SR (and never over pbp) to make a proper educated guess there
Mar 5, 2021 8:32 pm
Well usually from my experience either as a player or a GM those in real space are generally waiting on those within the Matrix and/or Astral Plane so while it might work in some cases I doubt -- due to how it is usually played -- going to help in most cases. This is why I ask -- while I do not have an issue either way I am always curious if some GM has come up with a novel way to do this that works smoothly --- my solution has been to remove the complete emersion into the Matrix and Astral Plane and reduce it to a simply Hack or Search or whatever is they are attempting to do. Basically treating like casting a spell with semi-immediate and/or long-lasting results.
Mar 5, 2021 11:38 pm
emsquared says:
Hey nezzer,

Love Shadowrun and 4E is my favorite edition of Shadowrun, but I'm curious how you envision it being 4E, if you're using 6E's skill list and rules?

Does that just mean you're setting it in 4E's meta-plot timespan and using 6E's rules, or?
Whoops, made a mistake, meant to say 6e skills and language rules. We'll be using 4e core rules, but using 6e's condensed rules list and how languages and knowledge function. 6e is generally considered pretty garbage but I like what they did with skills.
Mar 5, 2021 11:44 pm
DeJoker says:
Well usually from my experience either as a player or a GM those in real space are generally waiting on those within the Matrix and/or Astral Plane so while it might work in some cases I doubt -- due to how it is usually played -- going to help in most cases. This is why I ask -- while I do not have an issue either way I am always curious if some GM has come up with a novel way to do this that works smoothly --- my solution has been to remove the complete emersion into the Matrix and Astral Plane and reduce it to a simply Hack or Search or whatever is they are attempting to do. Basically treating like casting a spell with semi-immediate and/or long-lasting results.
Still thinking about it, but basic plan is that during legwork when characters have more independent time, Matrix will work fine as is since PbP doesnt have the normal time constraints. During combat or when other players are waiting, it will be a simple skill test to unlock a door or hack a drone or whatever.
Mar 6, 2021 5:41 am
Another alternative is running Shadowrun using the Genesys hack. Just an idea if 4e doesn't prove popular enough lol.
Mar 6, 2021 5:48 am
We got 3 maybe 4 players how many do you need to get it started?
Mar 6, 2021 8:05 am
DeJoker says:
We got 3 maybe 4 players how many do you need to get it started?
Its not a first come, first served kinda thing. I wanna leave it open until after the weekend so more people can post if they are interested, and see if there are any players who have never played SR before and give them a chance.
Mar 6, 2021 4:44 pm
nezzeraj says:
Still thinking about it, but basic plan is that during legwork when characters have more independent time, Matrix will work fine as is since PbP doesnt have the normal time constraints. During combat or when other players are waiting, it will be a simple skill test to unlock a door or hack a drone or whatever.
I've never had Astral Projection be a particular problem, so I wouldn't worry about that, nezzer.

And RE: the Matrix, I would highly recommend using the "Alternate Logic-based Hacking" rules, as well as some riff on these house rules. Basically, hacking actions become Attribute+Skill just like everything else, and all extended tests are eliminated. Everything becomes an opposed check (usually the PCs ATT+SKILL vs. the target System Rating*2).

And to account for the loss of functionality in many pieces of cyber and Device/Program mods and options, those things just become pool modifiers.

Using those rules (which, full disclosure, my group had to fine tune to our tastes over basically a year of play) is what made 4E my favorite edition.
Mar 6, 2021 10:09 pm
I'd love to give 4e shadowrun another try. I'll have to dig my books out of the book hole though.
Mar 7, 2021 12:21 am
I would be interested in joining this game, should it come to fruition. I've never played (or even heard of) Shadowrun before, but you did mention that no experience was absolutely necessary. I've also never used GP to play TTRPGs before, but I have had experience playing them face-to-face; hopefully my lack of experience isn't too much of an issue.
Mar 7, 2021 7:44 am
Moonbeam says:
emsquared says:
And RE: the Matrix, I would highly recommend using the "Alternate Logic-based Hacking" rules, as well as some riff on these house rules. Basically, hacking actions become Attribute+Skill just like everything else, and all extended tests are eliminated. Everything becomes an opposed check (usually the PCs ATT+SKILL vs. the target System Rating*2).
Thanks I'll look this over!
DragonDweller62 says:
I would be interested in joining this game, should it come to fruition. I've never played (or even heard of) Shadowrun before, but you did mention that no experience was absolutely necessary. I've also never used GP to play TTRPGs before, but I have had experience playing them face-to-face; hopefully my lack of experience isn't too much of an issue.
Not at all, having new players is always welcome.
GreyGriffin says:
I'd love to give 4e shadowrun another try. I'll have to dig my books out of the book hole though.
Lol sounds good. It's the 20th Anniversary edition, but I think there's not many differences between that and normal 4e if you have that one.
Mar 14, 2021 4:48 pm
If you still need a decker, here's my pitch:

Alma "Peaches" Ondina is British born but raised in Lafayette. A white hat hacker, she ran digital security for a moderately successful office of a pan-national HR firm.

Her steady rise through corporate advancement came to an abrupt halt when she detected a back door into the proprietary databases. When she suspected it was from a rival, she took it to her boss, the VP-CIO.

That night her house was raided by the police on an anonymous tip, and the company terminated her contract even though no arrest was made or charges laid.

She couldn't let it go, fixated on understanding what happened, she grew distant from those around her. She sold her suburban belongings, ditched her fiance and white collar friends, and went off-channel to try and figure out what went wrong. Driven underground by her obsessive need to track down the source and gain vindication, soured from corporate culture, she turns to running as a way to give herself purpose in life. And she likes it, running under the new pseudoname Peaches.

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