Release notes: 16th July 2021 (pending)
Please disable the Chrome and Firefox GP extension until the update has propogated, or else some functionality will be duplicated.
The most popular system on Gamers' Plane is "custom", just edging out 5e. Some of the changes here are designed to help custom games express their character; other changes help provide mechanical support to these games. The challenge is in trying to support the wide variety of different games available by giving the GM configuration options.
So whether you're kids on bikes, criminally-minded grizzly bears, ghost detectives, noble mice, or cyborg mechs, I hope this release has something for you.
Custom type
Custom games now have an additional field for the type of RPG. This is shown in place of 'Custom' in the 'Game details', 'My Games' and 'Join a game'.

Custom character sheet changes
Custom character sheets are now full width (like the other character sheets) and have some other styling improvements.
your game's logo at the top by including a style bbcode in your character sheet.

Custom character sheet dice integration
This option requires that GMs enable it in their game. This is done by setting a flag in the new 'Advanced rules definition' section of the game.
There's a new table type called 'rolls'. You can add this BBCode to the notes of other character sheet types too.
During the game, players will see their characters' names above the 'Add new roll' label, GMs will see all the PCs if they need to make a roll on their behalf.
Selecting the PC will show their available dice rolls.
Clicking on a dice roll will automatically add it to the rolls with a reason based on the row name (and when there are multiple rolls in a row, using the heading too).

Dice highlighting
Dice highlighting rules, also set in the GM's 'Advanced rules definition' section, allows GMs to determine how dice rolls are highlighted. The configuration is based on the GM's preferences for their game, not the system.
In The Expanse RPG, when 3d6 are rolled, pairs of dice represent stunt points, and one of the dice (the drama die) is special.

[ +- ] examples of dice rules
DnD 5e
{"rolled":"d20","natural":20,"highlight":"success bold underline"},
{"rolled":"d20","natural":1,"highlight":"fail bold underline"}
Vampire 5e, WoD, CoD
{"rolled":"d10","natural":10,"highlight":"bold underline"},
{"rolled":"d10","natural":1,"highlight":"bold underline"}
[ +- ] The dice rules format
rolled | is to what rolls the rule applies.
natural | is the raw number to match to apply the rule.
lastDie, paired, d100double | special rule types.
highlight | a list of the UI highlights to add to rolls matching the rule (separated with spaces for multiple): success is green, fail is red, info is blue, plus bold and underline. If a "green bold underline" is too exagerated for a GM's preference, then it's fairly simple to change that part of the config. |
Dice pool sorting
Once the 'Advanced rules definition' is enabled (even with an empy set '{}'), dice pool sorting becomes enabled.
Click on a pool of dice, and the rolls will be sorted from low to high. Click again to return them to their original order.
Editing posts
When editing posts for a player, GMs now preserve the PC who made the original post.
Previous rolls can now be seen on the edit post page, and their visibility changed. This allows a GM to roll in secret and reveal the dice as necessary.

Other changes and fixes
* | Special characters are now supported in custom character sheets.
* | Secondary GMs can approve and reject new players.
* | A fix for custom character sheets where changes weren't saved if the content was changed using only editor buttons (i.e. without ever pressing the keyboard in the textbox).
* | Images in post spoilers are no longer full width.
* | In the dark theme, linebreaks are now lighter.
* | Feats expanding and collapsing now uses simple arrows rather than text.
* | Feat text is expandable vertically in edit mode.
* | The "Spoiler:" prefix has been removed on spoilers, as they're often not used as spoilers. |
This release contains a number of changes. I ask that you are patient with me if there are bugs. I'll try and fix them as soon as possible.
Thanks to the Gamers' Plane community for their help in shaping this release and for reporting bugs.
Last edited July 16, 2021 9:29 am