Closed - D&D 5e Adventures in Middle Earth

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Jul 11, 2021 1:04 pm
This is a game that has been running for over a year but due to players dropping out I am now opening up recruitment for up to three new players.

Game System Dungeons and Dragons 5e - Adventures in Middle Earth. (AIME) This is a version of D&D 5e adapted to the Middle Earth setting with customised cultures (races), classes and feats and some additional rules.
To play you will need access to the AIME players guide - you would also need access to the 5e players guide.

Game Info We are playing the Wilderland Campaign in AIME. This is a set of linked adventures set in Wilderland region five years after the Battle of Five armies, at the end of the Hobbit book.

Currently the players already in the game have just set out on the second adventure and the new characters will start at level 2.

The flavour of the game is very much that of the Tolkien middle earth setting, there is no alignment as such as all characters are deemed to be heroic (although players can receive shadow points in stressful situations or if they do dishonourable deeds which will have consequences.

I DM mainly through theatre of the mind with the occasional map thrown in.

Player Character restrictions Player characters to be developed from the AIME players guide. Additionally it will work better if the characters cultures are from Wilderland and surrounding regions due to the geographical setting of the game.
Player characters will start at level 2

Game duration and frequency of posting The game has been ongoing for over a year and is fairly open ended. I post updates 2 or 3 three times a week and so I expect players to be able to make that type of commitment. I totally get when RL intrudes and am fairly relaxed about posting frequency - just let me know if you are going to be away for a while.
How to apply Just write a post on here giving a brief description of what type of character you would like to play. I will leave it a few days to a week depending on how much interest there is and then make my choice.

I am not over bothered with a complex back story so a paragraph about your proposed character is fine.

Character Generation Player Characters will start at 2nd level to be on the same level with the players currently in the game.
Attributes can be selected by the following methods
Roll 4d6 - remove the lowest die roll - you select the order of the attributes.
Point buy - 27points
Happy to talk new players through through this - character generation will be on the game forum once you have joined the game as a player.

Please do ask questions - either on this thread or message me
Last edited July 17, 2021 6:22 pm
Jul 11, 2021 1:57 pm
Are these books out of print? I looked online and I see them selling for over $100 each when they're even in stock.

I was interested enough to see about getting a copy, but holy crap. Maybe ebay has it a little lower.
Jul 11, 2021 3:14 pm
I thought the PDFs were available on DriveThru RPG - I got them in a humble bundle but I though they were were available in several places online.
If anyone is interested and cannot get the PDFs PM me
Jul 12, 2021 10:36 am
I'm interested. I might play a warden (bounder) of the woodmen of wilderland but that was just a thought. I can be flexible if, for example, the party already has a warden.
Jul 12, 2021 8:23 pm
Astroloma says:
I'm interested. I might play a warden (bounder) of the woodmen of wilderland but that was just a thought. I can be flexible if, for example, the party already has a warden.
There is no Warden and that sounds like a good character concept so consider yourself in, will send you an invite
Jul 16, 2021 5:54 pm
Just bumping this in case there is any more interest - I will close this recruitment advert on Sunday
Jul 17, 2021 12:59 am
I'd be interested and have the books.
Jul 17, 2021 7:52 am
Alastor - you're welcome to join - am inviting you.
Jul 17, 2021 11:59 am
I'm quite interested in trying this out, BUT I have never played either D&D 5th Ed. or AiME before. I am interested in learning though, and consider myself a fairly quick learner. I have both player's guides, but might need some guidance as we get into the game.

I'm a bit of a Middle-Earth junkie, so I've had my eye on trying a Tolkien-inspired game for some time.

If you're okay with a little hand-holding and still have a spot, let me know :)
Jul 17, 2021 6:21 pm
Hi Cinder, yes you can join, beginners welcome - you can ask questions and get help as we go along - I will send you an invite
Jul 17, 2021 6:56 pm
dankel says:
Hi Cinder, yes you can join, beginners welcome - you can ask questions and get help as we go along - I will send you an invite
Excellent, thank you for having me!

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