Chapter 1 - The Falu Four

Jun 8, 2021 12:04 am
Late in the evening each of your holo-messengers light up. Your contact, who hasn't been heard from in several weeks has plans for the latest ambush. As before there are maps detailing where the Resource Team will be arriving and a suggested location where to best lay your trap. Unlike the previous messages the contact's voice is quiet and rushed as if he's trying to avoid detection. The message ends with the voice trailing off, before abruptly ending: "This will be an unusual team from what I can gather. Their objective is unknown."

The location for the ambush is a block of residential flats that were in the process of being constructed before Cronwick arrived a few months earlier. Supplies and labor have been "redirected" to the Imperial site outside of town, leaving the flats as nothing more than empty shells. They are located on the southern edge of the city where the Resource Team is scheduled to arrive just before dawn.
Jun 9, 2021 5:00 am
Nell parks her currier speeder bike and takes out her Macrobinocular. With that she scans the area. Are the others here? Is there someone watching their meeting place?

Once she is satisfied, she prepares to wait.
As an afterthought, she throws a tarp over the speeder bike, just to make it harder to spot. She makes sure that the air intake is not obstructed.
Jun 9, 2021 6:09 pm
Through her macrobinoculars Nell can clearly see the unfinished, two story rows of flats on either side of the narrow street on which the Resource Team is planning to traverse upon their arrival.

Her quick scan also reveals something else. Two of Falu's finest are slowly walking along the front of one the structures, stopping every six or seven meters for a few seconds before continuing on.
NPCs says:
Falu Security Force (FSF): The local police force that has, to this point, resisted any influence that the recently arrived Imperials may have been trying to push. Generally accepted as a friendly and helpful group that deals fairly with the residents of the city.
I will try and keep an up-to-date list of important NPCs and Locations in the appropriate threads. Feel free to add to those threads as you see fit.
Jun 9, 2021 8:15 pm
Guy could already feel a headache coming on. 'They know I am not a field agent, yet insist on sending me on these missions.' he rubbed his temples with his fingertips, . . no point in stalling, may as well head out.
Last edited Jun 9, 2021 8:16 pm
Jun 9, 2021 9:19 pm
Gurag moves rapidly on foot towards the rendezvous point. Vehicle movements being easy to track he opted to head there on foot. As he get's close he spies something covered in a tarp. Than Nells bike? he thinks before he says in a quiet growl "Hey, anyone else here?"
I'm assuming Nell went to ground when they arrived
Jun 10, 2021 1:49 pm
Hush! The big woman hisses. She is human, but she is tall and strong build.
Local cops are on the street. Ideas to get them away? I'm thinking of sending them a sliced message, like a request for reinforcement, somewhere away, but I'm open to better ideas.
Jun 10, 2021 10:30 pm
Garage shrugs "Sounds as good a plan as any. I could deal with them in a more direct manner if that doesn’t work" he says as he makes a fist
Jun 10, 2021 10:32 pm
Kip arrives, crouching as he creeps up to where the others were, hugging the shadows of the walls. To be honest, he had been here for a while, hiding behind a water barrel. But he simply wanted to make sure that the location wasn't compromised before any contact was made. He pop up and drops his two cents.

"You mean Falu's security? Not the Imps? How many?"
Last edited Jun 10, 2021 10:33 pm
Jun 11, 2021 7:02 am
Just two of them. Here, take the Macrobinoculars. I'll try and send them away.

Nell moves to the back of the building, connecting her sliver deck to holonet residential hub. The goal is to send to two cops a message requesting backup in a nearby industrial area. They are looking for an escaped death stick dealer. She provides a description, matching a shady figure that Nell, meet the other day.
I'll assume a diff 3, but add or subtract if needed
EDIT: Please subtract the a diff die :D
Last edited Jun 11, 2021 7:03 am


Slicing computer + int

3 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 3 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Triumph

Jun 11, 2021 3:24 pm
Guy shows up to the site and quietly joins the others. 'Evening everyone, I haven't missed anything have I?'
Jun 11, 2021 9:05 pm
Carefully entering the message meant to mislead the FSF members Nell's attempt to transmit is greeted with the response: "FATAL ERROR: POWER SURGE ON NETWORK."

It isn't more than a few seconds later that the group can hear a couple of faint "pops".

Anyone with eyes on the two security officers have clearly seen two flashes, one originating from each, right at belt level. After a moment of hand waving and pointing, during which one of the officers throws their communicator to the ground, they both start to walk down the street towards town, away from the ambush site.
Not a successful slice in that it didn't send the message, successful distraction in that both of their communicators have been disabled - can't let a good triumph go to waste.
Jun 12, 2021 5:39 am
ups - hehe well that works to.
Nell packs her gear away. The cops are out of the picture

The private channel of the day is 6871,68Mhz.

Nell looks at the area. They have to stop a transport, can they find something over to block the street, throw a net, harpune or grab the transport with a crane?
Jun 13, 2021 4:11 pm
Kip squints as he hears the sparking communicators. As the law enforcement leaves, he analyzes the situation.

"We could just have someone stand in the middle of the street to stop the transport. Then the rest of us gets the jump on them from the sides."
Jun 13, 2021 4:55 pm
'Risky, they could just decide to run me over' guy replies, assuming he would be the 'bait' in this scenario. 'Maybe we could block the road with some of the debris from the construction site?'
Jun 14, 2021 2:25 pm
Gurag just grunts at the suggestions so far "Someone in the road they'll just drive round. Same for if they see something blocking the road most likely. Trick would be to catch em by surprise, get something to fall in their way so they have to stop all sudden like. Thats when we hit em.". He starts scanning the area looking if there is any thing that could be prepped in such a manner "A crane would be good if we could get something dangling over the road and drop it at the last second. Two would be better so we could box em in but that might be asking a bit much"
Jun 14, 2021 8:28 pm
There are no cranes or any other heavy equipment in sight. You can assume that all of it has either been "borrowed" by the Empire or taken back to construction company's lot.

There is about an hour before sunrise and the arrival of the Resource Team.
Jun 14, 2021 9:59 pm
Gurag sighs heavily as he sees a lack of construction equipment. "Guess we're doing this the hard way then" he says as he starts to try and shift some of the nearby materials into place to form a rudimentary roadblock.
Just thinking to shift enough stuff into the road to cause the Resource Team to at least pause at the ambush site
Jun 15, 2021 2:25 am
Do we know what path they're going to take?
Jun 15, 2021 4:20 pm
You know the path they’ll be using to enter the city. Unlike other ambushes your contact wasn’t able to give the exact route they will take once they’ve passed the ambush site. While there is no longer any heavy equipment around, there is enough debris within the buildings to create a makeshift blockade.
Jun 15, 2021 4:24 pm
Guy follows Gurag lead and helps with the makeshift roadblock. 'You know, we could always just ask them nicely to surrender'
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