It occurs to me that I gave you the rules, but relatively little about the setting itself. Here are a few choice tidbits to whet your appetite. Again, not everything is cemented in place yet, so changes may happen.
On Aging
In Jenneria, dwarves live up to 500 years. Elves can be as old as 1,200 years, though most tire of life before then and will themselves to pass. Gnomes are distantly related to elves and live until about age 400, at most. Half-elves can live as long as 550 years, where half-orcs have a very limited lifespan averaging 80 years (though most die before that due to violence). Hafllings live to about 110 to 120 years. Humans live to 110 at best. Catfolk (felinians) are relatively short-lived, dying at about age 80. In theory, gearforged can live potentially forever, until their components wear out. Lizardfolk tend to live about 60 to 80 years, on average. The elemental races (ifrits, oreads, sylphs, and undines) all tend to live between 650 and 1,000 years. Orcs and goblinoids tend to live short, brutish lives and most succumb well-before reaching their 75 to 90-year maximum. Kobolds average about 50 years, assuming they don't die due to violence or disease. Then there are the dragons.
The oldest dragon encountered to date was Ancalaxus the Forge, estimated to be 6,000 and several decades when he was defeated, and he still had not reached maximum age (though he was nearly toothless, blind in one eye, and unable to fly). The dragons no doubt know how long they can live, but they aren't telling. Sages estimate some 8,000 years, but it may well be more.
On Creation
In the beginning, there were the dwarves, the "Children of Stone." Born of the very earth itself, the dwarves were the first beings to set foot upon (or more correctly, in) Jenneria. The dwarves refer to themselves as
khuduk, which means "the People" in their rough tongue.
The elves, the "Children of the Stars" were next. Millennia ago, a vessel crash-landed on this world. The occupants were a race of tall, light-haired beings who called themselves the
queya. With time, the progeny of these survivors spread across the world, some mingling with other races, while others stayed hidden away. This gave rise to two castes of elves; the
queya, descendants of the original refugees, and the
adul, mixed or "low" elves, the children of those who intermingled with other races of Jenneria.
The humans were next, known as the "Children of the Gods," for their creation myths which state that the gods formed them from clay and water, baked them in fire, and then blew the breath of life into the shapes. Once, all human lived together in relative harmony on a continent called Arcadia. But Arcadia was destroyed in a cataclysm some 2500 years ago, and the tribes were dispersed throughout the remaining lands. The area where Arcadia once stood is now a swirling permanent storm known only as the Maelstrom.
Some humans displeased the gods and rebelled against them, and these were twisted and malformed, becoming the beast races; the orks, minotaurs, gnolls, goblins, bugbears, and the like. They are sometimes called the "Children of Darkness," but this is strictly a human sobriquet. Few get along with one another, even their own species, and they do not typically form societies so much as loose communities or warbands held together by a powerful leader.
Gnomes are a fey race, distantly related to the elves. The details of their creation are lost to themselves, though many speculate that the dwarves were involved as well (a notion that both elves and dwarves scoff at). The gnomes themselves don’t seem to care overmuch. As they are fond of saying, "We’re here; what more is there to know?"
And then there are the halflings (or as they refer to themselves, the hinfolk). Ask a halfling where the halflings come from, and you’ll get the ubiquitous answer; "A mommy and a daddy love each other very much, and to show just how much they love each other…"
The serpent-folk, or saarkiss’ origins are extraplanar, though a mystery beyond that. As the snake-men are notoriously uncooperative and generally do not permit themselves to be taken prisoner (preferring death), it has proven difficult to learn much about them and their origins.
On Language
Orks in Jenneria do not use pronouns and even particles are often omitted. Sentence structure is noun-verb. An ork would not say, "I am hungry," he would say, "Throg hungry." If the subject is clear, the noun might even be dropped; the above example could be shortened to simply, "Hungry." The noun is only considered necessary to indicate the subject when it is not clear what is being discussed. This structure is not due to a learning disability on the part of the orks (in fact, they are about as smart as a typical human) but is just the way their speech patterns have developed). Orkan has no written form, as all tradition is oral. The language is a corruption of the Jotun tongue.
