Apr 20, 2021 7:48 pm
We have a group of three players who are desperately in need of some bolstering if anyone is interested. The game is 5th edition D&D, set in the world of Greyhawk, with level 2 characters. You are limited to character races and classes in the Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide. You may play a variant human if desired. No monster races are permitted. You may choose any alignment except chaotic evil (as I feel that a CE character played properly will destroy a party), but understand that this is a frontier region and evil acts will be met with fast and extreme justice. You have been warned. I'd like to pick up three more players.
Since it is inevitable that someone will want to play a drow, there are two things of which you should be aware. First, this is old school. Good drow are completely unknown in Greyhawk. The very concept of such runs contrary to any rational person's thinking. You will not be trusted and can be expected to suffer prejudice from nearly every NPC until you have proven yourself. Secondly, there is an elf in the party. While racial tensions are unavoidable, your character should be able to overcome such and work with the group. We currently have a fighter/wizard, a barbarian, and a sorcerer.
The game can be found at https://gamersplane.com/games/2236/.
*Yes, that Borderlands, as in the "Keep on the..."
Since it is inevitable that someone will want to play a drow, there are two things of which you should be aware. First, this is old school. Good drow are completely unknown in Greyhawk. The very concept of such runs contrary to any rational person's thinking. You will not be trusted and can be expected to suffer prejudice from nearly every NPC until you have proven yourself. Secondly, there is an elf in the party. While racial tensions are unavoidable, your character should be able to overcome such and work with the group. We currently have a fighter/wizard, a barbarian, and a sorcerer.
The game can be found at https://gamersplane.com/games/2236/.
*Yes, that Borderlands, as in the "Keep on the..."
Last edited April 20, 2021 8:47 pm