The location for the ambush is a block of residential flats that were in the process of being constructed before Cronwick arrived a few months earlier. Supplies and labor have been "redirected" to the Imperial site outside of town, leaving the flats as nothing more than empty shells. They are located on the southern edge of the city where the Resource Team is scheduled to arrive just before dawn.
Chapter 1 - The Falu Four
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The location for the ambush is a block of residential flats that were in the process of being constructed before Cronwick arrived a few months earlier. Supplies and labor have been "redirected" to the Imperial site outside of town, leaving the flats as nothing more than empty shells. They are located on the southern edge of the city where the Resource Team is scheduled to arrive just before dawn.
Once she is satisfied, she prepares to wait.
As an afterthought, she throws a tarp over the speeder bike, just to make it harder to spot. She makes sure that the air intake is not obstructed.
Her quick scan also reveals something else. Two of Falu's finest are slowly walking along the front of one the structures, stopping every six or seven meters for a few seconds before continuing on.
Local cops are on the street. Ideas to get them away? I'm thinking of sending them a sliced message, like a request for reinforcement, somewhere away, but I'm open to better ideas.
"You mean Falu's security? Not the Imps? How many?"
Nell moves to the back of the building, connecting her sliver deck to holonet residential hub. The goal is to send to two cops a message requesting backup in a nearby industrial area. They are looking for an escaped death stick dealer. She provides a description, matching a shady figure that Nell, meet the other day.
EDIT: Please subtract the a diff die :D
Slicing computer + int
3 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 3 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 1 Triumph
It isn't more than a few seconds later that the group can hear a couple of faint "pops".
Anyone with eyes on the two security officers have clearly seen two flashes, one originating from each, right at belt level. After a moment of hand waving and pointing, during which one of the officers throws their communicator to the ground, they both start to walk down the street towards town, away from the ambush site.
Right! Nell packs her gear away. The cops are out of the picture
The private channel of the day is 6871,68Mhz.
Nell looks at the area. They have to stop a transport, can they find something over to block the street, throw a net, harpune or grab the transport with a crane?
"We could just have someone stand in the middle of the street to stop the transport. Then the rest of us gets the jump on them from the sides."
There is about an hour before sunrise and the arrival of the Resource Team.
"We are going to ask them nicely though, Guy. We'll just happen to be holding guns while doing so."
A Lambda Class shuttle flies overhead towards the open grasslands just beyond your ambush site. Once clear of the buildings the pilot rotates the front end around and lifts the wings into landing position. With the dust settled the ramp lowers and two white armored troopers take position, flaking either side of the ramp. Your contact was right, this is an unusual Resource Team as the first appearance of the feared marksmen known as Stormtroopers in Falu will attest to.
Two more troopers, walking abreast, lead what appear to be two Imperial officers out of the shuttle to join the others. There is some discussion going on with the group as the ramp is raised and the shuttle readies to leave.
The group is led by two troopers walking side by side, followed by the two officers, with the last two troopers bringing up the rear. The shorter of the two officers has her head focused on a data pad as the group moves forward on the street, towards the makeshift barrier.
One of the troopers is the first to spot the junk piled in the road and holds up his hand to bring everyone to a stop.
"Fracking Imps."
He whispers to the others.
"So, how do we handle this?"
I am liking this ops less and less.
The Resource Team is going to hand something over to the Imps. If we are going to stick it to the man, we have to prevent that. A quick attack now and hope we are victories before the Resource Team arrives? Otherwise we are fracked
Ranged (Heavy) + Aim
2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage
Initiative (Cool)
1 Success
Total: 1 Success
"By the Maw, at least count to three or something!"
Initiative (Vigilance?)
4 Success
Total: 4 Success
Initiative (Cool)
1 Success, 2 Advantage
Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage
Cool: initiative
4 Success, 3 Advantage
Total: 4 Success, 3 Advantage
Perception: making sure we don't have company
4 Success, 1 Advantage
Total: 4 Success, 1 Advantage
Perception difficulty
1 Failure, 3 Threat
Total: 1 Failure, 3 Threat
cool initiative
3 Advantage
Total: 3 Advantage
throw stun granade (agility)
1 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Threat
Total: 1 Success
Storm Troopers
3 Success, 1 Advantage
Total: 3 Success, 1 Advantage
2 Success, 3 Advantage
Total: 2 Success, 3 Advantage
The female officer points towards the barricade. "Blast them!"
The two lead troopers are down, the two officers and two troopers have yet to act. The PCs have the first slot this round.
