13th Age: Legacy [Dawn of Worlds / 13th Age]

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Jun 17, 2021 7:01 pm
Do you have ideas for a world that you'd like to play in but you just can't find a setting to match? Or do you just enjoy playing God every once in a while? If so, let's have some fun.


I need players who want to craft a world together and then have adventures in it. The world will be created with a slightly modified version of the Dawn of Worlds rules. Most of the modifications are so that I can use Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator to keep up with the world map.

The world that we end up with will be the collaborative result of all our ideas. To that end, I'll be right up front and say that I can't predict what concepts will make it into the final world, but I will make sure that the game we end up with will be friendly to players of all sorts - and if somehow it is not, I'll fix it to the best of my ability.

How will this work? We'll go through the full three Ages of creation in Dawn of Worlds. After that, we'll run a quick campaign in 13th Age that will cover a tier's worth of levels (1-4, 5-7, or 8-10) and then we'll run another few rounds of Dawn of Worlds to see what changes in the world, and go again.

This is a long-term game, and so I'd like players who want to run more than just a one-shot. You'll also be able to swap out characters at the end of every campaign. If you've run a character through the lower levels, you can also save that character until we're ready to do a higher-level campaign.

I expect to be able to post three times a week, although I am on-call and this can vary. I'd like my players to be able to post that often as well.

You do NOT need previous experience in either system to join this game, and you don't really even need to learn Dawn of Worlds, as most of the work will be on my end.

If you'd like to join the game, please tell me below what type of world you'd like to make, or what you'd like to see in it. I want to be able to pick a group of people who have, not an identical view, but views that can work together. If one person is trying to make fairyland and another is trying to recreate Strahd, it's probably not going to end satisfactorily for anyone.
Jun 17, 2021 7:05 pm
I'm down for Gritty fantasy or maybe some steam punk :) I have no idea how Dawn of Worlds works but I love world creation.
Jun 17, 2021 7:16 pm
I am up for trying this.

I was a part of a similar project elsewhere a few years back, until half our creation team vanished toward the end of a second round of Ages.

My preferences are dark fantasy and steam punk.
Jun 17, 2021 7:25 pm
I am intrigued.
High or low magic fantasy.
Steampunk Victorian era

Not interested:
Current day investigative
Jun 17, 2021 8:09 pm
RageRed, can you give us an idea of what you mean by dark? I know definitions vary, and Machiabelly doesn't want to go grimdark, so I'd like to see if there's a middle ground that sounds good to both.
Jun 17, 2021 8:20 pm
Never played 13th age but love world building especially collaboratively I can try and learn a new system for that!
Jun 17, 2021 8:24 pm
Koldik, if you know D&D you know 13th Age. It's just D&D with the fiddly bits removed.
Jun 17, 2021 8:26 pm
I'm not sure what grimdark means. My idea of dark fantasy is more Legend, Labyrinth and LotRs, than Smurfs, and Steven Universe.
Jun 17, 2021 9:46 pm
RageRed says:
I'm not sure what grimdark means. My idea of dark fantasy is more Legend, Labyrinth and LotRs, than Smurfs, and Steven Universe.
I have no problem with those examples. I just don't want hard R...violence, torture...there is a lot of Game of Thrones that I wouldn't want to play. Talking tv, haven't read the books.
Jun 17, 2021 9:59 pm
Seems like we're okay there then. Four is a good number, but I'm going to wait a couple more days just in case anyone else wants to jump in. Can probably do 2 more max.
Jun 18, 2021 1:48 am
Machiabelly says:
RageRed says:
I'm not sure what grimdark means. My idea of dark fantasy is more Legend, Labyrinth and LotRs, than Smurfs, and Steven Universe.
I have no problem with those examples. I just don't want hard R...violence, torture...there is a lot of Game of Thrones that I wouldn't want to play. Talking tv, haven't read the books.
Agreed. Don't need to play out any of that.

I love anything Noir where characters though they are striving for good don't always make the best choices, another thing I enjoy is That finally desision more of an In game thing than theme but I guess it sort of is theme as well where players are subjected to that finally desision, example:
[ +- ] Spoiler: Sneak Attack
Also as this feels more world building driven than story driven so If the players fail I feel that would be OK?
Jun 18, 2021 2:35 am
I don't mind nor, I prefer being heroic but not can be enjoyable as well.
Jun 18, 2021 2:19 pm
I think I can probably manage to make you pick a side on some issues and still feel heroic. While character failure will be possible, I don't want it to loom too much over the story.

If you have to sit there and figure out which option will kill you less rather than which option seems like the most fun, I feel like I'm not really doing my job right.
Last edited June 18, 2021 2:20 pm
Jun 18, 2021 4:52 pm
I've sent out invitations to the four of you. I'm not averse to one or two more, but only if your concepts mesh with the already existing ones. Please PM me if you're interested as I won't be regularly checking this thread any longer.

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