Wishlist of games / settings

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Jun 1, 2021 11:58 am
What kind of game systems and settings are on your wishlist? What kind of games would you like to play, but are seldom advertised?

I can go first (do give the idea)
Fate: I like the system, but there is a learning curve and I what to get better at it.

Settings or Themes
Pulp adventures, like indiana jones
Artifact hunting and magic shenanigans in a modern world like Warehouse 13 or The Librarians
Jun 1, 2021 1:17 pm
Blue Planet.

Setting: Hard sci fi adventure on the ecologically wild, sociopolitically contentious frontier of Earth’s first extrasolar colony world: a distant waterworld named Poseidon.

SKILL SET TESTS: 1d10, 2d10, or 3d10 vs. (attribute + skill set), keep single lowest result.
ATTRIBUTE TESTS: 1d10 vs. (5 + attribute rating).
DAMAGE TESTS: 3d10 vs. damage rating, the number of successes determines the wound level.
Jun 1, 2021 1:44 pm
Fate of the Norns
Lex Arcana
Savage Worlds
Shadows of Esteren
Last edited June 1, 2021 1:50 pm
Jun 1, 2021 4:28 pm
5e (common)

Settings Or Themes:
Ocean/Heavy Water games. (not seen in a very long time)
Jun 1, 2021 5:10 pm
I would love to play another Smallville game. I was in one here on the site and I loved it and I love the system. Alternatively, I guess it would be very easy to mimic Smallville in Cortex Prime.

I've also wanted to play in a game of Masks or Monsterhearts for ages but haven't gotten to it yet.

Theme-wise, everything that focuses on interpersonal drama and relationships over plot
Jun 1, 2021 9:06 pm
Pathfinder 1e, any AP, Module or even homebrew.

I have only done RotRL book 1 and some homebrew stuff as of yet. All prior to becoming a GP member.

Both games I have joined here never got past character creation.
Jun 1, 2021 11:22 pm
Earthdawn: It always has been my favorite system and while it had a lot of promise back when it first came about, it missed the curve and now is a niche game and system.
Rogue Trader: One of the less played (and no longer developed) Warhammer 40k settings, this takes place on the upper strata of powerful individuals. Forget the Imperial Guard, Inquisition or even the Spess Mehreens, Rogue Trader puts you in charge of a Dyanasty bent on conquering the stars, accumulating wealth that cannot be expressed in numbers, and command a veritable fleet of voidships. The system is... buggy, but the setting is wonderful.

Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy: Tying in on Earthdawn, which is a setting in a world after which eldritch Horrors destroyed the world and its inhabitants had to hide in underground bunkers for centuries, this system leads to rediscovery of the world, while said eldritch horrors may still lurk about. It is a time where heroes have a very good chance of dying, but those who succeed become legends! It's more serious and grim then what most modern fantasy settings do.

Warhammer 40k: It's pretty specific, but I just love the dark grimdark future of grimdarkness.

Grim Fantasy: Settings like Planescape, which have a very cynical view on existence.
Last edited June 1, 2021 11:24 pm


Jun 2, 2021 1:21 am
My wishlist for systems and settings that I don't get to play often or at all:

1. Cypher / Numenera: Would like to try running it and try out all the fun toys Monte envisioned for GMs to play with. Many of its systems fit well with the pbp medium. Two game ideas have been rattling around in my head: a sandboxy, interstellar exploration game set in the Lancer or Traveller universe, and a straight-up fantasy game set in the city of Ptolus.

2. Savage Worlds: Seems like my kinda thing, but I don't have much experience with it. Would like to master playing first before trying to GM. Maybe Savage Rifts? But anything really.

3. Traveller: I love the 3rd Imperium setting, I love the character creation system, and the rules are pretty simple yet comprehensive. I think combat needs to be streamlined for pbp to limit how many actions you can take on other people's turns, maybe overhaul reactions all completely. Jump your banged-up Free Trader into the next system, keeping one step ahead of bankruptcy and the consequences of your own actions.

4. Eberron: I get to play Eberron a lot, but when I run Eberron I seem to stick to the fringes. For example, I've set games on the Lost Continent of Xen'drik and in orbit in the Ring of Siberys. I seem to avoid the heart of the setting for some reason. So I'd like to run a game in Sharn or the Mournland or something else that is featured on book covers rather than footnotes.
Jun 2, 2021 6:18 am
These kinds of lists are cool, but kind of problematic for me as my attention is all over the place with RPGs. There are few genres I don't like. I'll try to keep it trim...