Jotun (the language of the giants, and the basis for Stonespeech), on the other hand, does have a written form, though it is seldom used by ogres and a couple of the lesser giant races (they are simply too stupid to be literate). As mentioned, Stonespeech (the dwarven tongue) is an offshoot of Jotun, though a separate language unto itself. A person familiar with one can probably understand about 25% of what is being conveyed in the other. Both written forms are runic based, though Jotun has become more scripted over the years (as the greater giant races moved to parchment and other forms of messaging), where the dwarves have largely continued to use stone for conveying messages.
Human languages vary widely. There is no "common" tongue that everyone shares, but there is a unique language called Trade Tongue that is based on the language of Arcadia (from before the Exodus). Trade Tongue, as the name implies, is used primarily by merchants, and is suitable for conveying fairly complex ideas, though several important words are missing from it. Even so, it allows communication between people of different races and regions and there is usually at least one person in any given village or town that speaks it well enough to serve as a translator.
Halflings, being nomadic by nature, are unique in that they speak a mishmash of whatever local dialects abound. Natural linguists, they easily learn and incorporate words used by other races into their speech. In a forest populated primarily by elves, the bulk of their speech would be Olven, but one might also hear snippets of Orkan (from the orks of the nearby hills), Trade Tongue, and whatever human languages are spoken in nearby villages and towns. Hinspeak is truly a living language that changes often. Halflings have no written language of their own, and usually use the most oft-spoken language in the region for written missives.
Elves speak Olven, which has two distinct forms; High Olven (or "True" Olven) and Low Olven. This is because the elves themselves are a divided people. The two variants are very similar, differing primarily in accents and inflection, and a speaker of one can easily understand the speech of someone speaking the other (with the exception of a few words in Low Olven that were adapted from other languages). High Olven is nearly unchanging, having undergone little alteration over the centuries, where Low Olven is a living language, constantly changing to suit the needs of the speakers. The written forms are identical.
As strange as it may seem, the gnomes use a variant of Low Olven for their speech. This is because they are spirits of the woodlands. The origins of the gnomish race are shrouded in mystery, though some speculate that it involves both the elves and the dwarves. The elves refuse to speak of this, and the dwarves scoff at the idea that any self-respecting dwarf could have "relations" with an elf. The gnomes themselves don't give it much thought. Gnomish has a written form, a script that resembles the flowing Olven script.
That brings us to Draconic, the tongue of the Dragons. The dragons of Jenneria are eternal, with lifespans measured in thousands of years (if they even die at all, which has never been confirmed; no dragon has ever been found that has died of natural causes). Draconic is an ancient tongue, full of sibilants and hard consonants. The written form is used only by those who study magic and is a recent creation, based on Arcadian. Dragons do not use the written form and typically refuse to acknowledge its existence.
Finally, there is the hissing language of the saarkiss. Though easily understood by most humanoids, they never seem to be able to get the inflections and sounds just right, and it always comes out sounding as though they were speaking with a pronounced lisp. Saarkiss have similar problems speaking most other tongues (though Draconic comes easily to them). The saarkissan written language is iconic, using symbols representing 36 different sounds instead of individual letters.
On Dragons
Among all of the races of Jenneria, the dragons are the most ancient. They were created from the very bones of the earth when the rays of the first dawn split the eternal night and though their glory has faded with the passage of time, it is not diminished. Many races believe the dragons to be immortal, and the dragons themselves do not speak of such things to lesser races. In any case, it is true that they are among the most long-lived of beings.
A dragon is just past its prime as it moves into Great Wyrm stage. Beginning at about 2,000 years (it differs from dragon to dragon), the effects of age begin to show. A dragon of 5,000 years is rare in the extreme and will show its age in the form of lost scales, missing teeth, shriveled wings, and general disrepair. Only one dragon of such extreme age has ever been encountered by anyone who lived to speak of it and this particular wyrm, despite its advanced age, blindness in one eye, and inability to fly, still managed to slay the bulk of a small army before succumbing to their might.
From ancient texts, this was determined to be Ancalaxus the Forge, the great beast that once brought terror to the southern lands and was presumed to have perished thousands of years before. Estimates place his age at 6,000 and some odd years at the time of his defeat. He had lain within his lair, in a state of suspended animation not unlike hibernation, for almost two thousand years, when he was awakened by a thief who stumbled upon the den and, mistaking the dragon's torpor for death, began looting the place.
