Kingdom Hearts 5e [Interest Check]

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Mar 10, 2021 12:22 am I had a crazy idea. I only played like half of the original Kingdom Heart's game. I know nothing about how it ended or sequels. I have no idea how the Final Fantasy characters really fit in the story either...but I really liked the idea.

So the pitch...
A group of villains has banded together to take control of their respective worlds. Operating in the Between Space, they found the ancient Fortress of the Heartless, and in its depths, the Dark Hearts. These relics allowed them to summon and control all the remaining Heartless and build an army of new Heartless minions. Mickey the Sorcerer, Guardian of All Worlds, was taken by surprise but managed to gather a few heroes and prepare to fight back. The Sorcerer must stay in the Core of All Worlds and stave off it's consumption by the villains. If he should fall, then the villains would have the power to rewrite the whole of reality. It rests upon the shoulders of the gathered heroes to venture out and vanquish the villains one by one and destroy the Dark Heart relics.

PCs are level 5 characters based on any heroic characters from a Disney cartoon property. Build using any official D&D product. UA are allowed, but I will insist on final official versions if those rules have been published.

If you need inspiration, there is a YouTube channel called Tulok the Babarian that has made a LOT of pop culture characters, including some Disney characters built to 20th level. Obviously, you will have to scale back from that some, but I think almost anything would be possible...except maybe Cars...I'm going to need a good pitch for you to play as Mater or Lightning McQueen. Also, anything excessively large will be scaled down to Medium or Large size (thinking Good Dinosaur here). And, I'll ask for "developed characters" that we know about. A spoon from Beauty and the Beast is not good enough, but Chip the teacup could work if you really want to give it a go. What I mean is you don't have to play title characters if you really like a secondary.. We can reskin and adjust things to get you there if you can work with me some.

So...wanna play?
Mar 10, 2021 11:07 am
This sounds really amazing. I played only the first KH and that was years ago. I think I may be up for it if you don’t mind a novice 5e player.

I would like to give it a bit more thought but for some reason the first thing to pop into my head was playing Meeko from Pocahontas. Either as a Druid and my story be I was shapechanged for my scenes in the movie, or maybe just straight up playing a raccoon and be a rogue trying to steal biscuits.

EDIT: Actually the more I think about it the more I love this. And I’m thinking now to maybe multiclass and be a rogue/druid both! Again I am a novice player and have never played level 5 or multiclassed before, so I might need a bit of guidance there. I’m going to start building this character regardless of whether you decide to move forward with this as an exercise in character creation. :P
Last edited Mar 10, 2021 11:38 am
Mar 10, 2021 12:57 pm
I don't know much about Kingdom Hearts aside from some rudimentary lore, but I love 5e and Hercules makes a nice aasimar paladin as seen in the video.
Mar 10, 2021 3:12 pm
I’ll play! Are we permitted to draw from Pixar, also, or is it strictly Disney?

If Disney only, I would probably go with something like a Leonin Paladin like Simba, but if we can go Pixar, I would love to play the Triton or Sea Elf Bard Dory.
Last edited Mar 10, 2021 3:18 pm
Mar 10, 2021 3:25 pm
This sounds bonkers as hell and I’m digging it. I could be interested as well, depends on what my workload looks like when the game goes live
Mar 10, 2021 3:33 pm
This sounds VERY interesting! I'll have a think as I currently have WAY too many ideas flying around my head!
Mar 10, 2021 4:32 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
I’ll play! Are we permitted to draw from Pixar, also, or is it strictly Disney?

If Disney only, I would probably go with something like a Leonin Paladin like Simba, but if we can go Pixar, I would love to play the Triton or Sea Elf Bard Dory.
Pixar and Disney are fair game. I know their different but they started out blended so even a Pixar only movie counts.
Mar 10, 2021 5:23 pm
Not really ever done 5e but this sounds interesting. Don't have the time to play right now but I wanna hear that someone plays as someone from one of the terrible disney movies that have happened, Major Dr. David Q. Dawson from The Great Mouse Detective or something
Mar 10, 2021 5:31 pm
I created 2 character sheets on DNDBeyond for you to look at.



Mar 10, 2021 7:53 pm
valdattaMadun says:
one of the terrible disney movies
valdattaMadun says:
The Great Mouse Detective
...I'll fight you. :P

But really, this game sounds like a great idea! I don't have time to play, but I'd love to hear about how it goes and what crazy shenanigans occur. :0
(Also, this makes me wish someone made a KH game about the Foretellers. I loved their storyline.)
Mar 10, 2021 7:55 pm
I toyed with the idea of a Barbarian/Druid Maui, but my heart keep going back to Meeko. If some story liberties could be allowed, I love the idea of Meeko learning his skills from his Druid teacher, Grandmother Willow. Would still like to play on his sneaky biscuit stealing characteristics, but could just as easily focus more on healing or casting if we ended up light in that department.
Mar 10, 2021 8:02 pm
Stellarcell says:
I love the idea of Meeko learning his skills from his Druid teacher, Grandmother Willow.
I think it's a great idea. Perhaps a level or two of rogue for Cunning Action? Just a thought.
Mar 10, 2021 8:08 pm
HeroAmongMen says:
I created 2 character sheets on DNDBeyond for you to look at.

Simba and Dory
Those are both very cool. The Dory Bard really tickles me, but both are great ideas.
Mar 10, 2021 8:29 pm
Maskcot says:
HeroAmongMen says:
I created 2 character sheets on DNDBeyond for you to look at.

Simba and Dory
Those are both very cool. The Dory Bard really tickles me, but both are great ideas.
Makes me laugh to think of Dory as this super charismatic, yet forgetful being. A party's face without any guile, but has magical charms to get people to aid her and her friends.

Singing "Just keep swimming..." for her Bardic Inspiration.
Mar 10, 2021 8:50 pm
Ok..I've created the game and invited the five who spoke up. I'll keep an eye on this post and drop back in if we have openings or other questions.
Mar 10, 2021 9:17 pm
Sounds very interesting! Let us know if you make it public
Mar 14, 2021 4:38 am
Hello, turns out we have one opening in this game. We haven't quite gotten past character creation. If you want to join this might be your chance.

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