Character Concepts and creation

Mar 21, 2021 11:13 am
Character creation

Do you what to play 3rd or 5th level?
Do you what to roll 4d6, drop lowest or use point buy?
Mar 24, 2021 2:05 pm
I would prefer to play at 5th level because that way we as characters feel a bit more powerful, and extra attack is so much more satisfying to me lol. As for scores, I have never ever rolled well when rolling for a character, so my vote would go for point buy.

However, Im not picky and will be excited to play either way!
Mar 24, 2021 3:31 pm
Also just checking, are we allowed to use the optional class features from Tasha's? Imo they did a lot of good things for the ranger in that book, and I might have to change my character concept if Tasha's isn't allowed
Mar 24, 2021 4:12 pm
Feel free to look in:
Player's Handbook
Volo's Guide to Monsters
Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

Anything else, swing it by me :)
Mar 24, 2021 4:15 pm
Amazing, thank you :)
Mar 24, 2021 4:42 pm
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything really opens up for interesting character builds
Mar 24, 2021 4:45 pm
But the rule of thumb, if it is in and fits forgotten realms, then it is good. Even the ones marked UA

ie the rangers subclasses
Beast Master
Drakewarden (UA)
Fey Wanderer
Gloom Stalker
Horizon Walker
Monster Slayer
Mar 24, 2021 4:57 pm
runekyndig says:
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything really opens up for interesting character builds
I agree, I love the switching of ability scores and stuff, cuz there are some wacky and fun characters that can be born from it without feeling like you're cheating yourself by not picking the stereotypical races. Like goliath bards and kenku barbarians
Mar 24, 2021 8:49 pm
I'm fine with point buy, haven't done it in ages so may need a refresher. I always get 1 awesome stat and the rest garbage when I roll. Been doing standard or elite array in other groups
Mar 24, 2021 9:07 pm
rolling stats is a gamble, where point-buy is playing it save
I don't mind if one player rolls and the other uses point buy, nor do I mind if one is 5th level and another wants to be lev 3 (I wouldn't understand, but I would not mind)
Mar 25, 2021 4:01 am
The Beastmaster changes in Tasha's are pretty great for Rangers, so I can at least vouch for that aspect. What kind of Ranger were you thinking?

I'd prefer a 5th level start, and I'm happy with point buy... but if given the option I'd still go for rolling, because rolling is fun. :)
Last edited March 25, 2021 4:01 am
Mar 25, 2021 9:08 am
Okay, so concept-wise: Khezzik was a small, runt-of-the-litter kobold with pale grey-white scales. He grew up in a sprawling cave-warren with hundreds of other members of his clan, who lived in service to the green dragon Morgalitrax. They helped defend the dragon's hoard from adventurers, and occasionally ventured out to attack travellers and small villages, bringing anything of value back to the dragon.

Khezzik was curious and prone to questioning the way things were, which often got him into trouble. Over time, he learned to accept most of the ways of kobold life, but one burning question remained always in his mind - Why could the kobolds not take advantage of the magical treasures the dragon kept in its hoard? To him, it seemed so obvious. If the kobolds could arm themselves with magical weapons, and wands that could hurl fireballs, then that would let them attack much richer and more well-defended targets, and return triumphant with even better loot. Surely that would please the great dragon?

The kobold elders were horrified at these questions, and briefly considered letting Khezzik simply ask the dragon himself and inevitably be annihilated. However, Morgalitrax was a vicious and belligerent dragon at the best of times, and they decided it would be better not to rouse his anger. Instead, they exiled Khezzik as an example to all the kobolds.

For someone who had literally never been alone for a single moment in the seven years since he hatched, being made to leave the warren and kobold society was a terrifying and overwhelming prospect. The only thing that kept Khezzik going was that he now had something to prove. He would gather all the most powerful magic he could find, and then... and then he wasn't sure what he would do after that. But gaining magical power was the important thing.

He wandered into other humanoid settlements, and quickly discovered that he wasn't welcome. People often attacked him on sight, so he learned to stay hidden and steal what he needed. Whenever he found someone who seemed to be able to use magic, he followed them for as long as possible and studied them intently, until he grasped how to weave the spells himself. He accidentally spent a lot of time following sleight-of-hand street charlatans as a result, but he learned to put those skills to good use, too.

