Jul 5, 2021 5:45 pm
Hey there, everybody.
In a random twist of fate, I have decided to try out something (for me) completely new!
I have very little experience with 5e, having joined a few games of it on here but none that lasted very long and never having played it live before. Still, I think I get the gist of how it works from my experience with adjacent systems and I just bought the core rulebook.
I've written a short adventure to run through and am looking for around four players for it. I'd like to get a nice mix of newer and older members of GP with any level of experience with the system. I won't really be able to teach the system as my knowledge of it doesn't run very deep myself but lack of experience with the game is no issue as long as you have access to the rules.
We will be starting at level 1 but leveling up at a ridiculously fast rate and then finishing the game at level 3. That way, character creation should be easy for everyone, including new players, and we still get to see some light character advancement.
What I am looking for is a pretty generic "D&D" experience. No court intrigue, no grimdark world, just a bunch of colorful adventurers coming together, being hired for a job and then using their skills, swords and brains to overcome the challenges along the way.
This game will contain combat but it will be a minor focus. I'm more interested in character play, so...
I'm hoping to play this entire game to its finish in a reasonable time frame, rather than having it go on forever, so I am looking for people who can commit to about one post per day.
I'm not requiring it but I would prefer if every player had access to the official Gamers Plane Discord for some quick questions or clarifications at a faster pace than a forum allows.
This game is explicitly friendly to LGBTQ+ and any other minorities or marginalized groups and will make use of safety tools to ensure every player feels comfortable.
In order to apply, post either in this thread or send me a private message with a rough character concept that goes beyond just a race/class combination. What makes your character interesting? Keep in mind, though, that you're level 1 at the start of the game, so you won't be renowned dragonslayers or heroes of legends yet.
Those concepts don't have to be finished and set in stone yet and if you get accepted to the game, you'll also still be free to choose something else after all if you had a better idea by then. I'm also not expecting fully written out backstories or anything, just a sentence or three to give me and others an idea of what you have in mind.
I will keep applications open until the end of the week and then be selecting players primarily based on these character concepts, while ensuring (if the applications allow it) that I have a mix of older and newer members of this site in the party.
If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to apply.
I'm looking forward to gaming with you all, in this game or others in the future :)
Last edited July 9, 2021 3:59 pm