Tiny Supers Shifting Duets/Co-op

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Mar 17, 2021 7:26 pm
Good afternoon GP friends!

So I have been saving some space in my gaming schedule for this idea I have had, inspired by a project I participated in many years ago on another gaming site similar to this one. That project was much bigger than what I plan to do, but I think it will still be fun on a smaller scale.

I want to run a superhero game with each player having a dedicated thread just to their character’s story. So players will be mostly playing a duet game with me, super-focused on their Super. At certain points their stories will merge with those of other Supers and we will start a new temporary thread for co-op play. So for example, if Superman goes to Gotham to team up against a large threat he doesn’t think Batman can handle on his own. On a grander scale this would like be when the individual stories of the heroes combine when they form the Avengers, but after the threat is gone they go back to their own things.

The setting is a hodgepodge of other settings combined, with me just grabbing cool ideas from all over the place. Basically, the players will start their Super career in the slums of a super metropolis (think Coruscant from Star Wars only instead of an entire planet city it’s just roughly the size of the US) in Earth’s very distant future. The game will start out on the lower end of the power threshold, fighting crime bosses or low-power Super villains, and perhaps one day reaching out to larger scale and perhaps cosmic confrontations. All Supers will basically be vigilantes, as the government does not condone your activities. Being a vigilante in a dark, gritty city shouldn’t make you feel like you need a repurposed Batman costume though! Think outside the box!

The introduction to the setting provided below is the bulk of what I have prepared. I would like to work with my players to flesh it out further and play will be largely sandbox. I may railroad at times to connect storylines for co-op, but otherwise players will largely steer the story. The system I will be using is Tiny Supers, so this will be a pretty rules-lite game focusing mostly on narrative. I am still relatively new to GMing and the Tiny d6 system both so I will be looking for patient players that are okay with me screwing up a lot and making stuff up as I go. We will be using the standard character creation rules so 3 powers/traits.

I will be taking on 2 players to start, with the intention on adding 1 or 2 more in the future. While this may be just one game, I realize that splitting things up like this makes a bit more work for me and I don’t want to overextend myself.

I also have provided below a handful of questions for me to get an idea of the kind of Super you would like to play. Not sure how much interest this will garner but I am pretty stoked for it and with only 2 spots open I will be looking for really interesting character concepts that wow me! During actual character creation I will have additional questions to really flesh out our world and your character. I am looking for a posting rate of 4 posts a week from players. Maybe more often from me, but I like the wiggle room if something happens IRL.

Introduction to Tantalus
Recent times have seen a slight surge or Super activity. Sure, they have probably been around since the dawn of time, but this new trend of high profile Supers is something new. After becoming aware of your calling as a Super and experimenting with your new abilities, you realize the good you can do for people and get to work, and boy is there a lot of work.

Ancient texts say that Earth once had a lot more open space, that there were many cities scattered across the world. They say there used to be more solid land. Something like that would be hard to even imagine now. The city of Tantalus is all you have ever known. The giant metropolis covers the entire continent and is surrounded by a great stormy sea that has proved impossible to cross. With such hard boundaries and limited real estate, Tantalus long ago began building up, rather than trying to expand out.

The privileged elite have always perched on the highest levels of the city, where they govern or scheme in their towers. With so much overhead, the lower levels of Tantalus (appropriately dubbed the Undercity) are a dark, dirty place to eke out a living.

Undercity is where you have always called home, and this is fortunate for its people. For now, they have a resident Super. Whether you protect by uplifting the community and being a paragon of truth and justice, or by dealing out a darker justice that cause most to fear you as much as love you, you are all that is standing between the innocent and those that would take advantage of them. The government police force wanting to halt your activities definitely make things more interesting as well…

If you are interested, please provide answers to the following questions regarding the concept you would like to play.

What is your power/skill?
Who are you without your power/skill (your alter-ego or dayjob)?
What do you care about?
What is your weakness?

This post is too long already and I was jumping all over the place, so if there is anything else I am missing just feel free to ask.