After a short while in any town or village, Khezzik had to move on. The townsfolk would start to get suspicious, and he was nearly caught several times. Eventually, though, he found his way to a settlement so vast and strange that it seemed to offer limitless hiding places: Waterdeep. Even better, magical artefacts and magicians of all kinds were abundant, almost common, here. So much power, just waiting for a clever, opportunistic kobold to snatch it for themselves...

Rules-wise, Khezzik is a Kobold Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 5. I'm going to take a punt on rolling some stats. :)

Edit: 18, 15, 14, 13, 12, 12. Nice!

Edit 2: Added wealth roll (500+d10x25gp: 650gp)
Last edited March 25, 2021 1:41 pm


Stats - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (5341) = 13

4d6 : (2346) = 15

4d6 : (1462) = 13

4d6 : (2546) = 17

4d6 : (6444) = 18

4d6 : (3666) = 21

Wealth - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Mar 25, 2021 12:52 pm
I'll maintain the Order of Scribes route with a level five wizard. I'll use Point Buy; rolling for stats on Gamer's Plane tends to lowball whenever I've tempted fate. :'D

Should we assume expensive spell components (and thus expensive spells) are off the table for character generation?

Asahina Takeshi (朝日崇史), Obsidian Scribe of the Nine Immortal Dragons, studied all manner of esoteric secrets—whether the forbidden wings of Shou Lung scroll houses or creeping among catacombs for the rumors of black scrolls hidden away by Mad Thay necromancers. The inquisitive wu jen pursued relics from Shou Lung said to lurk within Waterdeep’s New Olamn archives. Takeshi quickly established residence in Waterdeep as a visiting lore keeper and mystical scholar.

The Scribe has loaned out his services as an archivist and amanuensis to clientele willing to afford his rates. His unique script conjuration has caught the attention of his arcane peers, though the Shou wizard does not reveal how he accelerates his scribal duties. His shop the Scroll Binder operates as a confluence of his Utter Eastern culture, part tea shop, part book binding, part consultancy. These combine to create a "watering hole" where the attentive mage eavesdrops on the rumors, whispers, and lore of his cultured customers.
Akio is Takeshi's shiki-no-kami. This mischievous spirit likes to rearrange bookshelves, bat parchment stacks over, and nibble on quills. However, the tressym also keeps watch over his master's shop when the owner is away, ensuring thieves do not take the scholar's prized collections.
Last edited March 25, 2021 1:13 pm
Mar 25, 2021 1:02 pm
Galdr says:
Should we assume expensive spell components (and thus expensive spells) are off the table for character generation?
What did you have in mind?
Mar 25, 2021 1:17 pm
runekyndig says:
Galdr says:
Should we assume expensive spell components (and thus expensive spells) are off the table for character generation?
What did you have in mind?
Identify, Clairvoyance, and Summon Fey seem like useful spells for an investigative game.
Mar 25, 2021 1:26 pm
I see in the DMG that you should have 500 gp plus 1d10 Ă— 25 gp as starting funds. Since you are all 5th level, that that is your starting amount on top of the starting equipment.
The 4 uncommon magic items, you will have in our 1-on-1 session, but not when you wake up in space. You will find some of them again, but not all.
Mar 25, 2021 1:34 pm
runekyndig says:
I see in the DMG that you should have 500 gp plus 1d10 Ă— 25 gp as starting funds. Since you are all 5th level, that that is your starting amount on top of the starting equipment.
The 4 uncommon magic items, you will have in our 1-on-1 session, but not when you wake up in space. You will find some of them again, but not all.
Alright, that is a fair shake. I'll include the spell components on his sheet and see what emerges in the bowels of the ship. It would be realistic to not have all his things in an abduction scenario.
Mar 25, 2021 1:35 pm
Rolling additional wealth from 5th level increase.


Starting geld (x25) - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Mar 25, 2021 2:07 pm
I submitted a character sheet for review. The additional purchases outline in the Items.

