Mar 22, 2021 12:32 pm
[ +- ] Jonh

[ +- ] Power
Tools d6 - 5
Technological < - > Magic/Supernatural
Habit Obsessed with alien tech
Body d6 - 2
Brute Force < - > Fine-Motor
HP: 2
Technological < - > Magic/Supernatural
Habit Obsessed with alien tech
Body d6 - 2
Brute Force < - > Fine-Motor
HP: 2
[ +- ] People
Will d4 - 3
Follower < - > Leader
Charisma d4 - 3
Introverted < - > Extroverted
Habit Spends too much time with the machines
Follower < - > Leader
Charisma d4 - 3
Introverted < - > Extroverted
Habit Spends too much time with the machines
[ +- ] Perception
Intelligence d6 - 4
Street Smart < - > Book Smart
Habit Disappears into the ships' bowels while working
Outlook d4 - 3
Pessimist < - > Optimist
Last edited March 22, 2021 12:34 pm