Mar 17, 2021 7:40 pm
Argh, this sounds so good but I already joined so many other games recently. I really shouldn't 😅
Mar 17, 2021 8:31 pm
I'd like to submit: Parkour
Power: Personal Gravity Manipulation - The ability to increase and decrease gravity around her. This greatly increases her athletic abilities, allowing for incredible leaps and hang time. She can also walk on walls and ceilings as long as they are structurally sound. She can use her ability to increase gravity to make hee punches and kicks land harder. She can also lift objects she normally couldn't but the whole object needs to be within her field of influence, so it can't be much bigger than she is. However once the object(s) are beyond her influence (reach), regular gravity takes over. SHe could lift or move a 5-foot boulder, but throwing it more than a foot or two wouldn't work. Meaning she doesn't really have range.

Alter-Ego: Nym Allisor. Nym just started taking night courses to get her certification in Network Security. She wants to get a cushy job so she can help her mom and younger brother. She's done some robin-hood style black hat hacking and hates the upper-class, but can't see a way to fight the system, so maybe she has to join it. During the day she works as a messenger. It let's her feel free enough and it's a great work out. It was on a job to the higher levels she learned she had the abilities she now uses as a vigilante.

Cares about: Her family. That has to come first. That's why she's in school.

Weakness: Power limits her effectiveness at range. Additionally it only works in one direction at a time. Multiple "targets" are beyond her at this time. Secret identity means she has to find good work/life/hero balance. She is also extremely claustrophobic and hates feeling trapped.
Last edited Mar 17, 2021 8:31 pm
Mar 17, 2021 8:46 pm
I think I was in that other project. I can't join just now though.
Mar 17, 2021 8:49 pm
I'd like to play. I love TidyD6 and backed the Supers kickstarter, bit never had a chance to run/play it yet.

1. Regeneration
2. I'm a college wrestler on scholarship that gets in back alley brawls for money to help pay for a place for my little sister and I to live and eat.
3. I want to get a degree/job as a mycologist (mushroom scientist) and get my little sister on the right track so she doesn't fall through the cracks of society.
4. Weakness is that I am constantly preoccupied with my sister who is a frequent runaway and constantly getting herself connected with seedier and more troublesome elements of society, and who doesn't know my power or my means of paying for our amenities.
Mar 17, 2021 9:53 pm
This sounds super interesting (pun intended)! I love rules-lite system, and superheroes ain't something I tried on this site yet. :D Since you already have two players, let me know if you get an opening later?
Mar 19, 2021 9:43 pm
Okey dokey! Maskcot and FFG, I will get invites sent to you soon. I am really excited to work with the concepts you've shared!

FlyingSucculent I would obviously love to have you. Playing another duet game with you sounds amazing. I will let you know once I get settled and am ready to add another player.

If anyone else has an interest I expect to absolutely work up to 4 players within the coming weeks. Leave a comment here and I will reach out when it's time.
Last edited Mar 19, 2021 9:43 pm
Mar 19, 2021 10:08 pm
Loved to join this Stellarcell but my budget will not let me get this game at this time. If I do not need the guidelines to play be more than happy to join in as I really enjoy superhero games.
Mar 20, 2021 12:08 am
This sounds really cool but it looks like I'm a little late. If you have an extra spot open up, let me know and I'll PM you a character concept! :)
Last edited Mar 20, 2021 8:02 am
Mar 20, 2021 1:03 am
DeJoker says:
Loved to join this Stellarcell but my budget will not let me get this game at this time. If I do not need the guidelines to play be more than happy to join in as I really enjoy superhero games.
The game is rules-lite enough that the general mechanics themselves could be summed up in a paragraph, but there are quite a bit of options for character creation. They have a lot of superhero concepts covered as far as the options for Powers go though, so it may be possible for you to just shoot me a concept and I could apply the Powers and Traits that makes the most sense. If you're still interested when I take in another player or two we can discuss it.
Mar 20, 2021 1:08 am
Yes still interested

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