Bernard arrives in Wati

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Jul 18, 2021 2:13 am
"I thought you a monk, a Disciplined fighter, someone who is in complete control of his mind and body. Yet you act like a savage barbarian, you go into a fit when asked a question, and almost killed this man with your bare hands...yet you tell me to put MY weapon away?"

Gethean shakes his head and points to the door.

"You need to go for a walk, and find accommodations elsewhere this night. I won't say it again! If you can't control yourself in an Inn, how can you expect us to trust you or to rely on you after the way you have acted from the moment you walked in that door? That very door that you will either walk out now, with your own free will, or be dragged out!"
Last edited Jul 18, 2021 3:20 am
Jul 18, 2021 2:18 am
oh I forgot you are only level one, so is the man in the dress with a d8 die for HP lol.
Monks are lawful, or they are not monks anymore.
Barbarians...chaotic, as you have been RPing from the beginning.
Jul 18, 2021 2:21 am
Grease does cause a visible effect. If you were not willing for the enlarge you could have resisted.Even if not you only got bigger, not pain. And in the end you also need to understand how others also react in game and intentions. Reading it, he actually said what he was doing.
Regardless Herc could easily have just demanded what was done to him and it been undone rather than full out attack, or acted in confusion. Or even just one blow. And similarly if you think he acted in character all the others currenttly are as well seeing an attempted murder.
Jul 18, 2021 2:24 am
GeneCortess says:
Rizzoxiii. Knowing what he casted is using information outside the game. It is very easy to make that mistake. Grease is really invisible as the spell doesn't say there is any change other than slippery. Only Herc realized it something was off. Everyone else unless your making Arcane checks even knows what has happened.

And I'm sorry but not everyone has been around spell casters and know what is going on. Herc is only level 1 with no EXP. And yes he is raised in a monastery, but that doesn't make him some peace loving person. That would be assuming all monks and monastery's are alike and that is very large jump. Herc is only sure that that old man casted on him and who it to say it isn't so magical curse or what have you.
That last line is perfect barbarian RP, a monk on the other hand is an educated self disciplined, pure of mind and body fighter as a last resort, a wise soul. A monk would have praised the old man's skill and discipline.
Last edited Jul 18, 2021 2:25 am
Jul 18, 2021 3:02 am
Bernard literally told Herc what he was doing as he did it. This is not information outside of the game - it is very plainly stated in the RP. Now if you want to say Herc didn’t trust him or whatever else, fine, but that is your choice as a player to have your character react that way.

Thus far, you have basically had Herc shut down damn near any attempt at RP, ignored a bunch of what has been said, and interpreted Bernard’s words and actions in the worst way possible at every opportunity, in a thread that was intended to allow characters to express their personalities and deliver some back story in character.

You could easily have responded to a harmless prank by making some in character statement delivering threats or explaining how your character perceived the situation, or hell, if you really decided violence was the appropriate response, gone with a more subdued response - hell knocking him out in one punch would have even been cooler and a better demonstration of Herc’s capabilities. Or simply gone "Ah I see you do have some use old man, try it again and I’ll break your fool neck"

Note the interplay between Khadi and Bernard - both characters have made changes in tack to find a middle ground that still shows off conflict between them, but also moves towards common ground in a way that demonstrates how each character works.

Your characters actions are your choice as a player, not some independent entity. At this point you’re close on veering into rpghorrorstories meme territory.
Last edited Jul 18, 2021 3:09 am
Jul 18, 2021 3:19 am
To me it was textbook barbarian from the get go. Other than that, I thought the RP between the rest of us was coming along just fine. Common ground was being found. That totally threw me for a loop.
Jul 18, 2021 3:34 am
chunky04 says:
At this point, Bernard has a quick look around the room, spies a table with only three seats around it, occupies the table, and calls out "Very well, one at a time please."

Bernard will interview each in turn, asking them all the same questions:

1) Why do you wish to enter the lottery, and what do you hope to gain?

2) What skills would you bring to the party?

3) What would be your weaknesses that should be covered by another member of the party?

4) Is there anything sufficiently anathema to you that you could not abide it in your companions?

5) What is something I should know of Osiriani culture and customs lest it come to cause me harm, be it physically, spiritually, mentally or reputationally?
Iseret watches the exchange between the man and the half-orc without comment. When the dust has settled, she approaches the table with an air of confidence.

"My name is Iseret and I will answer your questions, good sir, not because I am obligated to, but because I choose to do so. To be perfectly frank, I wish to enter the lottery because my personal funds are alarmingly low. It is my hope that returning artifacts to the people of Osirion might bring financial recompense for our time and effort.

"The skills that I bring include a working knowledge of the construction and design of the necropolis, as well as its history, a thorough knowledge of all things mechanical in nature, and if I do say so myself, considerable skill in tumbling and stealth.

