[closed][failed]Interest Check: Blades in the Dark

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Jul 13, 2021 5:23 pm
I have the book, and have read the whole thing (though I only skimmed the specifics of the setting near the end). I was thinking that a Spider would be fun to play, but instead of a social mastermind, I was thinking more of a Sherlock Holmes style interpretation of the abilities. So in that case, I would be fine with any amount of weirdness or social, and could be flexible.

Personally, I think that I would like to know as much about the faction turns as the characters would know. Once again, flexible in that preference. Ditto for engagement rolls.
Jul 13, 2021 6:51 pm
I also have the book. I think we need at least a little Weird and Social, otherwise you lose some of the flavor of the setting. Also, I know sitting around a table, you can get sidelined if your not part of the where the story is at the moment, but playing by post and everyone's own time differences can mitigate a lot of that.

As to the Meta level, I have no problems walking right into a trap in a module I wrote and then ended up playing rather than running. But it seems pretty straightforward to know when folks are acting on knowledge there Character doesn't have access to.

I'm thinking Lurk...
Jul 13, 2021 7:16 pm
saevikas says:
I was thinking that a Spider would be fun to play, but instead of a social mastermind, I was thinking more of a Sherlock Holmes style
Esidrix says:
I'm thinking Lurk...
It is fine and fun to 'think' but don't become attached to Character till after we start the game.
Jul 13, 2021 9:07 pm
Personally, I'd like to have some Weird as well as Social going on in the game, as it seems to fit its theme well, and it would be quite a shame to not exploit it.

On Meta matters, I have the same opinion as saevikas, I do not really need to know what my character wouldn't know. Even without meta-playing, I think it would be funnier to get the element of surprise and discover it as we play.

Finally, I do not have the book right now, but can get my hand on it if necessary.
Jul 13, 2021 9:19 pm
There will be Weird and Social, but this question was more about how much that would be our focus.
Rattila says:
... I do not have the book right now, but can get my hand on it if necessary.
We can make a plan. And the author regularly gives away free copies at https://johnharper.itch.io/blades-in-the-dark
Jul 13, 2021 9:54 pm
Ah sorry, I wasn't very clear here x). So yeah, what I truly meant was that I would like for the Weird and more especially Social aspects of the game to be an important focus point, but still have some other elements in the game.

I'll check out this site, but I've also found at least the basic rules on the official site of the game.
Otherwise, 20 bucks shouldn't be too high of a cost for me if it's necessary, especially since I could probably dm it with some friends afterward.
Jul 13, 2021 10:22 pm
Rattila says:
... I would like for the Weird and more especially Social aspects of the game to be an important focus point, but still have some other elements in the game.
Rattila says:
...I've also found at least the basic rules on the official site of the game.
Otherwise, 20 bucks shouldn't be too high of a cost for me if it's necessary, especially since I could probably dm it with some friends afterward.
The SRD does not contain the setting stuff. I will need to check again, but I believe the meaning of the Action ratings is also not spelled out there, and that would need to be addressed (easy enough to do).
We can arrange for you to borrow the book for the duration of this game. That way you can try it before you buy it.
Jul 13, 2021 10:33 pm
Another question comes to mind:

How do we feel about houserules vs playing it strictly by the book?

The only houserules I am considering is allowing players to both Push Themselves and Take a Devil's Bargain for two extra dice.

Does anyone know good reason why this should not be allowed? Not allowing it causes constant confusion in every game I have seen, and I have not had a problem with allowing both.
Jul 13, 2021 11:20 pm
Although a +2d is a very potent advantage by my understanding of the rules, allowing one to match a skilled character's action rating, I think the costs associated and the fact that a bargain has to be suggested by someone else balance it out somewhat.
Jul 13, 2021 11:35 pm
Bargains can be suggested by anyone, even the one rolling. GM has final say over if it is valid, player has final say over if it happens.

Characters can easily have 3d in the Action, +1d for Help, +1d for a setup action, then +1d for Pushing or a Devil's Bargain means you already can easily have 6d, allowing that to be 7d in the rare situations where a Bargain applies, and the player wants to spend the 2 Stress to Push does not seem like a big deal. Or at least less of a deal than the constant "No, you can't do both" rule exception.
Players can already take a Devil's Bargain and Push themselves for Effect at the same time, and they can Push for +1d and Push for Effect at the same time, it is only the combination of DB and Push for +1d that is disallowed.
All it might do is make the game a smidgen easier, but the short-term consequence of the Stress and the long-term consequence of the Bargain both make it harder again, so... swings and roundabouts?
If we allow it, we can always rescind it later if it causes problems.
Last edited Jul 13, 2021 11:37 pm
Jul 14, 2021 10:00 pm
Ok, we have enough to start.

I am going to add Rattila, saevikas, and Esidrix. Looking
forward to playing with you.

There is still space. emsquared and blue, if you are still
interested, let us know. I might be persuaded to stretch things to 5.

gnomius give us a shout when you are available and we can see if we
can fit you in.
Jul 14, 2021 10:03 pm
I hear that people can struggle to find games they are invited to. This one lives at https://gamersplane.com/games/3132
Unless there are objections, I will probably make it public once we get going.
Jul 15, 2021 1:16 am
I'm interested. It seems like you already have a lot of interest, but if there is still room, or if someone drops early, I would like to join. I've been trying to find people to play blades in the dark for a while but haven't found other interested people.
Jul 15, 2021 8:15 am
The SRD does not contain the setting stuff. I will need to check again, but I believe the meaning of the Action ratings is also not spelled out there, and that would need to be addressed (easy enough to do).
We can arrange for you to borrow the book for the duration of this game. That way you can try it before you buy it.
That would be very appreciated, thanks !
Jul 26, 2021 3:19 am
We are still looking for one or two more players for this game. If you are interested, answer the questions above or tell us a bit about what sort of game you are looking for so we can see if you fit.

So far we have been becoming familiar with the rules. We have not started Character or Crew creation yet, so you have not missed out.

The pace will pick up now that we have read the book. But don't worry if you need to start from scratch, you can learn as we play and we will be patient.

See what little we have so far at https://gamersplane.com/forums/7801/
Jul 26, 2021 11:32 am
gnomius give us a shout when you are available and we can see if we can fit you in.
Hey, so it seems I may have arrived in time after all!

If you still have a spot available, it would be my pleasure to join. Regarding the questions above:

- I would definitely like to see some Weird and Social interactions within the crew for sure.
- I am both OK with meta information being available to the player, or hiding it completely. I can play both ways.
- I don't have enough experience with Blades to judge if your proposed "house rule" would break the system or not, although it seems fine with me. I would say to go ahead, and we can always drop it if needed.

Thanks for your time!
Jul 26, 2021 12:11 pm
gnomius says:
Hey, so it seems I may have arrived in time after all!
We had some delays, and by the time they reached Wednesday last, I figured we might as well wait till your 26th stipulation. :)

Still happy to take one more, but we will be starting now, so time is running out.

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