[PbtA] An Intro to Dungeon World One Shot

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Jul 7, 2021 12:00 am
This is an intro game for players not already familiar with Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) style games. We will be playing Dungeon World, using the Unlimited Dungeons hack and The Villager playbook. Players not already familiar with the system will get priority, but experienced players will be welcome if there are other slots available. I'm looking for 4-6 players to start, with a commitment of posting 1x to 2x a day.

Dungeon World is a game of adventure fantasy. The gamemaster (GM) will ask you questions about where your character is from, what the world is like, and what they are doing. The adventure and your destiny will emerge around the decisions you make. Your answers will shape the world and your adventure. We play to find out what happens.

You are just a humble villager now, but a dangerous world of adventure is knocking at your door, and you are about to get your first taste of it here. All you need to start is the name of your villager, and a short physical description, the rest will be written into your character sheet as we go. Your characters already have some history with one another, so we can get right into the action and find out what that history is as we play!

Playing Dungeon World means having a conversation; somebody says something, then you reply, maybe someone else chimes in. Players take turns in the natural flow of the conversation, which always has some back-and-forth. The GM says something, the players respond. The players ask questions or make statements, the GM tells them what happens next. The conversation works best when we all listen, ask questions, and build on each other’s contributions. The mechanics of the rules revolve around a specific structure called a "move", which has a specific trigger and tells you how to resolve things when chance comes into play. Unlike many games, you don't choose to "use" your abilities, you simply describe what your character is doing in the world of the game - the GM will let you know when you've triggered a move.

Like any conversation, the format will be a little different online than in person. Make sure to read all the way through other player's posts. Ask questions to clarify if you're uncertain. Don't contradict somebody's ideas if you can avoid it; say "yes" and build more on top of it. Be polite, be understanding, and be accepting, of both the world we are creating, and of your fellow players creating it alongside you.

If you are interested in applying, please reply below with a little bit about yourself, what you already know about PbtA and Dungeon World, and any questions you might have!
Last edited Jul 7, 2021 12:07 am


Jul 7, 2021 12:09 am

I have a few PbTA books sitting on my shelf, but I haven’t had the opportunity to explore it all that much. I do have the Dungeon World which I can jump into for rules etc, so that won’t be a problem!

Consider me interested!
Jul 7, 2021 12:12 am
You already got my attention. xD
Jul 7, 2021 12:26 am
As I have already said in PMs I am interested but already have some experience in Dungeon World. I'd love to join if there are spots open.
Last edited Jul 7, 2021 12:34 am
Jul 7, 2021 12:40 am
Hi, thanks for running a game. I have a little experience with Dungeon World. I was in a games Jabes ran but it was derailed by covid. I thought it was an enjoyable game and would be interested in trying it again.
I do not have any of the books, if that is an issue.
Jul 7, 2021 3:22 am
Hi, thank you for offering up the game. I would be interested in playing, but I have no experience of Dungeon World, if that is a problem?
Jul 7, 2021 4:57 am
Perhaps a strange request -- I'm not going to pitch my hat into the ring (too many irons in the fire), but I'd love to see DW in action from the outset in the PbP format. Any chance this will be a public game?
Jul 7, 2021 5:32 am
KCC69 says:

I have a few PbTA books sitting on my shelf, but I haven’t had the opportunity to explore it all that much. I do have the Dungeon World which I can jump into for rules etc, so that won’t be a problem!

Consider me interested!

FYI, this game will be run using a hack of Dungeon World called Unlimited Dungeons. I will include a link to it in the game forum. It's pretty close to the original, but you will see some changes from the printed page - just letting you know. The major ones are playbook differences, in this game everyone will be using the same playbook, The Villager, which is not part of the original DW book.
Jul 7, 2021 5:37 am
@Machiabelly & @Drakis2

Don't worry about not knowing or owning the rules, that's exactly who this game is intended for. Everything you need with be in the forum - all you need to provide at the start is your character's name and a short physical description.
Jul 7, 2021 5:38 am
Harrigan says:
Perhaps a strange request -- I'm not going to pitch my hat into the ring (too many irons in the fire), but I'd love to see DW in action from the outset in the PbP format. Any chance this will be a public game?
I've actually already had one other request to leave it public, so yes, you should be able to see it. Let me know if it's not visible for any reason.
Jul 7, 2021 5:43 am
In order for people who aren't in the game to access the forums, you'll need to post a link to them. GP doesn't have another way to access public game forums unfortunately.
Jul 7, 2021 5:54 am
bowlofspinach says:
In order for people who aren't in the game to access the forums, you'll need to post a link to them. GP doesn't have another way to access public game forums unfortunately.
Oh, thanks for the heads up!

Anybody who's interested in viewing, the forums are here: https://gamersplane.com/forums/7765/
Last edited Jul 7, 2021 5:54 am

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