2: The Citadel

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Jul 12, 2021 10:00 pm
Leo is just exuberant to meet Vanessa and hear about everything she has to say about the world around them and the lore behind the plight of the grippli, but that excitedness mostly displays simply as a warm smile and a very patient listener.
When Takeshi expresses his concern about trusting the dwarven fellow in their huddle, Leo nearly takes it personally. Pelk had been more than willing to answer all of Leo's questions, and he knows he asks a lot of them when he gets excited. Leo doesn't see any reason that Pelk would lie to the group, but that might just be him being a bit naïve. The thought crosses his mind briefly of the fact that the last time he blindly trusted a stranger he ended up in outer space fighting magical arcane bugs aboard a ship lightyears away from home, but he tosses that thought aside.
Leo, at the sight of the grippli, is taken aback. He so sorely wishes he could just plop down right here and write about them in his notebooks; describing how they walk and talk, drawing their likenesses and architecture in detail, ugh, it's just too much. For now though, he allows the others to speak to the Pond Mother, waiting patiently and happily to see if he has any questions as the conversation continues.
Last edited July 12, 2021 10:00 pm
Jul 13, 2021 5:34 am
Up until that view of their sharp schooner moored on the dock, Turner had considered the walls of the ship her prison she was intent on escaping. But now it might just be her salvation and it was at least in part...hers. Imagine that? By some unexpected stroke of fate, Turner now had the means to seek knowledge among the stars itself. Takeshi assigning her the former first mate's quarters increased the sense of ownership. Yes, it was a mess but it was private and most importantly contained bookshelves!
You could have knocked Paige Turner Buch over with a feather the moment their new guide introduced her larger than life persona with no less than three names! THREE NAMES! Apparently Turner wasn't the only one who had read that little book of etiquette. Recovering her wits, the wizard returned the formal introduction. Being the only female on board until now, I would be willing to share my quarters as long as you are on board if that sounds agreeable to you. You aren't allergic to birds by any chance? The wizard extends her arm while silently a small owl manuvers between the sails before alighting on the offered perch. And this is the one who keeps things interesting, Twist.
Oh, it is good to have confirmation that my instincts weren't off about Pelk if you have your own concerns, Takeshi. The wizard noticed the shadow that passed over the normally sunny face of Leo. Please, friend, don't fret as neither myself nor I believe Takeshi think Pelk is dabbling in outright deceit. No, I think he is a clever fox marginalizing the difficulty to make the trade seem fair when he is...dare I say he is getting one hell of a deal. But what can we do? He knows where he is! I do believe he will share that info if we come back bearing crab.

By the way, Khezzik, do you plan on staying in,
Turner's hand motions down the length of the halfling, this persona the entire trip? I rather hope not as I have become fond of that snaggletooth snout of yours.

Adjusting her spectacles from where they had slid down her nose, Oh and as we are thinking of precautions...we should keep the hold locked, don't you think? No extra eyes are needed to be inventorying our cargo.
Jul 13, 2021 1:36 pm
I may be inexperienced, but I also am worried we are not being told everything.
Jul 13, 2021 3:03 pm
Khezzik nods carefully at Takeshi's instruction to keep Vanessa under watch, and for the remainder of the trip he is to be found either hovering behind her, or popping out of unexpected places, narrowing his eyes to slits and then sliding silently back out of sight.

At Turner's urging, he does drop the halfling disguise though. He's never had someone say that they are fond of his appearance before, and it makes him feel very strange. He doesn't bother to hide his true nature from Vanessa,

When they are safely away from the dwarves, and out of Vanessa's hearing, he asks Takeshi, "Why not have offered the dwarves a trade of location information for dead dwarf and shiny axe? This one presumes dwarves will want them back, is good leverage. Or Takeshi has further plan for them?"
Jul 13, 2021 3:09 pm
"Very prudent recommendations, Scrivener Turner," Takeshi replied to Paige, his golden eyes displaying his approval of her line of thinking. "We indeed find ourselves with less leverage, though we perhaps hold two secrets of great value to the dwarves. We would do well to keep those artifacts secret until we understand with whom we conduct trade."
The elf watched the grippli speaker with great care, listening for their answer to the questions at hand. He wanted to understand the dynamics at work in this world, both within the frog-and-serpent struggle and the dwarven trade. He hoped the cultural differences among the Yuan-ti would demonstrate in visible markings. Departure from the classical reverence of the Serpent gods stirred a deep curiosity in the elf, as well as pause. This supposedly good sect would be an enigma to him and an abomination to their own kind.
Jul 16, 2021 5:41 am
Galdr says:
When the team disembarked, Takeshi moved alongside the guide. He bowed to the Grippli, then he spoke, "How does one know the difference between the Yuan-ti? Do the friendly dress different from the hostile?"
Galdr says:
The elf watched the grippli speaker with great care, listening for their answer to the questions at hand. He wanted to understand the dynamics at work in this world, both within the frog-and-serpent struggle and the dwarven trade. He hoped the cultural differences among the Yuan-ti would demonstrate in visible markings. Departure from the classical reverence of the Serpent gods stirred a deep curiosity in the elf, as well as pause. This supposedly good sect would be an enigma to him and an abomination to their own kind.
Takeshi learns that the Yuan-ti who are devoted to the snake mother is fond of gold on red clothing. A scarf or vest or belt. The grippli were more focused on the blades and fangs that the "bad" Yuan-ti came with.
To recap:
Pelk from the dwarven citadel asked you to solve the problem that had stopped the crap trade. In exchange he would place his finger on your map, showing your current location.