If a dragon could hibernate for a period measured in thousands of years, there is no way to say how long it can live. It is generally accepted by sages that a dragon will perish somewhere before reaching the age of 8,000 years, but they admit that this is pure speculation, based on the fact that no dragon older than Ancalaxus has ever been encountered. The dragons themselves no doubt know, but they aren't telling. They do have the disconcerting habit of referring to non-draconic species as "mortals," which may be a clue or may simply be arrogance on their part.
It is not even known for certain that they do die. Throughout history, some dragons have simply mysteriously disappeared, but they, like Ancalaxus, may simply be in torpor or they may have left for other parts or simply have been slain by someone who, for whatever reason, did not advertise the deed. Dragon corpses showing extreme aging have never been reported, so it seems plausible that they either do not die or that they go someplace hidden to perish (like the legendary Elephant's Graveyard of Earth). If such a "Dragon's Graveyard" exists on Jenneria, its existence has never been reported.
Interestingly, the color of a dragon on Jenneria does not indicate its breath weapon or vulnerabilities. Dragons come in every color imaginable and while most breathe fire, there have been other types of breath weapons reported. Metallic dragons do not exist in Jenneria. Would-be dragonslayers are advised to research their prey before heading out to engage it.
On Elves
The origins of the elves are shrouded in mystery, even among themselves. They are also known as the Children of the Stars, though no living elf can say why, exactly. In fact, they are not natives of Jenneria. Though the oldest living elf does not remember it, legends are told of an event known as the Arrival, when the first elves came to this world from the very stars themselves. The stars, according to the legend, are actually distant suns, many with other worlds orbiting them. The elves used vessels to travel among the stars, but one of their vessels became damaged and was forced to land on this strange world. Stranded, the occupants tried to survive as best they could. With time, they adapted to their new life. Some even choose to mingle with the native life on this world, while others remained hidden from the eyes of the inhabitants.
Contrary to popular opinion, the legends are true. The original elves were travelers from another world, stranded here when their vessel was damaged and fell from the heavens. Over the resultant generations, the elves have divided themselves into two separate castes. One has strived to remain separate from the natives of this world. They hid themselves away in secret places and even today, remain a source of legend and rumor. The other, who would become known among their brethren as heathens, mingled with the native races, living among them and even breeding with them. Over time, the resultant mingling of bloodlines has produced the elves that most Jennerians are familiar with.
The first caste is that of the queya, those descended from the first elves to set foot upon Jenneria. In the Olven tongue, queya means "High Ones," or those who are above others. Few Jennerians ever see the queya. They keep themselves hidden from the eyes of men, and even from the other races of elves. Superstitions about the queya abound in a variety of cultures.
Physically, the queya are tall, most top 6 foot, and extremely attractive by human standards. They are also long-lived, with an average lifespan of 1,000 years. They are humanoid, with pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes that are slightly larger than human eyes. They are slender of frame and quite lithe. Their hair ranges from platinum to golden blonde, and their eyes are almost universally ice blue.
The adul are the elves with whom most Jennerians are familiar. The Olven word adul means "inferior," and pretty accurately sums up the feelings of the queya towards their brethren. No adul is ever welcome in a queya community, even in desperate times.
On Deities
Jenneria has a host of deities because she is home to so many different cultures. However, these are the main deities. There are gaps because I am still working out details like the cosmology of the setting.
The Great Dragon
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Dragon's head breathing fire
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Reptiles (specifically dragons)
Domains: Air, Fire, Scalykind, Strength
Sub-domains: Dragon, Ferocity
Sacred Items: Dragon scales
Sacred Animals: Dragons, reptiles
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals: Obsidian
Sacred Colors: Orange, yellow
Emyrcrem (eh-
meer-crem) appears as a dragon of unimaginable size. His scales are a deep reddish-brown. Emyrcrem is an uncaring deity who rarely acknowledges his followers. He has very few clerics outside of kobold tribes, and even they tend to prefer more attentive deities.
The Holy Prophet
Greater Deity
Symbol: Shepherd's crook
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Life, healing, resurrection
Domains: Glory, Healing, Sun
Sub-domains: Heroism, Honor, Light, Restoration, Resurrection
Sacred Items:
Sacred Animals: Sheep
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Purple, white
When the continent of Arcadia sank beneath the waves, it was Krystara (kris-
tar-ah) who prophesied the coming disaster and led his followers to safety. After his death, he was deified and became a major figure in Jennerian religion. His worship spread quickly thanks to his followers, who often bring word of his glory far and wide.