Point Buy
Aereni Elf race selected to adapt as a Shou Lung elf. Custom ASI: +2 Int, +1 Dex
Class: Order of Scribes Wizard
Background: Sage
Purchases: Spell components and additional wizard spells learned.
Mar 25, 2021 2:38 pm
hey let's take a risk...


stats - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (3431) = 11

4d6 : (5136) = 15

4d6 : (5343) = 15

4d6 : (3541) = 13

4d6 : (6454) = 19

4d6 : (6415) = 16

Mar 25, 2021 11:51 pm
Starting monies


1d10 - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Mar 26, 2021 12:20 am
I have also submitted a character sheet for review!

*I don't know anything about FR or spelljammer lore, so anything mentioned here is just based on the little bit of googling I did.

Lopeiros [Loh-pear-os], Leo for short, is a firbolg horizon walker ranger from the Misty Forests near Waterdeep, where his clan of firbolg druids and rangers protect and live within the forest. His clan, called the Fyfolon, was pretty relaxed and fun-loving, and worshipped Silvanus as their patron. He was raised on crazy fairy tales and epic legends about the worlds, planes, and monsters beyond Faerun, and has been wishing to someday travel to them, to find out if his childhood tales were real. He figured his first step to doing that was learning about them, and wished to travel to a larger city where he has heard of libraries where they have knowledge like this all over the place! He began to feel the call of something (Deneir or a similar god of knowledge or something like that maybe) to travel to Waterdeep to study. So one night he escaped his clan, not because he hated them, but because his interests outgrew it. He fully plans to one day return to them, but only after he has a reason to and he has learned enough.

If we're going with the magic items I mentioned in the IC thread, I could explain that the Eyes of the Eagle and Elemental Gem were commonplace items among his clan to help them protect the forest, and the headband of intellect was a gift from whatever deity called him.
Mar 26, 2021 7:18 am
Submitted Khezzik for review. :)

I didn't feel like any of the normal Backgrounds really fit with a monster race, so his "Exile" background is just a cobbled-together set of personality traits. He doesn't currently have a Feature (though if he really needs one, the "City Secrets" Urchin feature would work well enough) and he should technically have one more tool proficiency or language, but none of them seemed to fit his backstory so I've just ignored that for now.
Mar 26, 2021 9:21 am
kadeton says:
Submitted Khezzik for review. :)

I didn't feel like any of the normal Backgrounds really fit with a monster race, so his "Exile" background is just a cobbled-together set of personality traits. He doesn't currently have a Feature (though if he really needs one, the "City Secrets" Urchin feature would work well enough) and he should technically have one more tool proficiency or language, but none of them seemed to fit his backstory so I've just ignored that for now.
Make a custome background, but it sounds like you want to mix Exile and Urchin
Character approved :)
Mar 26, 2021 9:23 am
aquafina says:
I have also submitted a character sheet for review!

*I don't know anything about FR or spelljammer lore, so anything mentioned here is just based on the little bit of googling I did.

Lopeiros [Loh-pear-os], Leo for short, is a firbolg horizon walker ranger from the Misty Forests near Waterdeep, where his clan of firbolg druids and rangers protect and live within the forest. His clan, called the Fyfolon, was pretty relaxed and fun-loving, and worshipped Silvanus as their patron. He was raised on crazy fairy tales and epic legends about the worlds, planes, and monsters beyond Faerun, and has been wishing to someday travel to them, to find out if his childhood tales were real. He figured his first step to doing that was learning about them, and wished to travel to a larger city where he has heard of libraries where they have knowledge like this all over the place! He began to feel the call of something (Deneir or a similar god of knowledge or something like that maybe) to travel to Waterdeep to study. So one night he escaped his clan, not because he hated them, but because his interests outgrew it. He fully plans to one day return to them, but only after he has a reason to and he has learned enough.

If we're going with the magic items I mentioned in the IC thread, I could explain that the Eyes of the Eagle and Elemental Gem were commonplace items among his clan to help them protect the forest, and the headband of intellect was a gift from whatever deity called him.
It don't matter if you are not super into the lore. Your character is approved
Mar 26, 2021 9:24 am
Galdr says:
I submitted a character sheet for review. The additional purchases outline in the Items.

Point Buy
Aereni Elf race selected to adapt as a Shou Lung elf. Custom ASI: +2 Int, +1 Dex
Class: Order of Scribes Wizard
Background: Sage
Purchases: Spell components and additional wizard spells learned.
Very oriental, but we can work with that :D
Character approved
Mar 26, 2021 12:45 pm
I really like Firbolgs. They just seem like nice people.

