Mar 27, 2021 9:03 pm
About a dozen people gathered at the makeshift stage on the edge of the river. Some were genuinely curious about the good Doctor Alastair Brown's latest invention, but others wanted to be there when it catastrophically failed. Still, even the laughing stock of London gets attention when he claims he's made an effective flying machine.
Originally modeled off DaVinci's Aerial Screw, there's a large basket in the bottom. Hot air balloons have existed for some time, but this version! This, the doctor insisted, would revolutionize flight. Why harnessing energy from the sun and burning a small amount of fuel could, through the screw, produce as much lift as hundreds of cubic feet of air, all while remaining far less susceptible to puncture, weather, and more!
The inventor puttered around making final checks while the onlookers stayed nearby. One way or another, this afternoon promised to be interesting.
Originally modeled off DaVinci's Aerial Screw, there's a large basket in the bottom. Hot air balloons have existed for some time, but this version! This, the doctor insisted, would revolutionize flight. Why harnessing energy from the sun and burning a small amount of fuel could, through the screw, produce as much lift as hundreds of cubic feet of air, all while remaining far less susceptible to puncture, weather, and more!
The inventor puttered around making final checks while the onlookers stayed nearby. One way or another, this afternoon promised to be interesting.