Cortex (something on the lighter side), ICRPG

Settings (which usually have their own system...)
Dark Fantasy: Symbaroum, Mork Borg, Forbidden Lands
Young Adult Fantasy: Beyond the Wall
Medieval Intrigue and Castle Management: Pendragon
Sword & Sorcery: Barbarians of Lemuria
Monster Hunting: Monster of the Week, Savage Worlds East Texas University
Cosmic Horror: Rats in the Walls, Tiny Cthulhu, Eldritch Tales, The Cthulhu Hack
Spies: White Lies
Post Apocalyptic Survival: Twilight 2000, Barbarians of the Ruined Earth
Cyberpunk: Running Out of Time, Dancing With Bullets Under a Neon Sun
Low Fantasy Neo OSR: Cairn
Gonzo OSR: Electric Bastionland
Space Marines: 3:16, Aliens & Asteroids, Stay Frosty
Adventuresome Mice / Animals: Return of the Woodland Warriors, Mausritter
Genre Blender: World of Dungeons Turbo: Breakers
Supers: Masks
Western: Six Gun Fury
WWII Action: Operation White Box

...and I clearly failed to keep it trim.
Last edited June 2, 2021 6:18 am
Jun 2, 2021 7:43 pm
Key for me is dependable regular postings, players and GM, with a group that meshes well and wants to see the campaign last for a while.

Pathfinder 1e

Preferably homebrew or something everyone else hasn't played to death. If it has to be a Path, perhaps CC.

Star Wars SAGA

I have every book ever produced for the system.
Jun 3, 2021 7:15 pm
Fantasycraft: I've never run or played it, but it looks interesting.
Legend of the Five Rings: Ditto. Never played it, though I have the rules and it looks pretty neat.
7th Sea: Ditto again, and for the same reasons.
Fate: For much the same reason as runekyndig.
Mutants & Masterminds 3E: I love the system and its versatility and would love to be a player in a game, as opposed to GMing all the time.
Grimm: I'd love to give this one a go!
Play Manga d20: Give me an interesting setting for this, and I'm there.

Top Secret: I tried this here, but it failed miserably. I'd like to try again someday with players who will carry the game.
Polyhedral Dungeon: I've never actually run it, but it looks interesting.
Savage Worlds: I actually have a homebrew setting in mind (steampunk), I just have to put enough of it to paper to run it. It's based in the world of my novel trilogy.
Pathfinder 1e: Yes, I'm still working my homebrew setting and it will be ready to go... one day.

Almost anything out of the ordinary. There's a Fate setting in which all the characters are cats. That sounds like a blast. There's another that takes place beneath the sea. I'd love to try that one, as well. The old Elfquest (from Chaosium) RPG might be fun. Anybody can run typical fantasy; give me fantasy with a twist! I'd also be keen on a time-travel-oriented game (other than Dr. Who, which I've never watched). Ironclaw or a similar setting, I'd love to explore. I'd also dig something in the World War I or World War II genres, even Weird Wars.
Last edited June 3, 2021 7:28 pm
Jun 3, 2021 7:26 pm
has anyone played 7th sea?

I love sea based adventures, but the 5e rules are sparse...
Jun 3, 2021 7:47 pm
As a player, I'd love to try most any system.

As a GM, I love running investigative/mystery scenarios. To that end, I'd love to try out:

* Grey Cells (relatively recent indy game I backed on Kickstarter, which specializes in mystery scenarios)
* The Cthulhu Hack (an OSR-derived Lovecraftian game with lots of indy, narrative-game trappings)
* Cthulhu Dark (backed it a few years back on Kickstarter and would love to give it a go)
* A Dirty World (a film-noir game with a really interesting character "advancement" system)
Jun 3, 2021 9:41 pm
Savage Worlds (I started a game here but by the time we got into a groove GM ghosted)

Final Fantasy
Outriders, I loved the story and lore of this game and would make for a great TTRPG
Star Wars, heavy force using setting. Knight-level+. Possibly Clone Wars/Old Republic
Avatar the Last Airbender
Mass Effect
Jun 3, 2021 10:05 pm
I don't have a lot of serious cravings since I haven't been around that long. A Deadlands Savage World game would be great, or a Planescape setting, but I don't really know a lot more than that. A Theros campaign would also be welcome.
Jun 4, 2021 12:20 am
SWADE: Legions of Liberty, Superheroes of 1776
Jun 6, 2021 5:44 pm
PbtA, especially Monster of the Week
Blades in the Dark

Old school pulp, ala Indiana Jones.
Jun 6, 2021 9:50 pm
Cypher System
classic Paranoia (maybe 2e)
classic Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (maybe 1e)
Toon !

for Savage Worlds (SWADE or previous ed.):
Weird Wars Rome
Iron Kingdom: Way of the Ronin
Land of Fire
All for One
Jun 6, 2021 11:59 pm
The following are games I'd love to try some day, each with its one built in setting.

System-Setting Combos
Deadlands: Weird West (SWADE)
The One Ring
Usagi Yojimbo 2e
Over The Edge 2e
Savage Rifts (this was great fun the first time I ran it, and would love to revisit it)
Blue Planet
Blue Rose

Magic School - I'd love to run or play in a school for the gifted. This could be a supes game using Masks or Hero High (Mutants & Masterminds), or a Harry Potter clone, or even Sci Fi (Enders Game) or high fantasy. The idea is that the school is most of if not the entire setting, not just a base for adventures, and the game revolves around school type drama.
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