The Queen of Spiders, Lady of Murder
Lesser Deity
Symbol: Dagger dripping with poison
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Spiders, poisons, murder
Domains: Animal (Insect sub-domain only), Darkness, Death
Sub-domains: Corruption, Demon, Insect, Murder, Psychopomp
Sacred Items:
Sacred Animals: Spiders
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Black, red
Lloth (
lowth) is the demon queen of spiders, the goddess of murder. Her worshipers consist mainly of assassins, murderers, and depraved humans. She appears as a dusky-skinned, beautiful woman with white hair. Often, her clerics are multi-classed rogue/clerics and, of course, poison use is encouraged among her clergy.
The Sky-Father
Greater Deity
Symbol: Cloud and lightning bolt
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Sky, sun, elemental air, elemental fire
Domains: Air, Fire, Sun, Weather
Sub-domains: Cloud, Day, Lightning, Storm, Wind
Sacred Items:
Sacred Animals: Eagle
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Blue, white
Lugh (
loo), also known as Father Sky, is the male aspect of the Paganhi religion. His light warms the earth and he brings the rains that nourish her and her children. He is a capricious deity that can go from kind and loving to vengeful and angry in the span of a heartbeat.
The Creator; the Master Craftsman
Greater Deity
Symbol: Hammer striking an anvil
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Creation, craftsmanship
Domains: Artifice, Earth, Fire, Knowledge
Sub-domains: Alchemy, Construct, Industry, Metal, Toil
Sacred Items: Smith's tools
Sacred Animals: Oxen
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Brown, grey
Moradin (
more-ah-den) is, according to his worshippers, the creator of the multiverse, which sprang from the sparks thrown off by his mighty hammer as he worked his forge. Many (dare it be said, most) dwarves worship Moradin, as do a fair number of humans and other races (gnomes have a fondness for him, as well). He is revered as a master craftsman, the creator of the multiverse, and the one who created the dwarven race from the stones of the earth
Mother Earth
Greater Deity
Symbol: Silhouette of a rearing horse
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Animals, plants, elemental earth, elemental water
Domains: Animal, Earth, Plant, Water
Sub-domains: Decay, Growth, Insect, Oceans, Rivers
Sacred Items:
Sacred Animals: Horses
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Brown, grey
As Lugh is the male aspect of the Paganhi religion, Rhiannon (ree-
ah-non) is the female, representing earth and water, as well as nature and the animal kingdom. Like her consort (who is also her son), she can be very capricious, though less so than Lugh. Rhiannon has three aspects: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone.
The Seasons
Symbol: Snowflake inside a sun inside a leaf
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Seasons
Domains: Air, Darkness, Sun, Weather
Sub-domains: Cloud, Day, Light, Lightning, Monsoon, Moon, Night, Seasons, Storms, Wind
Sacred Items:
Sacred Animals: None
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Blue, Yellow, Green, and Brown
The Seasons are actually a conclave of four demigods; each representing one of the seasons of the year. The representatives are Aerilaya (air-ill-
lay-ah) for spring, Glynnii (
glen-ee) for summer, Hycis (
high-sis) for fall, and Llamiryl (
lam-i-rul) for winter. The bulk of their worshippers are elves, but some humans pay homage to them as well, particularly farmers.
The Slithering Lord, Lord of Lies
Lesser Deity
Symbol: A coiled serpent
Home Plane:
Portfolio: Snakes, lizardfolk
Domains: Animal, Scalykind, Trickery, Water
Sub-domains: Deception, Fear, Flowing, Saurian, Venom
Sacred Items:
Sacred Animals: Snakes
Sacred Plants:
Sacred Minerals:
Sacred Colors: Blue, green
Slissith (
slis-ith) is the god of all lizardfolk, serpentfolk, and all scalykind except for dragons and kobolds. He appears as a gargantuan serpent, some 60 feet in length and about 8 feet around. His clerics are often skilled in alchemy, specifically poison manufacturing. Like Lloth, poison use is expected among his worshipers.
Last edited March 23, 2021 12:14 am