"My weakness is a lack of physical might. While I can fight, it is not my forte.

"Disrespect for the deceased I will not tolerate. There is a fine line between archaeology and grave-robbing. I endeavor not to cross it.

"Finally, you should be aware that undead are abominations that we must occasionally deal with. They can be dangerous for the unprepared."
Jul 18, 2021 4:04 am
Under Khadi’s ministrations, Bernard is eventually able to stand back up.

"Thank you for your assistance Khadi, I fear I may not have survived without your intervention. Considering we had been having a little back and forth, I think perhaps you of all us have shown your true colours today. I would more than willing to place my life in your capable hands, and indeed I just have."

He gives her a stiff bow, then moves over and plops back down into the chair he occupied previously, but some of the pompousness has clearly been knocked away from him.

He nods at Iseret when she approaches, grateful that she has seen fit to acknowledge his intentions. He talks lowly in response to Iseret’s answers.

"An honest living is no terrible thing I should think."

"Ah, it seems we share some common interests then. I look forward to some stimulating conversations in regards engineering and history.

He smirks dryly "Well, you’ve just witnessed my phenomenal physical prowess. I certainly know not to value someone only on the size of their musculature.

"This seems to be a fairly common sentiment amongst us. We should endeavour to talk about such things to clarify them when they occur.

"Yes, and unfortunately my education in the area of religion, which is where I understand the majority of scholarly discourse on such creatures come from, is not as extensive as other areas, though I do hope to learn from you all in this regard, and I also have books on their way here to help rectify this problem."
Jul 18, 2021 4:44 am
Khadi remains cautious until the half-orc is gone. Then the adrenaline fades and the shock kicks in and she slumps down on the floor letting out a deep breath trying not to shake. She had practiced her healing one those at the temple before, and she had trained fo ages on how to combat undead but this was the first time she had ever seen a real fight, had to actually save someone. That was unexpected.

As Bernard stands and speaks she manages to gather herself enough to smile. 'So you are saying you owe me a drink or two yes?' She gives a small laugh as she pulls herself up, trying to refocus on humour and her usual upbeat self. If she wanted to prove herself she couldn't take a breather after every zombie. 'I will not let another day over a poor prank, even if we have differences. I may have already had one go through life but the rest of you have not, it would be a shame to see anyone be extinguished before their time is up.

She starts to move around the tables, checking everyone is okay and sharing a few words with those she knows, making sure everyone is beginning to calm down from the incident, before she reaches Gethean

She looks to the elf. ' Thank you, for stepping in. I am not one for physical combat. It seems that is a flaw for a few of us. You and Esmae over there though, you look like you could take a hit or to. I apologise I think I ran off earlier before I got your name.

Bernard seemed to have started talking with the halfling as she did her rounds and she catches the last parts of the conversation as she walks to grab a seat. 'I am glad all of us seem conscious of paying the necropolis the right respects. It is one worry of my mind. Also I hear you about undead. Do not worry, that is were I come in, alongside the healing.

' I like to think I am very knowledgeable on both the undead and the various deities of this land and others. I know my ghasts from ghouls, and Horus from Ra. I would be thrilled if people would allow me to teach them more of the old gods of this country
Jul 20, 2021 2:13 pm
chunky04 says:
Bernard walks up to the bar, sees a small sign showing the rooms available, and speaking in very clear but accented Osirian "Hello sir, I would like to rent your suite." Upon the man’s murmur of agreement, Bernard says "Splendid. Some of these others may also end up utilising the rooms, though which of them yet remains to be determined. I shall also arrange for a delivery of books some time in the next couple of days."

He hands over some gold.
Assuming he basically rents the room for as long as required prior to the adventure starting, at which point his reserves of gold will have magically dwindled down to his starting gold.
At this point, Bernard has a quick look around the room, spies a table with only three seats around it, occupies the table, and calls out "Very well, one at a time please."

Bernard will interview each in turn, asking them all the same questions:

1) Why do you wish to enter the lottery, and what do you hope to gain?

2) What skills would you bring to the party?

3) What would be your weaknesses that should be covered by another member of the party?

4) Is there anything sufficiently anathema to you that you could not abide it in your companions?

5) What is something I should know of Osiriani culture and customs lest it come to cause me harm, be it physically, spiritually, mentally or reputationally?
I'm assuming that all the fuss is over and we're talking and introducing ourselves as planned.
Jaware is a little aghast with the whole thing. He takes a while to recompose, but when he notices that people are introducing themselves, he takes the hint.

As I said earlier, I’m Jaware, archer and magic user. I seek fortune and glory in Wati. As of weaknesses I must admit I don’t have a clue about the intrinsic engineering behind the traps that are so commonly found in the Tombs of the Wati necropolis. I’m also not a healer and I could have practiced fencing more, but I can handle a sword if needed.

