Despite the hype and fanfare related to the events of the Siberys Crisis, Death’s Brush stayed for some time with Aleksander, helping him with the rituals to restore him back to this world, and then he studied and learned much about Mabar and stabilized manifest zones. After a few months, he requested to study among the deathless court of Aerenal, which request was granted.
He learned all he could about death and life, creation and destruction. He stayed in Aerenal for a few months, until one day he received a summons from Tam’s estate, in which summons the steward of the estate indicated that Tam was depressed, and only spoke with happiness about her time with the warforged trust and
The Way.
He went to her estate, hoping to see her, and see her body he did, for as he arrived at the estate, he was met with the news of her suicide the night before. He cried that day for his friend, the God Creator (to him, she was Tam). He realized that her power of creation at that moment, combined with the radiation from the ring of Siberys, and the soul yearnings of Death’s Brush, must have unknowingly catalyzed the birth of The Spark Divine.
He stayed and helped the steward of Tam’s estate to settle her affairs. He also cast gentle repose on Tam’s body many times to stop the process of decay to prepare for the funeral.
He spoke to her many times, for hours, talking about his thoughts of the great Beyond. He missed, a lot...
He was very surprised when he heard about the will, and being the resident warforged from this trust, he took his responsibilities very seriously in honoring his friend. He commissioned a statue of his dear friend, but at the moment of ultimate creation. She looked like a god, and maybe in that moment, she was.
He began evangelizing the word, not just to Warforged, but to others, as well. He taught a doctrine of unity, that only through the combined effort of the constructed and the organic did they establish the miracles of their time. He combatted the influence of the Lord of Blades on his people, saying to everyone that "we are more when we are together."
Prior to the funeral, he wrapped himself in ceremonial garb, which covered his face and body, such that only those up close would know he was Warforged (even though he was a tall 6’4"). He was one of the pall bearers, and those whispering about whatever was on their minds didn’t escape his ears as he walked by, but instead of berating them, he chose to focus on his friend.
He was blessed to give the eulogy, where he spoke of her accomplishments, her raw talent, but also focused on her goodness as a person, a companion, a fighter, and a friend.
He spoke on her influence on his religion, his journey, and then he related their shared experience of creating and awakening the Spark Divine.
"We are more because of you, Tam.
"Rest now, Tam, knowing how you saved us from destroying ourselves."
He touches the mark on her face, and then he walks away from the casket and says,
"Anyone who wishes to speak about Tam are permitted to pay their respects."
After the service, Brush changes his name from Death’s Brush to Creation’s Brush, though he still insists on people calling him
Brush. He sits down, looking to what the future may hold.
He sees himself establishing the mansion as a safe haven for warforged, taking care of those who need shelter, work, and counseling from the horrors of the Last War.
He envisions himself building a small temple on the grounds for the Spark Divine, where he worships and tries to commune with The Spark Divine at times. He sees himself teaching others to manifest their souls, thanks to the things he learned from his dear friend Aleksander.
He snaps out of his vision of the future, tears silently streaming down his mechanical face.
He stands and looks forward, and smiles.
Later that night, he finds a solitary spot in the mansion:
Tam, thank you for everything.
Spark, lead my friend to a peaceful beyond.
He reaches out with his soul, sees Tam manifested in spirit form, smiling, and then walking towards a bright Spark that manifests in the distance.
He smiles, knowing how much work he has in order to honor her passing.
Last edited June 6, 2021 4:17 am