Takeshi's tea shop / scriptorium / information exchange is a very cool idea. And a strong motivation to get back to Waterdeep - it's just impossible to get a decent cup of tea in space.

@The_Librarian: What were you thinking for your character?
Mar 26, 2021 1:37 pm
Sorry guys this week has been busy and I'm sick today. I will try to post a longer description and sheet later today.
But briefly Nirion Revelore is a young (just come of age) elf wild magic sorcerer.
He comes from a long line of stuffy, studied wizards who are not pleased with his...difficulty.
I have more but as I'm home with a migraine, that Is about what I can handle at the moment.
Mar 26, 2021 1:52 pm
Ah, wild magic is always fun. Hope you feel better soon!
Mar 26, 2021 6:02 pm
Nirion has the cloistered scholar background, growing up in the halls of an elvish scholarium well outside Waterdeep. He carries a book on the few elves of his clan who also had unpredictable magic. All of them have met tragic and dramatic ends. The more studied wizards of the isolated scholarium have no clue what to do with them...most don't entirety care. Magic is supposed to be ordered and predictable after all.

Several months ago, as he came of age, Nirion left the island and headed for Waterdeep in search of answers and perhaps a way to control his unpleasant side effects.
If anyone would like to have befriended this poor confused high elf, that might be fun. He is quiet, soft spoken, and outwardly serious. He can be snarky however, especially when stressed.
I haven't spent his gold yet, because I am still thinking on those topics.The magic items I hope for him to have are a bag of holding, a cloak of protection, and a necklace of adaption. Questions, thoughts? He loves acquiring new knowledge, even things he can't necessarily use. He is also rather overwhelmed by the size of Waterdeep.
Mar 26, 2021 6:29 pm
The_Librarian says:
Nirion has the cloistered scholar background, growing up in the halls of an elvish scholarium well outside Waterdeep. He carries a book on the few elves of his clan who also had unpredictable magic. All of them have met tragic and dramatic ends. The more studied wizards of the isolated scholarium have no clue what to do with them...most don't entirety care. Magic is supposed to be ordered and predictable after all.

Several months ago, as he came of age, Nirion left the island and headed for Waterdeep in search of answers and perhaps a way to control his unpleasant side effects.
If anyone would like to have befriended this poor confused high elf, that might be fun. He is quiet, soft spoken, and outwardly serious. He can be snarky however, especially when stressed.
I haven't spent his gold yet, because I am still thinking on those topics.The magic items I hope for him to have are a bag of holding, a cloak of protection, and a necklace of adaption. Questions, thoughts? He loves acquiring new knowledge, even things he can't necessarily use. He is also rather overwhelmed by the size of Waterdeep.
Sounds like a good candidate to wander into Takeshi’s shop. The scribe would want to hear more about the elf’s background and seek to understand his erratic connection to the arcane. Takeshi can interchange the elements of his art, even expedite rituals, but to tap the enigmatic weave spontaneously would intrigue him greatly.
Last edited March 26, 2021 6:30 pm
Mar 26, 2021 7:33 pm
runekyndig says:

Very oriental, but we can work with that :D
Character approved
Adding some Kara-tur to the Faerun flavor. :)