I really don’t have any problem with people’s ideologies and religions, but I was born a free man and I really value my freedom.

As for taboos and culture of the Osiriani, you must know that nothing is more important in Osirion than family and clan, at least among higher ranks of the Osiriani society. Actually, the two words are used as synonyms. Osiriani society will judged you by your family and status. I must warn also that Khemed III has a personal preference for freed slaves that is not really appreciate by most born-free man of Osirion. In fact, his Highness new laws, limiting the rights of slave owners, has made him not very popular among the richest people of Osirion. It is a very controversial topic and if want to pick a fight with someone it is good subject to discuss.

As for local customs, I’m not from Wati. I'm from the capital, Sothis. I know that many people here don’t agree with the opening and exploration of the ancients tombs, specially by foreigners.
Last edited Jul 20, 2021 8:23 pm
Jul 21, 2021 1:15 am
While Jaware talks, Bernard will interject on occasion.

"Ah, an Archer and a magic user? Sounds like a Magus, which might mean we may share spells out of our books between us, yes?

"Yes, I have read about this - Slavery has been made illegal where I am from in Absalom, but it may be best to avoid the topic in the prescience of strangers. Thank you.

"I must admit, this reluctance regarding the opening of the Necropolis is what motivated me to ask some of these questions - as a foreigner, I am already likely to be viewed with suspicion, so learning what to avoid to not further inflame the situation is most helpful. As we saw with Herc, I find I have a natural talent for irritation I find hard to suppress at times."
Jul 21, 2021 10:30 am
'The necropolis is a big part of our history. To think of others seeing it as little more than a source of money does not sit well with many of us. I admit I am slightly more biased towards foreigners.. our customs of burial I understand are not common over in other lands, so les reason for those from said lands to respect them. Still it does seem that you Bernard at least care for the history around it. I am not sure others do.'

'Other things to be wary of... Many in Osirian are still wary of Qadira, and the Kelesh Empire. Our freedom is still new. It was Khemet I who overthrew their millennia long rule. In that time they tried to wipe out our gods and some of our customs. Including vastly pushing their own, especially the worship of Sarenrae.' She looks up to Esmae. 'Though I understand the Dawnflower is another aspect of the sun, and the clerics I meet on their dawnwalks as I do my own prayers are pleasant, I just wish that Horus, Ra and Khepri aren't forgotten. Others may be more...anti- kelesh about the whole thing though. So I just suggest no-one looks down on those who say they worship a god you have never heard of. Though again I am willing to share what I know of you all.'
Jul 21, 2021 2:20 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
'The necropolis is a big part of our history. To think of others seeing it as little more than a source of money does not sit well with many of us. I admit I am slightly more biased towards foreigners.. our customs of burial I understand are not common over in other lands, so les reason for those from said lands to respect them. Still it does seem that you Bernard at least care for the history around it. I am not sure others do.'

'Other things to be wary of... Many in Osirian are still wary of Qadira, and the Kelesh Empire. Our freedom is still new. It was Khemet I who overthrew their millennia long rule. In that time they tried to wipe out our gods and some of our customs. Including vastly pushing their own, especially the worship of Sarenrae.' She looks up to Esmae. 'Though I understand the Dawnflower is another aspect of the sun, and the clerics I meet on their dawnwalks as I do my own prayers are pleasant, I just wish that Horus, Ra and Khepri aren't forgotten. Others may be more...anti- kelesh about the whole thing though. So I just suggest no-one looks down on those who say they worship a god you have never heard of. Though again I am willing to share what I know of you all.'
Another way of viewing it is that, if it wasn't for the most militant members of the Dawnflower church, Osirion would never become a independent sultanate. And we probably wouldn’t have the power to defeat the might of the Empire of Kelesh. One thing is winning a civil war at home front, a complete different thing is defeating one of most powerful empires in the word. Sometimes bad things bring good results.
Last edited Jul 21, 2021 2:20 pm
Jul 21, 2021 3:48 pm
The duskwalker holds up her hands. 'Nothing against Sarenrae from me my friend. I admit history is not something I study, but I know the cult of the Dawnflower did help at least sow the path for Khemet I to overthrow the Keleshite Sultans, though as we have already mentioned slavery that specific cult is not one to ask about the matter. I just wish for all religions to be understood. Well all the ones who wish to aid people. You will not find me speaking good of say Urgathoa or Set. '
Last edited Jul 21, 2021 4:00 pm
Jul 25, 2021 1:12 am
Bernard cannot resist a discussion on history.

"Yes, the Cult of the Dawnflower's roles as both villain and saviour within Osiriani history is quite fascinating. You might even say that their controversial role is what has brought us all here, since the need for economic stability whilst this relatively new yet old nation looks to settle on its cultural identity in the modern era."
Last edited Jul 25, 2021 1:15 am


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