Mikael Schantz

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Aug 7, 2021 7:42 am
"Eric Petterson?", Herr Andersson asks. "Yes, I can see how you would be friends." With a nod, he continues: "You're not being a dumb kid. You're in a difficult situation, having been removed from your friend group and now being put back in there. But I don't think they have moved on. You're all kids, they have no obligation to hang out with you if they don't want and yet they do. Trust me, kids your age are cruel. If they didn't like you, you would know." He smiles. "Is everything else okay? At home? Your parents aren't giving you trouble for the other school, are they?"
I think we can slowly get to an end here as well, maybe another post each to wrap it up.
Aug 7, 2021 11:13 am
"Yeah...I guess," Mikael says. It's tough convincing himself, but Herr Andersson makes solid points. "Huh?" he asks, realizing the kindly teacher had asked him another question, "Oh, it's fine I guess. No trouble really...but honestly? They don't seem to care all that much that I am here. I kinda thought they would be mad, that they would yell or threaten to take my stuff away. Instead they barely seem to care. It's just like it was before I left, like I never went away at all. Like that other school didn't even exist in their minds. My dad's all caught up with work and my mom- well, she's caught up in somebody else." He averts his eyes. "It's fine though. It's not like they're mean to me, or anything. They're just annoying."
Last edited August 7, 2021 11:14 am
Aug 7, 2021 6:30 pm
Herr Andersson looks Mikael over. He seems to notice that there is something about his family life that Mikael isn't telling him, only alluding to, but he decides not to press him. Better to just let him open up himself when he feels ready.
"Parents are always a bother," he agrees. "I was really annoyed by my parents when I was your age. And I'm sure my daughter has plenty to complain about with me." He chuckles. "Just keep your head up, Mikael. I promise, things are going to work out!"
Then he nods over to his tray of one-use coffee cups. "You should probably get home before those get completely cold. Sorry for keeping you."
Aug 7, 2021 6:45 pm
Mikael can also recover any Conditions he has, thanks to his anchor scene

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