Round 1:
That will be 8 damage unless there is anything else to come on that (like Adversary)
Ranged (Heavy)
3 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Failure, 2 Threat
Total: 1 Success
Officers' Fire on Gurag
2 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Failure
Total: 1 Advantage
Storm Troopers' Fire on Gurag
2 Advantage, 2 Failure, 2 Threat
Total: 2 Failure
The Storm Troopers advance forward, each blasting from the hip as do, but accomplish little more than kicking up some dust and debris in the process.
Stormtroopers are now at a Short distance.
No Adversary skills for the Imps yet - these officers are a Minion group, of sorts, for the purposes of this ambush.
Round 1:
6 damage on hit
3 Success, 4 Advantage, 1 Failure, 3 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 1 Advantage
Deception: trying to trick them into giving up
2 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 1 Advantage
Officers are in cover (add black die to attacks) - Medium distance.
Stormtroopers are now at a Short distance.
Round 1:
OFC - SK:3 WT:15(11)
ranged (light)
2 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 1 Advantage
Two Stormtroopers are now at a Short distance, one is wounded.
Top of the round, ANY PC can act.
Round 2:
blaster pistol
2 Success, 3 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 1 Failure, 1 Threat
EDIT: Extra black die to Nell's attacker due to Ranged Defense.
Officer's Fire on Nell
3 Success, 4 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 1 Success, 3 Advantage
Storm Troopers' Fire on Guy
2 Success, 1 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 1 Threat
Added black.
1 Failure
Total: 1 Failure
With her partner down the remaining officer responds to Nell's attack with a quick shot of her own which just misses by mere millimeters. Without waiting the woman turns and disappears into the doorway.
(Adjust for soak as needed)
Nell's next shot from her current position will add 1 black for the dust flying about.
One officer is completely hidden - Medium distance.
Two Stormtroopers are now at a Short distance, one is wounded, both are in cover (1 black).
First shot at the Stormtroopers can add a Blue die.
Round 2:
Wounds - max: 16, current: 0
Strain - max: 11, current: 2
Crits: none
5 Success, 3 Threat
Total: 5 Success, 3 Threat
"I'll try and find her!"
He then runs around the back of the building the officers are in, hoping to find a line of sight to the one still alive. If he finds her, he'll fire a stunning bolt into her filthy Imperial face.
ranged light (stun)
2 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat
Stormtrooper attack on Gurag
1 Success, 3 Advantage, 2 Failure
Total: 1 Failure, 3 Advantage
The Stormtrooper is caught off guard by the onrushing Weequay and Gurag takes full advantage. His brass-knuckled fist easily smashing through the trooper's helmet knocking the Imperial back a good few meters, and leaving him flat on his back.
With rifle-butt raised, the other trooper takes a wild swing at the back of Gurag's head but is unable to land the blow, missing completely, but putting himself in a very favorable defensive position.
Any attack on the remaining trooper will add a black die.
Nell: Next shot from her current position will add 1 black for the dust flying about.
Kip: The alley way you're in is quite dark. Exrta black die for any action requiring vision.
One officer is completely hidden - Medium distance.
One Stormtrooper is now at a Short distance and Engaged with Gurag.
Any one PC can act.
Round 3:
Wounds - max: 16, current: 0
Strain - max: 11, current: 0
Crits: none
3 Success, 4 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 3 Advantage
The remaining officer was last seen entering the flats.
We're back to open play!
4 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 2 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 1 Triumph
GM EDIT: Changing the first purple to red - as it is an officer. (Whenever I do this, it will always be the first of the difficulty dice that will be changed). I probably won't edit other people's posts anymore though, can't get the PC avatar to show back up when I do that. :-(
Charm: trying to convince officer to surrender
4 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Threat
Total: 4 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph
1 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 1 Failure, 1 Threat
2 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 5 Failure
Total: 3 Failure, 2 Advantage, 1 Triumph
The communicator next to the dead officer starts to loudly screech, and a fainter, similar sound can be heard from within the flat across from Nell's position.
Searching the fallen Imperials Gurag is able to turn up five frag grenades, and the officer's locked datapad. The troopers are also armed with Blaster Rifles.
Other than the sound of a screeching communicator, Kip neither sees nor hears anything of interest.
Guy's well reasoned offer produces better results than expected. The female officer walks out slowly, hands held high in the air. "Fine! Fine!" The officer is young, and judging from her insignia, newly commissioned.
A little further down the street an unkempt looking man staggers out into the street, arms waving madly about. "Just looking for a place to sleep. First the FSF tries to hassle me and then they send in the bucket heads. That's messed up, man!"
He walks back into the square, and sees that the situation is mostly handled, with the officer surrendering. He walks next to Gurag as he searches the bodies, and picks up the locked datapad. He gives it a look over, and attempts to unlock it.
2 Success, 4 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 3 Advantage
"I fear nothing. For all is as the Force Face wills it." – Chirrut Imwe, probably
"Can I go now?"
