runekyndig says:
I don't know, I am struggeling a bit to figure out what is going on, how it relates to them and why they are risking their lives.
What the purpose of the latest Resource Team's visit is still unclear. Even your contact was unsure. Somehow there was some confusion about a hand-off of some type and I'm not quite sure how that came to be. I don't
think I ever led anyone in that direction, but if there was some miscommunication on my part I apologize.
The list of people on the datapad and their roles is still unclear as well (and should be). We now know that one of them is owner/worker at a popular restaurant in town (Whaymel) and that another is a big fan of the Empire's arrival (Grewhit Gen).
Why would the Falu Four stick their noses in? They've taken part in past ambushes since Captain Isskar Cronwick's arrival when the Empire started to use much harsher tactics in dealing with the local population. I would imagine they are not happy with the Empire's presence in town but can't really speak for an individual PCs motivation to take part in such things.
Anyway, is there something I can do to make things clearer during play please don't hesitate to let me know.