The leader of the grippli, the pond mother, told you that Yuan-ti is terrorizing the area. The bad Yuan-ti came after some good Yuan-ti was given permission to excavate an old temple at the Grippli's old village further north.

You are currently at the trade station. 5 miles to the north is the Grippli village and crab farm. Even further north is said temple.

After some further talk you end up with this impression of the area.
You are at the trade post to the south
The Grippli Village is overrun by Yuan-ti who are eating the grippli's eggs.
There are giant crabs in the crab maze. A maze of bridges that ensures relative safe passage between the crabs
The breakwater is a wall of thorns that prevents the crabs from coming into the laguna
An overland trip along the marshy coastline is a fool’s route, fraught with obstacles and perils.
They offer you a boat and a guide that can take you to the edge of the crab maze.
How do you proceed?
runekyndig sent a note to runekyndig
runekyndig sent a note to CherokeeWind
Jul 16, 2021 12:56 pm
"The artifact and ancestor may be theirs or another clans. Until we know whom we deal with, I would not reveal the lord's presence on our vessel," answered the mage to the insightful kobold.
Khezzik, apologies for missing your question!

The elf considered the paths forward. He did not want to leave their vessel unattended. However, he saw little use in dividing their small strength. He asked, "Could we transport your vessel with our guides closer to the village, yet out to sea? Then we could drop anchor and maneuver to the crab mazes."
If we can anchor our ship West of the Mazes, then I think Takeshi would feel better about the prospects of returning to space upon the end of this mission.
Jul 18, 2021 8:12 pm
You maneuver The Mobius and lands it out at sea, next to a bridge. Takeshi makes use of the sails illusions, and while your ship is not invisible, the lamps are out and the contours of the ship are broken up in the morning sea fog.


The crab maze is a collection of low-to-the-water walkways, ranging in height from just above the water to being submerged by up to 2 feet. Each main walkway is wide enough for two Medium creatures to walk side by side, while the smaller branching ones are wide enough for only a single person. Interspersed through this web of rickety wood and netting are processing platforms built around the stone columns, each large enough to hold four creatures. Under the water, in open-topped cages made of netting, lurk a great number of giant crabs that haven’t been fed recently.
As you start to make your way to shore, the water begins to froth as the giant crabs become excited.
If you have some clever stealth tricks, now is the time, otherwise the crabs will think you lunch
There is a call for a group stealth check (half of you must pass a stealth DC 20)


Takeshi Stealth+Int - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Jul 18, 2021 11:52 pm
would misty step be helpful here?


stealth - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Jul 19, 2021 1:17 am
Khezzik tries to pick his way carefully through the maze, avoiding the water as much as possible - but it's deep enough that he has to swim in some places.
Yikes, a DC 20 check is really difficult at this level, even for a character with expertise in Stealth.
Last edited July 19, 2021 1:20 am


Stealth - (1d20+10)

(7) + 10 = 17

Jul 19, 2021 1:43 am
Does anyone have a 10-ft pole(s)? I can levitate the Grippli boat and we punt along at 10ft above the Mazes
Jul 19, 2021 4:13 am
The_Librarian says:
would misty step be helpful here?
not for a group check
Jul 20, 2021 12:48 am
Tonik listens silently to everyone's ideas, but when Takeshi mentions levitating the boat and moving using a 10ft pole, he excitedly opens up his bag, franticly searching it for a few seconds before pulling a 10ft pole from it... Would this do ?


stealth - (1D20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Jul 20, 2021 12:12 pm
"Indeed, that would provide us the ability to steer."

Takeshi held his arcane grimoire and invoked in an Elvish chant. The Grippli vessel raised from where it rested, ascending to meet them at the edge of the Mobius' deck.
I believe Rune rolled Takeshi's stealth check. We can punt along with the hovering river boat.
Jul 20, 2021 2:58 pm
The first stealth check that Takeshi made was to land the ship without being noticed in the city

You have devised a clever way through the crab maze, where the giant crabs can not attack all of you but one levitation is not enough? A boat (100 lbs) + all of you is way more than 500 pounds.

1x kobolt: 25lbs
1x base gnome: 35 lbs
3x base human/halfelf 110 lbs
1x firbolg 175 lbs
total: 565 + 100 lbs from the boat
[ +- ] Levitate
Jul 20, 2021 3:24 pm
Takeshi would would split the party into a couple of sticks.

Kobold, Gnome, Human, Half Elf, and Himself for the first stick. 490lb
Himself and Firbolg for the second. 385lb
Edit: These calculations factor in the boat's weight.

Assuming he has to recast at some point in this journey, so Takeshi will be the constant on the vessel.
Last edited July 20, 2021 3:25 pm


Stealth - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jul 20, 2021 3:41 pm
Exelent! The consequences of a failed stealth roll have definitely been reduced

8 Takeshi
13 Nirion
17 Khezzik
19 Tonic
? Lopeiros
? Paige Turner Buch
? Vanessa
Jul 20, 2021 6:35 pm
Sneaky, sneaky


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Jul 21, 2021 3:42 am
If someone else can cast levitate, I could produce a 12ft rowboat and a second 10ft pole with my robe of useful items...
Jul 21, 2021 4:32 am
Vanessa understands this is a time to be quiet; they're on a stealth mission after all, and one must do their best to maintain discretion. Thrilling she says to herself, watching the others work in their area of expertise. speaking of expertise, Vanessa realizes in all this excitement she never explained her own talents. She'll whisper to any who listen as they wade through the maze: "Do not worry about me if we resort to violence, I am more then capable of holding my own."

Excellent, now they'll understand.


Stealth - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

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