"Yeah, right? Doesn't it just dry up your hydrolizers that you're not even allowed to sleep anymore without someone telling you off?
"This was my first mission. I was simply shadowing the captain over there. He was in charge." she states calmly. "We were supposed to make a couple of stops in town - I'm not sure why."
"I hear that! They can't just leave me be!" the man responds to Kip before he turns to go back towards the building. "Gonna crash for a bit longer. Uh, nice work with the Imps, man!"
2 Success, 6 Advantage, 2 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 4 Advantage
1 Success, 3 Failure, 2 Threat
Total: 2 Failure, 2 Threat
An almost imperceivably smirk starts to form on the officer's lips at Guy's growing frustration. She slowly points over to Kip.
"Everything you want to know is on that datapad. I can't unlock it, and you'll only get a few tries. Shuttle will return this afternoon, as that's when we're scheduled to be finished."
Feeling less threatened she slowly starts to lower her hands.
After Kip's attempt to unlck the datapad results in the following message:
"Do you really think this glorified nightlight can stop me? I thought Imperials made better stuff than this, but I guess all their research budget went into creating tasty boot polish for officers like you to enjoy."
Kip attempts to break into the datapad again, this time recalling the schematics for this common model of Imperial datapad as detailed in "Cut the Poodoo: The Comprehensive Guide to Computer Systems, 2nd Edition".
computers and a fair amount of anger
4 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Threat
Total: 4 Success, 1 Advantage
"What happens now?"
The screen of the datapad flashes three times as Kip successfully slices past the device's meager security.
=== Captain Loman Mercon: INO-245-334-1123 ===
Whaymel Lectronfire. (Residence).............. 350, 1.5
Baksed Shipburn..... (Falu Equipment Repair).. 020, 3.2
Mirach Mucecud...... (Residence).............. 087, 4.5
Grewhit Gen......... (GTG Heavy Industries)....179, 2.3
=== Captain Loman Mercon: INO-245-334-1123 ===
Under the list is a map of the city overlaid with a grid marked with the above coordinates. The only name familiar to all of you is Grewhit Gen, owner of GTG Heavy Industries and a staunch supporter of The Empire.
There is no other data on the pad.
"Hah, eat poodoo!"
He looks over at the officer, a bit disappointed that she showed no reaction.
"Anyways, you said it's your first mission, right? So, I bet you didn't make many friends yet. Do you think anybody would believe that you were an Imperial officer if we took all of your identification?"
Nell is keeping a fixed eye on the transport.
"Listen, we can do this the easy way, or we can let tall, dark, and handsome do his thing."
"Murdering Captain Mercon will have consequences. Just remember that when the civilians of this town are being punished for your actions."
The four FSF officers are still quickly approaching on foot. They're not quite close enough to see the hastily made barricade in the middle of the road - but it won't be long.
If nobody has any objections, Kip takes off running into the alleys.
O1: "That wasn't there when we left, Sarge. The road was perfectly clear."
O3: "You're telling me that happened while the two of you were gone? First reports of blaster fire and now... what? Littering?"
O2: "Yes, Sarge. Like he said, it was all clear. We were just looking for a vagrant when our comms went."
There is bit more indisinct conversation when Nell notices that the fourth officer has just climbed the barricade and has seen the bodies littered about the place.
O4: "Sarge! Couple of downed troopers over here!"
O3: "Officers down? Get on the comm, get some..."
O4: (interrupting) "No, Sarge... Stormtroopers."
O3: "What the hell are Stormtroopers doing in OUR city? Bad enough they send those thugs in all time."
O4: "Couple of Imperial Officers as well."
O3: "Ha! Falu Four strikes again it would appear. Let's clean up this mess before some ImpSymp stumbles onto it."
The four officers gather together and speak quietly amongst themselves before three of them break off and start to clear the clutter from the road. The fourth drags the three dead into the buildings and then binds the female officers hands behind her back before giving her a quick slap to wake her.
O3: (sarcastically) "Impersonating an Imperial Officer can get you in a lot of trouble, Young Lady."
The young officer is still too out of it to even respond.
O3: "Let's take her in and throw her in a cell. See what she knows. When the Imps find out something's happened to this lot, you know that they'll be contacting their favorite pet, Gen, so everyone keep quiet about this."
With the Imperial officer in tow, the four members of the FSF leave the scene in the direction from which they came.
Is Nell planning to join the rest of the crew before contact is made with Whaymel?
The Imperial officers came down to meet someone and the FSF did not know they were coming. This could be import later.
I'll have a new post sometime later this afternoon/evening as the group meets up at Whaymel Lectronfire's place.
NPC Thread
Location Thread