In truth, I realized the Order of Scribes was the closest thing to a Shugenja from the older editions. I figured it would be a fun investigator to wander the ether.
Mar 26, 2021 11:03 pm
I realize I was allowed to join based upon the introduction post of Turner. I, however, am not sure if that is the character you expect me to play. I feel like she is solid with both adorable and irritating quirks but she is also an Order of Scribes wizard and I don't want to step on any toes. Besides the spell list the flavor of the two characters couldn't be more different but still...I am willing to create another character.
Mar 27, 2021 12:47 am
CherokeeWind says:
I realize I was allowed to join based upon the introduction post of Turner. I, however, am not sure if that is the character you expect me to play. I feel like she is solid with both adorable and irritating quirks but she is also an Order of Scribes wizard and I don't want to step on any toes. Besides the spell list the flavor of the two characters couldn't be more different but still...I am willing to create another character.
I am of the niche opinion that duplicated classes or features do not render characters redundant or crowding unless played so. Similarly, multiple wizards yields exponential results, esp. in 5e's concentration mechanic. I would be glad for the arcane accompaniment.
Mar 27, 2021 1:03 am
Though I did just realize we have a rogue, a ranger, two wizards, and a sorcerer. So no healing whatsoever lmao. I would be more than happy to switch Lopeiros to a druid if other people think that might be a good idea too and if rune is okay with me switching, circle of stars still very much fits his character I feel like
Mar 27, 2021 2:02 am
aquafina says:
Though I did just realize we have a rogue, a ranger, two wizards, and a sorcerer. So no healing whatsoever lmao. I would be more than happy to switch Lopeiros to a druid if other people think that might be a good idea too and if rune is okay with me switching, circle of stars still very much fits his character I feel like
I think the lack of healing derives from the emphasis on exploration/sleuthing and the de-emphasis on divine casters (the gods won't hear us! *gasp*). That said, a bard/celestial warlock, druid, and a healer feat among the group would suffice for healing in the 20% of combats we may incur.
Mar 27, 2021 2:10 am
If the group needs a bit more support, I can easily change Takeshi into a Lore Bard with relative ease.
Mar 27, 2021 2:19 am
I think the lack of healing derives from the emphasis on exploration/sleuthing and the de-emphasis on divine casters (the gods won't hear us! *gasp*).
Ah that’s true, I momentarily forgot about that. So perhaps that was part of the design of the game lol
Mar 27, 2021 3:53 am
Galdr, if you don't mind then I am happy to cast with you and will keep the wizard.
Mar 27, 2021 9:09 am
I'm a huge fan of the Artificer Initiate feat, as it allows for the Artificer spell to be cast with ordinary spell slots. I would houserule that this feature also exists in the Magic Initiate feat. So our ranger could be Magic initiate (druid) at pick up cure wounds for instance.

If none of you have access to healing magic, there will be increased access to healing potions. Make the characters you want to play, not what the optimal group composition should be.
Artificer Initiate
You've learned some of an artificer's inventiveness:
You learn one cantrip of your choice from the artificer spell list, and you learn one 1st-level spell of your choice from that list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
You can cast this feat's 1st-level spell without a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.
You gain proficiency with one type of artisan's tools of your choice, and you can use that type of tool as a spellcasting focus for any spell you cast that uses Intelligence as its spellcasting ability.
Source: TCE p79
Magic Initiate
Choose a class: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard. You learn two cantrips of your choice from that class's spell list.
In addition, choose one 1st-level spell from that same list. You learn that spell and can cast it at its lowest level. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again using this feat.
You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Charisma for bard, sorcerer, or warlock; Wisdom for cleric or druid; or Intelligence for wizard.

Source: PHB, page 168
Mar 27, 2021 11:24 am
I momentarily forgot while choosing my spells went all big boom...then our kind DM reminded me. Now it's mostly utility. I wonder if we should buy some healing potions with our gold?
Mar 27, 2021 11:54 am
It would make sense for Leo to know some druidy stuff, so I think I will use my 4th level ASI to grab Magic Initiate: Druid :)
Mar 27, 2021 4:03 pm
CherokeeWind says:
Galdr, if you don't mind then I am happy to cast with you and will keep the wizard.
By our talking tomes combined, we will scribble furiously between the spheres.
Mar 27, 2021 4:10 pm
aquafina says:
It would make sense for Leo to know some druidy stuff, so I think I will use my 4th level ASI to grab Magic Initiate: Druid :)
Druidic Warrior Fighting Style also provides two druid cantrips :)
Mar 27, 2021 4:20 pm
The_Librarian says:
I momentarily forgot while choosing my spells went all big boom...then our kind DM reminded me. Now it's mostly utility. I wonder if we should buy some healing potions with our gold?
A prudent use of gold pieces. Healer’s kits are also very useful.

