The crowds from the early morning rush are starting to thin out as you make your way to the residence of
Mirach Mucecud in the northern part of town. Approaching the location, one of the many relatively mundane looking multi-story apartment buildings in the area, you notice an
FSF officer walking from the entrance of the building in your direction.
The dark skinned human female, with a clearly labeled ID tag which reads
Sgt. M. Mucecud, nods and greets you as she walks past.
Good morning, gentlemen."
The pink dust does not sound familiar.
Sensor mesh is a tightly woven fabric made from material which blocks electromagnetic fields (like a farady cage). It's lightweight, easy to install, and hard to detect. While it does have some legitimate uses, it is also a big tool for criminals, which is why sales of the product are supposed to be registered with authorities.