A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter One

Apr 25, 2016 11:37 am
It is the final term of the academic year 1929-1930. A university field trip has been planned for the summer months under the management of Professor Harrold of the Anthropology Department and the expedition's co-ordinator Robert Blaine, a senior student. Blaine is leading the expedition as Professor Harold has a pressing workload and must stay behind at the University.

Extra credit is available for students of history, anthropology and folklore. At the behest of Professor Learmonth of the Geology department, geography, geology and students of other sciences will also be able to gain extra credit by joining the field trip to conduct geographical surveys of the area.

The expedition leaves Miskatonic University on August 15th well before dawn. Travelling in two automobiles and a large truck. Before starting out, introductions are made

Robert Blaine: good-looking and sardonic expedition

Clarissa Thurber: a beautiful and charming chemistry
Jason Trent: a small and shy history major

Roderick Block: a large and friendly football hero and
geography major

Louis Gibbons: a chatty botany major and former
pre-med student

Harold Higgins: a ceaselessly joking geology major,
originally from Ireland

William Noakes: a bookish anthropology major

Terrence Laslow: a snobbish bore with double majors
in history and psychology

Mathis Steele: survivalist working on engineering doctorate

Jonathan Masterson: Archaeology student and self styled tomb raider

Angel Martin: Languages student

Harry Wolfe
: Writer and journalist student

Thomas Jones: Music student

Father Simon Brubaker: Catholic Priest and mature student studying revealed religion
Can each of you visit your character creation page and post what personal equipment you would be taking on such a trip.
Apr 25, 2016 12:01 pm
The group will be lodging in the formerly deserted Maclearan farmhouse, a rundown building surrounded by uncultivated land, located three miles outside the town of Cobb's Corners.

The expedition will be split into two groups. Group One contains the geologists, archeologists and other "workers of the soil" and Group Two includes the anthropologists, historians, folklorists, psychology students plus any other areas of study.

Please call out your appropriate group.
Apr 25, 2016 12:13 pm
It is likely you know someone in the team already (with the exception of Trent). Please define who, how and what the relationship is . All of you know Higgins, at least by reputation, well known as the class clown.Also add a 1d100 know roll to your post.
Apr 25, 2016 12:52 pm
Jonathan Masterson for Group One.

John has likely been on expeditions with Robert Blaine before, and has likely taken some of his finds to William Noakes, to see what civilizations they were connected to.


Knowing is half the battle... - (1d100)

(96) = 96

Apr 25, 2016 2:14 pm
irvanovich says:
Jonathan Masterson for Group One.

John has likely been on expeditions with Robert Blaine before, and has likely taken some of his finds to William Noakes, to see what civilizations they were connected to.
Good dice rolls being the other half ?? ;)
Apr 25, 2016 2:15 pm
Dang straight. Probably the only good roll I'll have with this RNG XD
Apr 25, 2016 2:55 pm
irvanovich says:
Dang straight. Probably the only good roll I'll have with this RNG XD
Except low is good, high is bad :)
Apr 25, 2016 2:57 pm
...well, let's hope that roll is the only high one, then...
Apr 25, 2016 3:00 pm
Hey looks like I'm group two

Oh man - Terrance Laslow! I'm in some of the same classes as that fellow, he could send ANYONE to sleep. If he deems to talk to them at all that is.

( 67 ) = 67
Apr 25, 2016 3:00 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to irvanovich


Know - (1d100)

(61) = 61

Apr 25, 2016 3:11 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to skuhtulhu
Apr 25, 2016 9:27 pm
Looks like I'm in group 2 this time. Oh boy, I sure hope Clarissa is in this group. I missed the chance last time.


Know - (1d100)

(76) = 76

Apr 25, 2016 9:48 pm
fernymerk says:
Looks like I'm in group 2 this time. Oh boy, I sure hope Clarissa is in this group. I missed the chance last time.
Don't forget to post as your character, so everyone knows who you are :)
Apr 25, 2016 9:50 pm
Angel wanders over to the rest of group two, nodding and smiling at Harry Wolfe, whom he knows rather well, having taken a few of the same classes. He taps his notebook on his thigh as he looks around.


Know - (1d100)

(16) = 16

Apr 25, 2016 9:54 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to fernymerk
Apr 26, 2016 12:59 pm
Gathering with the rest of group two I notice that Roderick Blocke is also in this group. Its nice to see a familiar face. I met Roderick through the schools tutoring program. He was having some trouble with his math and it was about to become an issue with his football. He wanted a tutor who wasn't a "huge nerd" and i fit the bill. We get along fairly well and he even likes to fish so i have showed him a few of the good places to go around the school.


know roll - (1d100)

(4) = 4

Apr 26, 2016 3:53 pm
I smile and wave at Angel - hey another familiar face and a writer as well - quite a decent one if i recall, dark though like that Poe fellow.
Apr 26, 2016 7:33 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to Kaosanddoom
Apr 27, 2016 8:43 am
Don't forget to post in your character sections what equipment you plan to carry.
Apr 27, 2016 8:54 am
Group One, essentially John Masterton and Harold Higgins are provided with an assortment of tools and surveying gear to conduct soil surveys. While Roderick Block will drive the truck from Arkham to Cobb's Corners, a local man named Joe Harlow has been commissioned to arrive each morning at the farmhouse and drive the students to and from the worksite.

Group Two, everyone else are equipped with notepads, pencils and "incentive" money to encourage locals to share folklore and stories from the area's oral tradition. A camera with a flash powder tray is available if any knows how to use it. In addition a phonograph with recording cylinders has been carefully packed should any students wish to record conversations with willing locals.

Two Chevrolet Model K automobiles are available, allowing students to canvas the area. Terrence Laslow will drive one and the other is placed in the care of William Noakes.
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