Wizard spells drain GP. Whenever I play one, I live by Erasmus’ motto:
Mar 30, 2021 4:39 am



(5662) = 19


(4154) = 14


(5126) = 14


(2354) = 14


(4626) = 18


(6566) = 23

May 17, 2021 3:05 am
Tosslestand Faerebasomnik (aka Tonik), a rock gnome, has spent most of his life in Waterdeep. He recently has taken over the family business, a small tinkering shop where he also provide basic healing services to the less fortunate (free of charge) and emergency service to the city guard (for a reduced fee). Two things make him happy in life, helping others and tinkering or discovering new objects...
Tosslestand Faerebasomnik (aka Tonik) is a rock gnome artificer (alchemist) with the healer's feat.
I kept it simple since the game is already started, but feel free to ask any questions to push me adding new info.

stats: 10 / 11 / 10 / 7 / 15 / 12.... lol, is it to late to switch to point buy ? (if not I can deal with it lol)
[ +- ] Portrait
Last edited May 17, 2021 3:27 am


stat - (4d6)

(3431) = 11

stat - (4d6)

(3532) = 13

stat - (4d6)

(3324) = 12

stat - (4d6)

(2232) = 9

stat - (4d6)

(1645) = 16

stat - (4d6)

(2453) = 14

May 17, 2021 4:11 am
Go point buy! For goodness sake, go point buy.
May 18, 2021 12:17 pm
Character is almost done ! Should be able to submit it by the end of the day (maybe even sooner !)
May 19, 2021 1:05 am
still have my spells and equipment to do but I submitted my character...
May 19, 2021 4:46 am
deadpool_qc says:
still have my spells and equipment to do but I submitted my character...
Looks good. Your equipment was confiscated when you were obudcted and schattered around the ship. This includes 3-4 uncommon magic items. Some you will find again, but others are gone/destroyed/build into the ships infrastructure.

Your character wakes up once the others have handled the arcane warhead
May 20, 2021 5:33 pm
deadpool_qc give me a list of 3-4 uncommon magic items your character owned
May 20, 2021 11:30 pm
In addition to various common items from the players handbook he would have stashed in his bag of holding (from his infusions), those are the four magic items he has (soon had lol)...
[ +- ] All-Purpose Tool +1
[ +- ] Keoghtom's Ointment
[ +- ] Necklace of Adaptation
[ +- ] Robe of Useful Items
[ +- ] Common items found in his bag of holding...
[ +- ] Other
Also, just a little modification on his background, his family mainly worked on boats in the port of Waterdeep, so he sometimes when on voyages has what he called himself a Ship Doctor, taking care of the ship and it's crew.
Last edited May 20, 2021 11:42 pm
May 21, 2021 2:01 am
Hah! Shame none of the previous crew thought to attune to your Necklace of Adaptation before they started throwing Cloudkill spells around. :P
May 21, 2021 2:41 am
kadeton says:
Hah! Shame none of the previous crew thought to attune to your Necklace of Adaptation before they started throwing Cloudkill spells around. :P
They probably broke it modifying the air purifier.
Sep 2, 2021 6:33 am
In case it was missed
You are now level 6
Sep 2, 2021 11:08 am
It turns out 6th level is a real non-event for Arcane Tricksters! You get: the hit point increase, and Expertise with two more skills, that's it. Not even additional spell slots.

Perhaps this might be the right time for Khezzik to take his first level of Wizard instead? We could say he's been training with Takeshi and Turner during downtime.
Sep 2, 2021 12:03 pm
I think I'm good to go.
Sep 2, 2021 12:26 pm
kadeton says:
It turns out 6th level is a real non-event for Arcane Tricksters! You get: the hit point increase, and Expertise with two more skills, that's it. Not even additional spell slots.

Perhaps this might be the right time for Khezzik to take his first level of Wizard instead? We could say he's been training with Takeshi and Turner during downtime.
He won't get any better teachers :) Go for it
Sep 2, 2021 1:18 pm
Takeshi would gladly teach the kobold the ways of wizardry. :)

Leveled up and had some fun with the Manifest Mind feature.
Sep 2, 2021 6:26 pm
Other then hp (took standard, as I do) Level 6 gets me:

- Bestial soul, fairly handy all around. Gonna pick climbing for now.
- Extra Rage charge
[ +- ] Bestial Soul
Sep 3, 2021 2:02 pm
That is a cool feature, Somebox. Climbing is certainly valuable.
Sep 11, 2021 5:05 am
I know I'm late, but I finally found the time to level-up Tonic... (also updated his item list in his character sheet)

+6 hp (33 to 39)
- Tool expertise
- 2 new infusions (Spell-Refueling Ring, Alchemy Jug) and replacing "cap of water breathing" for "cloak of the manta ray"

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